Well-known member
ie God did not do the 6 days through evolution but there may have been some way before that.
To be fair, you haven't said one thing that is accessible to science.You need to learn how to reconcile faith with fact. It can easily be done, but you have to actually understand the science
Nope.What you're doing Stripe is assuming that there is something evil about time before day 1 of creating/forming the earth.
But we can't. If you've been reading the material here on 'formless and void', on other ancient near east cosmology, on 2 Pet 3, you'll know that there is a lot suggested going on before the forming of earth/our solar system.
ie God did not do the 6 days through evolution but there may have been some way before that.
To be fair, you haven't said one thing that is accessible to science.
However, you are making things up and calling them scripture.
I notice you completely ignored my question; along with those from others.
Really? I thought some of the major questions are:
what happened to the dinosaurs?
why is the animal world as we know it now relatively domesticated?
why do we get huge time readings geologically and astrophysically?
To be fair, you haven't said one thing that is accessible to science.
Would you like to actually engage in a scientific debate without being childish and producing mindless drivel? If so, I'd love to rehash some old points that you have refused to address competently for about 6 months now. If you're ready to quit being TOL's pet troll and take a seat at the big kids' table, please do
Interplanner said:And you don't accept what 2 Pet 3 is saying. Why is that? Why would you have it better (reading English translations) than Peter did? He pit 'ekpalai' vs 'sunestosa' for a reason.
Oh?Interplanner said:6days said:2 Peter 3:5 "But they deliberately forget that long ago (Ekpali) by God’s word)" *the heavens came into being and the earth was formed out of water and by water."
Compare... same word.
2 Peter 2:3 "In their greed they will make up clever lies to get hold of your money. But God condemned them long ago(Ekpali), and their destruction will not be delayed."
Interplanner...You are following teachings of a false disciple, Hugh Ross. He distorts, twists and compromises on God's Word. He does not use proper hermeneutics / exegetical interpretation of Scripture. Instead he starts with the idea that the earth is old, and then he tries to insert that idea into Scripture. ... For example there is absolutely nothing in 2 Peter 3:5 that suggests the earth is older than when God created in the first chapter of Genesis.
If we use an exegetical approach (scripture to help interpret scripture) to that verse.... we can find the same Greek words for 'long ago' in 2 Peter 2:3. It became clear the word is not referring to some time preceding creation. The verse is talking about false prophets. (Hmmmmmmm. ...)
Also... let's look at the Greek word you are hanging your hat on...Ekpali. The prefix of the word 'ek' means "out of" or "from". And, 'pali' means "old". How old is old ('pali') in scripture? You can find the word 6 times in the NT, and it's usually associated with human activity....never once, a time before Genesis 1.
It has to do with a distant period, relatively. If the subject in the distant period is the heavens, not a false prophet, then its way back, got it?
Why would you get banned? It good to discuss such things...but how is it related to the topic? You might want to start a new thread about Darwin? ( I would argue that he had a poor grasp of theology... never confessed Christ as his savior... and became more of a racist as he aged). ...Here's some history to counteract the fables....
I hope it's not too disruptive. I would not be surprised if I get banned again by anyone insecure in their Christianity
Here's some history to counteract the fables....
I hope it's not too disruptive. I would not be surprised if I get banned again by anyone insecure in their Christianity.
It is truly sad that an exclusive focus on Jesus and a moral Christian life is so disruptive and alarming for TheologyOnline.
Shame on TOL for banning voices they don't agree with! The mark of any tyranny is the inability to deal with diversity. It is only the dictatorial, authoritarian who look at any challenge to their autocratic rules as dangerous and in need of annihilation.
The victimization, the anger covering up shame and the immaturity of most folks on this website is truly astonishing to me.
Nevertheless, I will continue to stress the authentic parabolic teachings of Jesus as well as connecting myself and the world to the great moral epic of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament.
Why would you get banned? It good to discuss such things...but how is it related to the topic? You might want to start a new thread about Darwin? ( I would argue that he had a poor grasp of theology... never confessed Christ as his savior... and became more of a racist as he aged). ...There now both of us are off topic.