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What scripture are you basing this on ?
There is only one God.
What scripture are you basing this on ?
You do understand that Muslims worship a moon god right ?
No, not Muslims..... they worship and submit to Allah.'re thinking of Mudslimes.
And Doser's Moooslims worship the morning star, Venus.
Hello ! Allah is a moon god !
But the big wide world at large just thinks that such ideas come from loons.....
The "Allah is the Moon-God" Nonsense Could Be the Stupidest Anti ...
12 Aug 2011 ... Robert Morey's primary “proof” that Allah refers to the pagan moon-god is that “
Allah” was known to the pre-Islamic Arabs. Argues Morey on ...
"Dodge" must be auditioning for honorary Russian citizenship - they don't like Muslims either!The proof that Muslims do not follow God is pretty evident except to the brain dead.
"Dodge" must be auditioning for honorary Russian citizenship - they don't like Muslims either!
Hello ! Allah is a moon god !
Allah is not a moon god. And you are not the only one here who has served their country.Not that having been in uniform makes anybody more intelligent...
I mean precisely what I said, a thing you understandably fail to address in this childish response. Without question, some Muslims use God to murder in His name. And do you know who is doing most of the dying and fighting to oppose them?
Islam in its actual orthodoxy.
Your understanding of what Islam teaches lines up with those murderous nutters, to be sure, but not with the greater part of Islam that is contending with them. That alone should have you second guessing yourself, but I suppose you'll have to learn to spell properly first.
Have you ever been in the middle east ?.
That's about as lame a non-responsive stab at rebuttal as could be imagined.Go spend almost 6 years in the middle east and then come back when you might have a clue what you are talking about.
Here's one quick rebuttal: you've spent far less time there (assuming) than the people who live there and are fighting ISIS.
I once thought you were intellectually capable.gee, i thought you were an american
Where there's no longer any surprise to find your reading comprehension inferentially challenged.what a surprise to find that you "live there and are fighting ISIS"
I once thought ....
As sad an echo as that was, I'm a little proud you wrote that many words in a row to anyone without "retard" in it.a claim you make without providing evidence![]()
As sad an echo as that was, I'm a little proud you wrote that many words in a row to anyone without "retard" in it.
You know, I could just tell you what the inference was...again.![]()
That's about as lame a non-responsive stab at rebuttal as could be imagined.
Jules Verne couldn't imagine a less credible appeal to anecdotal and personal authority.
Here's one quick rebuttal: you've spent far less time there (assuming) than the people who live there and are fighting ISIS. You've spent far less time (assuming) trying to understand that religion than the Muslims who are fighting ISIS and the religious authorities in Islam that have widely and repeatedly condemned them.
Here's another: there are racists who've lived near and around black people their entire lives. They still don't get it.
Six years and that's all you came away with? It must have taken you twenty to get a bachelor's (assuming).lain: