How do you defend yourself against people who will blow themselves up to kill you?


New member
Have you ever been in the middle east ? I have been there 6 times 3 times to Iraq and 3 times to Afghanistan. Their cultures coupled with Islam make them tribal and dangerous, and you sticking your head in the sand will be no comfort to the families of their murdered loved ones.


Is Israel in the "middle east"?


New member
I should care what you think ?

When have we ever discussed what I think? :idunno:

My almost 6 years in the Middle East was an eye opening experience, which you have zero clue of Muslim tribalism and barbaric culture.
I have zero clue because I have not been to Iraq or Afghanistan or because you say so?

Someone who lives in the region as a Muslim ?

chair is Jewish and lives is Israel. You said the following to him:
dodge said:
"Have you ever been in the middle east ? I have been there 6 times 3 times to Iraq and 3 times to Afghanistan. Their cultures coupled with Islam make them tribal and dangerous, and you sticking your head in the sand will be no comfort to the families of their murdered loved ones."

You asked someone who lives in the middle east if they've ever been to the middle east as if that was going to make your assertions more persuasive. Do you understand your blunder now?

From what I have seen posted here the majority has their head stuck in the sand hoping NOT me, but it is coming if folks do not wake up. You might want to actually study the history of Muslims. It is the same every where they migrate every time. They play the victim role, carve out their little enclaves, change the laws , and if not stopped take over and subjugate their host country EVERY TIME.

You never served next to an American Muslim in the United States military?


Well-known member
It seems a little explanation of my stance on these subjects is in order. It is a bit complex, and I don't think labeling me as "liberal" or my thinking as "wishful thinking" works.

I live in Israel. We have been dealing with Islamic terror here for many years. Buses blown up, missiles from Lebanon, rockets from Gaza, stabbings- you name it. I've been to the funerals and made condolence calls. Nearly blown up myself. I've been in the army here. I have two sons who do reserve duty.

When there is war in Gaza or Lebanon, I don't have any qualms. I know that civilians will get killed. That is the unfortunate nature of war, and if those "militants" (as the press likes to call them) want hell- they'll get it. And I am very aware that my family and home are at risk.

When some Arab decides to stab people, and gets shot dead by a policeman or soldier, I do not shed any tears.

But there is another side to the story. And the other side is that around 20% of the country is Arab- mostly Muslim. And the vast majority of them are not terrorists. I live in a city known for peaceful coexistence, and the fact remains that it is possible to have decent relations with your Muslim neighbor, even if other Muslims are terrorists or having a fun war where they kill each other by the hundreds of thousands.

The only thing that can work is a carrot and stick approach. Tough on terrorists, and encourage peaceful Muslims to fit into society. You need both.

When I see Muslim nurses in the hospital (you can tell by the Hijab), I feel good. I am glad to see Muslim families on the beach or in the shopping mall, or to meet them at weddings or my accountant's office. I have no problem hiring a Muslim (I had an Alawi PhD scientist working for me a few years ago. If you don't know what an "Alawi" is- time to get educated).

Lumping all Muslims into the same category is classic bigotry, but worse than that- it is simply stupid. The only real chance to win is by encouraging the moderates while at the same time attacking the extremists. It isn't easy, and will take a long time. But that is where we are.

Those who have served in the US military in Afghanistan, Iraq or wherever: You have likely spent much more time in uniform than I have. I respect that. But your view of the Middle East is narrow. You have seen it only as a soldier in combat.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Town is a world traveler

town's honesty is often suspect

His opinion about Muslims ....

.... is his opinion, based on his experiences, which are different from your experiences and different from chair's experiences

I'm smarter than Town

i've flushed things smarter than town

The only double standard is are the vast amount of murders and rapes committed by Muslims in every country they migrate to also including their own sand boxes and the idiots that make excuses and look the other way as they commit their crimes against humanity.

It isn't rocket science.

3000 murdered by Muslims on 9/11

Boston Marathon bombers were Muslim brothers.

50 there

30 there

15 there

25 over there.

Muslim shoots up homosexual bar.

An Army Major kills 13 on an Army post, and yes he was a Muslim.

workers throw a baby shower for a Muslim couple and at a Christmas party the Muslim couple shows up and kills their co-workers.

and on and on.

Flip a homosexual off a building.

Throw acid in little girls faces for going to school.

Sodomize little boys.

Molest little girls.

Kill daughters and call it HONOR killing.

Tax or murder any one that will not convert to Islam.

Strap bombs on young children.

Train your kinder garden child how to kill.

Treat your women like cattle.

Force everyone under their satanic control to submit to Sharia law.

YOU in your stupidity might believe and coddle those who want to kill and oppress you;however, folks that are not brain dead progressives see what is actually happening UN-like those who have NO common sense.

Islam is as much a religion of peace as crocodiles are vegetarians.


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
town's honesty is often suspect
Only to the usually suspicious, by which I mean those with comprehension issues.

.... is his opinion, based on his experiences, which are different from your experiences and different from chair's experiences
I'm not basing my opinion of the reality of Islam on my experiences with it. It's not how you establish the rule or a real understanding.

i've flushed things smarter than town
So you'll never try to drown yourself then...that's some comfort. :)


For anyone not paying attention, this is how the entire exchange began. Dodge was asking chair. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't chair live in the middle east?

If so, I guess he's much more an authority than dodge, correct? :think:

I mean, dodge only spent 6 years in the middle east so he should defer to chair on these matters, if that is truly the measure. Or, are double standards about to apply as per usual?

Wizard of gay

Sent from my iPhone using TOL

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I'm actually noting what's objectively apparent and rationally consistent, as with my response to Yor. Fact isn't exclusive to a particular political philosophy and the fact remains indisputable that most of those opposing, fighting and dying in the struggle against ISIS are Muslim. That radical Islam is in the minority and contrary to Islam's orthodoxy isn't an opinion, it's a self-evident reflection of the facts.

Now show everyone why you really follow me about the joint. Go to, sod. Let's see you.
...leftist ilk...pollyannaish...retarded...grow up...retard :)
That'll do.


New member
It seems a little explanation of my stance on these subjects is in order. It is a bit complex, and I don't think labeling me as "liberal" or my thinking as "wishful thinking" works.

I live in Israel. We have been dealing with Islamic terror here for many years. Buses blown up, missiles from Lebanon, rockets from Gaza, stabbings- you name it. I've been to the funerals and made condolence calls. Nearly blown up myself. I've been in the army here. I have two sons who do reserve duty.

When there is war in Gaza or Lebanon, I don't have any qualms. I know that civilians will get killed. That is the unfortunate nature of war, and if those "militants" (as the press likes to call them) want hell- they'll get it. And I am very aware that my family and home are at risk.

When some Arab decides to stab people, and gets shot dead by a policeman or soldier, I do not shed any tears.

But there is another side to the story. And the other side is that around 20% of the country is Arab- mostly Muslim. And the vast majority of them are not terrorists. I live in a city known for peaceful coexistence, and the fact remains that it is possible to have decent relations with your Muslim neighbor, even if other Muslims are terrorists or having a fun war where they kill each other by the hundreds of thousands.

The only thing that can work is a carrot and stick approach. Tough on terrorists, and encourage peaceful Muslims to fit into society. You need both.

When I see Muslim nurses in the hospital (you can tell by the Hijab), I feel good. I am glad to see Muslim families on the beach or in the shopping mall, or to meet them at weddings or my accountant's office. I have no problem hiring a Muslim (I had an Alawi PhD scientist working for me a few years ago. If you don't know what an "Alawi" is- time to get educated).

Lumping all Muslims into the same category is classic bigotry, but worse than that- it is simply stupid. The only real chance to win is by encouraging the moderates while at the same time attacking the extremists. It isn't easy, and will take a long time. But that is where we are.

Those who have served in the US military in Afghanistan, Iraq or wherever: You have likely spent much more time in uniform than I have. I respect that. But your view of the Middle East is narrow. You have seen it only as a soldier in combat.

Re-read Chair's post ! Do you want the same kind of terror attacks that are on going in Israel in the U.S. ?

The best way to not have to fight for your survival on a regular basis is KEEP THE MUSLIMS OUT of the U.S.


New member
You have no idea...that's it, really. It's more astonishing than night baseball would have been to Doubleday.

I'm actually grateful for the education and freedom the advantages of my birth brought. But it wasn't generated by oppressing anyone. No idea where that peculiar idea comes into your head from, probably pulled it right out of an assumption. That I don't pretend to protect a mythical notion of the South you disparage for less reason than your amusement, that I don't condone wrapping bigoted generalizations that can't be sustained rationally in the flag or the uniforms that serve my country aren't evidence of guilt. But then, your struggle to understand inference has already been noted, so I'd cut you some slack on the point if I wasn't sure you'd only hang yourself with it.
Your education crippled you. It certainly was not something to be grateful for.


New member
You should be. No one is discrediting that service.

When you make claims and stand on your time there as an authority, that's exactly what you do.

Muslims have died in the same uniform you wore, serving this nation. Do you think you pay that proper respect when you use words like mudslimes and generalize about their faith the way you have?

And, again, you're wrong. I have been to the Middle East and I have spent time there. I spent my first time abroad as a young man, on my own, along the northern coast of Africa, starting off in Morocco and from there through Egypt and into Jordan. I've been a few times, though not in quite a while now. None of that has anything to do with a real understanding of Islam though. Most of Islam isn't found in the Middle East. And what is has its own peculiarities, from the Saudis to the Turks.

If you were as interested in really seeing what you so easily dismiss, you'd see what I told Yor, that most of the people dying and being killed by radical Islam are Muslims. Most of those dying to fight it are Muslims too.

There's a lot to disagree with in the expression of much of orthodox Islam. But painting it as a murdering gathering of moon worshipers isn't the way to go about it.

No, the problem is that some of them do and most of them don't, but it's hard to tell who is who and that leads to a paranoia that can confuse the exceptional with the rule.
Most terrorism is done at the hands of Muslims. If you want to make acts of terrorism rare, you must concentrate your efforts on the demographic that is responsible for the vast majority of it.....indoctrinated, unassimilated, male, Muslims who are second generation immigrants.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Then God help millions of us who also outnumber people like you.
No, I'm unconvinced that most people are fearful and under-thought, ruled by emotions and prone to extremes. You may confuse yourself with the rule, but then, that's part of your problem to begin with. :plain:

That said, I will join in a prayer that God helps everyone lost to that state with the certainty that grace alleviates spiritual ignorance and consequence.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Most terrorism is done at the hands of Muslims.

Sometimes the media concentration can feed a popular perception. For instance, the University of Georgia looked at the coverage and actuals from 2011 through 2015 utilizing the global terrorism database and addressing terrorist acts and coverage in our country:

For those five years, the researchers found, Muslims carried out only 11 out of the 89 attacks, yet those attacks received 44 percent of the media coverage. (Meanwhile, 18 attacks actually​
targeted Muslims in America). The Boston marathon bombing generated 474 news reports, amounting to 20 percent of the media terrorism coverage during the period analyzed. Overall, the authors report, "The average attack with a Muslim perpetrator is covered in 90.8 articles. Attacks with a Muslim, foreign-born perpetrator are covered in 192.8 articles on average. Compare this with other attacks, which received an average of 18.1 articles."

Controlling for target type, fatalities, and being arrested, attacks by Muslim perpetrators received, on average, 449% more coverage than other attacks. By covering terrorist attacks by Muslims dramatically more than other incidents, media frame this type of event as more prevalent. Based on these findings, it is no wonder that Americans are so fearful of radical Islamic terrorism.