I strongly disagree. How can they preach the same sermon and those who believe Paul are added to the body and those who believe Peter are not?
They didn't preach the same sermon!
I suggest your question is speculative in nature.
Saying it doesn't make it so.
The fact is that Jesus already had Twelve apostles, all twelve of whom received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost (A JEWISH FEAST DAY) and He had instructed them to go into all the world preaching all the things He had taught them (i.e. repent and obey the Law). THEY DID NOT DO THAT! Instead, they agreed with Paul, who was not even known by the Twelve nor was he in any way affiliated with nor even associated with the ministry of Jesus or the Twelve. Indeed he was actively engaged in persecuting the faith prior to his supernatural conversion on the road to Damascus. Paul was then given what he repeatedly calls "his gospel" not by men nor through man but by direct divine revelation. A gospel which he was required to go, again by revelation, and explain to the Twelve! When that meeting was over, the Gentile that was with Paul was not compelled to be circumcised and the Twelve agreed with Paul that they would stick around and minister in Israel while Paul went to the whole world teaching things that the Apostle John said some of which was "hard to understand".
These are all facts and there are many more (like the fact that the Twelve required, on penalty of God Himself executing you on the spot, that their converts sell everything they owned and live in a commune). It isn't my opinion, it isn't speculative, it's all clearly recorded in black and white in every bible that has ever been printed and none of it - none of it - makes a dime's worth of sense from within your doctrinal paradigm. All of it is usually ignored and when it is looked at, it gets explained away as meaning little or nothing of any significance. The facts of the events are acknowledged but why they happened and what they mean isn't even questioned never mind explained.
I’ve been a Christian for 40 years and have never questioned that there was not one gospel. None of what you pose as problems are a problem believing in one gospel.
Of course they are but I understand what you mean.
The verses that talk about the things I point out are invisible to you. Until I or some other Mid-Acts Dispensationalist pointed these facts out to you, you barely knew that they happened and you never thought of them in the context of the gospel or in relation to Paul's arrival on the scene or his distinct ministry. Everyone one you've ever head speak, did so in terms of all of it being the same and so that's what you see.
But that doesn't mean you can answer my question. You likely won't even make the attempt. If you do, you'll be forced to do one of two things. You'll either have to turn passages on their heads, making them say something other than what the plain text would seem to indicate, or you'll have to drop your multi-decades long history of belief in your particular theological paradigm. God Himself will need to get involved for the later to occur. There's not one person in a million who would even be capable of dropping a lifetime's worth of doctrine by their own strength, never mind willing to do it. Any Christian over the age of thirty-five who isn't already a Mid-Acts Dispensationalist probably never will be this side of Heaven's gates.
Why would we not compare the “two” gospels to determine if they are in fact different? Peter and Paul are just messengers.
The two gospels are similar, as your verses clearly indicate. But things that are similar are not the same. "Similar" and "same" are not synonyms. Both gospels are based on Jesus and what He accomplish at Calvary. But no one before (other than) Paul taught a syllable about righteousness apart from works. No one but Paul taught about righteousness apart from the Law. No one since Abraham ever suggested that circumcision was PROHIBITED except the Apostle Paul. If there was no Paul and all you had was the gospels and Hebrews through Revelation, you would be circumcised on the eighth day of you life, you would observe the Sabbaths including every Saturday and all the Feasts, etc, etc. You would practice your Christianity pretty much exactly the way many Messianic Jews do. The book of Acts is the ONLY reason you don't reject Paul as a heretic, as many modern Messianic Jews do. That's how different his message is from that of every other Biblical author.
In fact, a very great many of the doctrinal disputes that exist in the church today hinge on - you guest it - the Apostle Paul.
Can you lose your salvation?: "No" is Pauline, "Yes" is the whole rest of the Bible.
Are works required for salvation?: "No" is Pauline, "Yes" is the whole rest of the Bible.
Will the Rapture occur before the Tribulation?: "Yes" is Pauline, "No" is the whole rest of the Bible.
Should Christian be circumcised?: "No" is Pauline, "Yes" is the whole rest of the Bible.
Should Christian avoid "unclean" foods?: "No" is Pauline, "Yes" is the whole rest of the Bible.
Is water baptism require for salvation?: "No" is Pauline, "Yes" is the whole rest of the Bible.
Should Christians observe the Sabbath?: "No" is Pauline, "Yes" is the whole rest of the Bible.
Etc, etc, etc.
The fact that Paul's message is different than everyone else's in the bible couldn't be clearer and yet you cannot see it.
Resting in Him,