Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I only have one question; how did Nancy Pelosi stand there for 8 full hours without taking a single "Bathroom break?" I really love how she "giggles" at her own jokes while she was stammering and sputtering her way through 8 hours of, "The Illegals are way more important than the citizens of this Nation." She gave "Dishonorable mention" to the fact that, being "White is not preferable" however, to be honest, that's a given, because, that happens to be the attitude of the Democratic Party in general. The Democratic Party desperately NEED the minority votes. Pelosi even had the audacity to sound like a Preacher during her "speech." She even quoted Scripture. No doubt, she was trying to sway some "Older Independent voters" who might have heard her quoting Scripture and said to themselves; "Nancy Pelosi just quoted Scripture, she HAS to be a Christian."

She mentioned in her "Audacious speech" that she had gotten together with a number of "Evangelicals." She's trying to make it sound as if the "Evangelicals" are on the Democratic side of the fence. Actually, she's running a scam. These Lefties will use anybody or anything to get votes.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Pelosi sure has mastered that "Little girl giggle." Her facial expressions are bizarre to say the least. And, she sure has problems with her Dentures. She's constantly trying to keep them in place with her tongue.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
However, there is something about Nancy Pelosi that I truly admire, and that is, her willingness to go before the masses and completely humiliate herself. Not many people are capable of that. She pulls it off rather nicely, I think.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I really don't blame Pelosi for not wanting a "Wall" put up. If a "Wall" was to be constructed, how would the "Illegals" gain entrance to our country?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
After all, only well educated and prosperous people sneak into our country, right? Or, so the Democrats would have us believe. I mean, no criminal type would DARE try and cross our border, illegally.