How Can Hillary Claim to be Pro-Woman When Abortion Has Killed 29 Mil Girls?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Q: So, you "Christian" (ahem) Hillary supporters, how does this sit with you:

How Can Hillary Clinton Claim to be Pro-Woman When Abortion Has Killed 29 Million Girl Babies?

A pro-life advocate says pro-abortion Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton is disingenuous for claiming she is pro woman when she supports abortion. The pro-life supporter notes that abortions have killed almost 30 million girls and that Hillary Clinton can hardly call herself a champion for women while supporting that.

Dr. John A. Sparks, the retired dean of arts and letters at Grove City College in Pennsylvania, authored a column taking Clinton’s pro-woman claims to task:

QUOTE: "Hillary Clinton is campaigning that she, of all the candidates, is the one who is a “champion for women and girls” specifically because, among other things, she protects “women’s reproductive health” and “confronts violence against women.” Her primary talking point is that she has worked 30 years for women and children. The media and various groups accept this claim without examining just how illogical it is and without considering the cruel irony.
Let’s look at Clinton’s assertion that she is a champion of girls and women. Hillary Clinton is a Planned Parenthood, pro-abortion advocate. No one denies that. Her stance has become more and more strident. She no long uses the phrase of years ago that abortion should be “safe, legal and rare.” “Rare” is gone from that trio to be replaced by “publicly funded.” She is advancing abortions. She is ardently pro-abortion.

Think about what this means. The number of abortions in the United States since Roe vs. Wade is over 58,000,000. The distribution of boys to girls in live-birth statistics gives a slight edge to boys: 51 percent boys to 49 percent girls. Assuming that the sex ratio (boys to girls) for children aborted is roughly the same as for live births, this means that just under 29,000,000 girls have lost their lives to abortion since 1973. One can quibble about these numbers, but the fact remains that millions of girls’ lives have been snuffed out while they were still in the womb.

At least for these pre-born girls, Clinton can hardly be said to be their “champion.” In fact, the policies that she advocates continue to make possible the taking of the lives of these innocents by the abortionists’ instruments of destruction — scalpels and suction


New member
Perhap's Hillary was trying to catch up with all those countless graves of babies of RC Priests and Nuns found throughout Europe.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Perhap's Hillary was trying to catch up with all those countless graves of babies of RC Priests and Nuns found throughout Europe.

Wow. That was pretty vile and disgusting, not to mention a lie obviously and also nothing to do with the thread topic. Well, you fit in nicely with John Podesta who is also a hate-mongering anti-Catholic dwelling in the sewer.

The Horn

She has absolutely no control over abortion and has never forced any woman to have one . Unlike conservatives, she wants the government to take the necessary measures to PREVENT as many abortions as possible, because she cares about babies and children once born .
I've never met an anti-choicer who was not a hypocrite . They whine endlessly about abortion, but don't want the government to make sure that babies get the necessary good nutrition, good housing, medical care and education they need .
No. According to anti-choicers, if the government did more to provide for BORN children, this would be "socialism ", and we don't want socialism in America, do we ? Right . In order to prevent America from becoming socialist, and ultimately communist , we must demand that poor women give birth to children even if too poor to provide for them. And don't bring up the straw man of adoption, because it's extremely difficult to do this, and we have who knows how many unwanted children still waiting to be adopted . Some are now teenagers . We must allow babies and children to starve in order to stop socialism and communism in America.
And anti-choicers don't want the government to help poor women get contraceptives, because this would just encourage promiscuity supposedly . No, it's not easy for poor women to afford them.
States in America which provide contraceptives for the poor and which have comprehensive sex education, not the disastrously counterproductive and stupid abstinence only programs have much lower rates of abortion and STDs .
I guarantee you, even though Donald Chump says he's anti-choice, the abortion rate will SKYROCKET under him if he is elected next month, because he will greatly reduce and possibly eliminate the kind of government help which PREVENTS abortions . He is a vile hypocrite , too .


Wow. That was pretty vile and disgusting, not to mention a lie obviously and also nothing to do with the thread topic. Well, you fit in nicely with John Podesta who is also a hate-mongering anti-Catholic dwelling in the sewer.

Don't mistake them with traditional, Reformed Christians. We make 'pea shots' from time to time, but it's those contemporary Darbyists and whatnot who make such ridiculous claims.
They have no concept of history, but rather act like self-righteous lunatics :chuckle:


New member

Q: So, you "Christian" (ahem) Hillary supporters, how does this sit with you:

How Can Hillary Clinton Claim to be Pro-Woman When Abortion Has Killed 29 Million Girl Babies?

A pro-life advocate says pro-abortion Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton is disingenuous for claiming she is pro woman when she supports abortion. The pro-life supporter notes that abortions have killed almost 30 million girls and that Hillary Clinton can hardly call herself a champion for women while supporting that.

Dr. John A. Sparks, the retired dean of arts and letters at Grove City College in Pennsylvania, authored a column taking Clinton’s pro-woman claims to task:

QUOTE: "Hillary Clinton is campaigning that she, of all the candidates, is the one who is a “champion for women and girls” specifically because, among other things, she protects “women’s reproductive health” and “confronts violence against women.” Her primary talking point is that she has worked 30 years for women and children. The media and various groups accept this claim without examining just how illogical it is and without considering the cruel irony.
Let’s look at Clinton’s assertion that she is a champion of girls and women. Hillary Clinton is a Planned Parenthood, pro-abortion advocate. No one denies that. Her stance has become more and more strident. She no long uses the phrase of years ago that abortion should be “safe, legal and rare.” “Rare” is gone from that trio to be replaced by “publicly funded.” She is advancing abortions. She is ardently pro-abortion.

Think about what this means. The number of abortions in the United States since Roe vs. Wade is over 58,000,000. The distribution of boys to girls in live-birth statistics gives a slight edge to boys: 51 percent boys to 49 percent girls. Assuming that the sex ratio (boys to girls) for children aborted is roughly the same as for live births, this means that just under 29,000,000 girls have lost their lives to abortion since 1973. One can quibble about these numbers, but the fact remains that millions of girls’ lives have been snuffed out while they were still in the womb.

At least for these pre-born girls, Clinton can hardly be said to be their “champion.” In fact, the policies that she advocates continue to make possible the taking of the lives of these innocents by the abortionists’ instruments of destruction — scalpels and suction

(( That "S-A-M-E" As You Can Claim To Be A Christian ))!!!!!!

NO NAME -- 101916


She has absolutely no control over abortion and has never forced any woman to have one . Unlike conservatives, she wants the government to take the necessary measures to PREVENT as many abortions as possible, because she cares about babies and children once born.

Hillary is an active participant in setting extra obstacles to fathers, which ultimately makes for more fatherless households. It's her, and many others, illusion of female prominence.

Abortion in and of itself is a shame for women- it just shows how many of them can't live up to being one :rolleyes:

You all don't care one bit about any of that, so don't even pull that card and pretend like there's some sort of grace behind your support for aborting fetuses :wave:

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Hillary is an active participant in setting extra obstacles to fathers, which ultimately makes for more fatherless households. It's her, and many others, illusion of female prominence.

Abortion in and of itself is a shame for women- it just shows how many of them can't live up to being one :rolleyes:

You all don't care one bit about any of that, so don't even pull that card and pretend like there's some sort of grace behind your support for aborting fetuses :wave:

That's "The Gorn" man, you can't expect a reasonable response from him
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The Horn

"Hillary is an active participant in setting more obstacles for fathers, which ultimately
makes for more fatherless households. It's hers, and many others illusion of female prominence ."
Huh ? What have you been smoking ? The notion that Hillary Clinton, or any other Democratic politician, is deliberately trying to create more fatherless households in order to promote feminism is beyond ludicrous .
Nobody in America is "promoting " fatherless households. They are common because it's very difficult for people to stay married and have stable families . Because of adverse social and economic conditions created by the REPUBLICAN PARTY .

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
...............Because of adverse social and economic conditions created by the REPUBLICAN PARTY .

LOL! You extremists love to cling to that lie don't you. The biggest propaganda lie ever concocted and foisted upon the American people is the lie that Bush caused our economic crisis. He did not.

Before the Democrats took Congress in 2007 unemployment was 4.1%, gas was $1.70 a gallon, and the economy was expanding.

Then the Democrats took Congress in 2007 and promptly destroyed the economy. When Obama became president in 2009 he made it twice as bad.

Let’s do a little math here: Bush was president for 8 years, from 2001 to 2009.

As I said, in 2007 unemployment was 4.1% and the economy was expanding. That is SIX years into the Bush presidency mind you - SIX OUT OF EIGHT. (And BTW: 4.1% is almost perfect since there is no such thing as a 0% rate.)

Now, can anyone explain to me why the first six years of the eight-year Bush presidency was just fine, and then magically, when the Democrats took over Congress, the economy tanked? Simple: The Democrats took power. When they took power they pushed their social engineering policy of trying to let minorities who wants to own a house own a house whether they could afford it or not. All the bad loans the banks made, they were browbeat into that by the Left. And THAT was the first domino in line to fall.

As I said: The biggest propaganda lie ever concocted and foisted upon the American people is the lie that Bush caused our economic crisis. In fact, Democrats did, with policies that can find their genesis in the Clinton years


People have short term memory when it comes to the bullcrap with liberal women. I remember this atrocity quite well, and no doubt if it were the other way around the men would have been crucified. But instead, it was women, and like what we do with children, we go about it like they don't know any better :plain:


There's no consistency with anything pertaining to them- they are screwed up individuals; sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and in this case people need to stop denying it.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
People have short term memory when it comes to the bullcrap with liberal women. I remember this atrocity quite well, and no doubt if it were the other way around the men would have been crucified. But instead, it was women, and like what we do with children, we go about it like they don't know any better :plain:


There's no consistency with anything pertaining to them- they are screwed up individuals; sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and in this case people need to stop denying it.

"a healthy trans baby" ???? :freak:

this goes beyond retarded :nono:


"a healthy trans baby" ???? :freak:

this goes beyond retarded :nono:

You can't make this stuff up :chuckle:

It's amazing how men, or women for that matter, can support a group who accepts that nonsense. Nobody says anything about that, but I'm a misogynist for criticizing them :rolleyes:

Also, it reminds me of the fact that in the Old Testament, newborn males were worth more than the females. Now, there's a notion that the opposite is true.

~Babylon the Great~

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You can't make this stuff up :chuckle:

It's amazing how men, or women for that matter, can support a group who accepts that nonsense. Nobody says anything about that, but I'm a misogynist for criticizing them :rolleyes:

Also, it reminds me of the fact that in the Old Testament, newborn males were worth more than the females. Now, there's a notion that the opposite is true.

~Babylon the Great~

it reminds me of the fact that most of the people in this country (and england) should not be allowed to vote

or reproduce