ECT How alone is Grace alone salvation?

How alone is Grace alone salvation?

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I am a Scripturalist and that is my frame of reference.

I only find fault with persons who abuse or falsely teach the Word of God.

Jesus is the WORD of God! He FINISHED it ALL for us. Quit trying to give everyone busy work, while we await our promised rebirth to come!


TOL Subscriber
Nang... you misunderstand the Birth. It's Eph. 1:13 ... we remain dead until we 1 Co. 15 ... the (Regen) while we are alive is all loss! It's dead works of us! We only Glory Him! And the day we finally receive those REGENERATED bodies... we'll keep on glorying Him. It's ALL about HIM! The biggest sinner that's saved is still "SAVED". It's best to count ourselves the "Chief of Sinners"! Carnal judgment is born of anything else!

Don't be that Camel at the eye on judgment day!

I do not fear Judgment Day, for I have already been born again and resurrected to new life in Jesus Christ. John 3:3; Revelation 20:4-6


Define "ALL."

Sin debt... Finito
Effort..... Finito
Works...... Finito
Salvation.. Finito

Don't go fruit inspecting! Or else He might ask why you beat His servant, when He forgave your "larger debt".



TOL Subscriber
Sin debt... Finito
Effort..... Finito
Works...... Finito
Salvation.. Finito

Don't go fruit inspecting! Or else He might ask why you beat His servant, when He forgave your "larger debt".


You are leaving out the "why" and "how" part, which was totally necessary.

IOW's, Christ was not just a willing martyr who decided He would suffer and die pubicly, so He would be heard declaring sin finished, was He? Nope. Much more about the cross to learn and testify to, EE.


You are leaving out the "why" and "how" part, which was totally necessary.

IOW's, Christ was not just a willing martyr who decided He would suffer and die pubicly, so He would be heard declaring sin finished, was He? Nope. Much more about the cross to learn and testify to, EE.

Spoken like a true Camel.


Is that it? Is that all the response you have when asked what "ALL" was finished on the cross by Jesus Christ, and how and why?

You prove to be an empty suit, sir . . .

I assumed you already knew...

(1 Co. 1:17)

We were free... in Jesus, upon creation.
Satan deceived us to try to "Be Like God"
We became a slave to the condemnation of the standards of God's perfection, by the Devils lie.

We then were cast out of "Eden" and denied access to God.

Note... Men of faith like Noah and Abraham had access by Faith in God, in place of faith in self.

We didn't receive access until the Law. The Law showed our imperfection... but sacrifice remained our overarching redemption...

But... the blood of bulls and goats was only a symbol of God's over arching Love.

The curse of Unbelief afforded the devil to destroy us and subvert our freewill.

Upon death burial and resurrection.... we were able to place our trust/belief in Jesus' Love for us again!

We are utterly restored to perfection, in His eyes, the moment we partake of that GOOD WINE (Amazing Grace)

We are restored to freedom in Christ and our freewill is fully returned!

No more devil subversion, unless idiots believe misguided witnesses like you, Shasta and God's Truth.

# Bowing and blowing kisses with both hands...

You're welcome Nagg


TOL Subscriber
we were able to place our trust/belief in Jesus . . .

the moment we partake . .

False gospel.

These are all human actions you declare mankind are required to find grace.

That is a work/rightousness gospel.

And it totally leaves out what was ETERNALLY necessary and accomplished on the cross by Jesus Christ.

I reject your teaching (if it can be called "teaching" at all).


False gospel.

These are all human actions you declare mankind are required to find grace.

That is a work/rightousness gospel.

And it totally leaves out what was ETERNALLY necessary and accomplished on the cross by Jesus Christ.

I reject your teaching (if it can be called "teaching" at all).

First... I said this...

Sin debt... Finito
Effort..... Finito
Works...... Finito
Salvation.. Finito

Don't go fruit inspecting! Or else He might ask why you beat His servant, when He forgave your "larger debt".


So.... nice lying... did your daddy teach you that?


It is the true gospel of Faith vs unbelief.... I'm sorry it hurts your theological feelings.

J/K... I don't really care if it upsets you.

Jesus is the Tree of Life Nagg.... deal with it.

You can keep trying to "be like Him" and denying that His DBR affords salvation upon faith all you want... but... that would put you in league with a very slippery fellow.

# whoopsie


TOL Subscriber
It is the true gospel of Faith vs unbelief

No, the true Gospel of Jesus Christ is a message of life overcoming death.

(Our Lord is not a tree.)

His death/resurrection guarantees life to those He represented and died for on the cross. He satisfied all the Holy Commands (Law) in the stead of His church. He paid all the penalty for their sins, vicariously, with His blood. (Trees do not bleed and die!)

He merited the right, under the demands of the Holy Law, for imputation of His righteousness to their account with God, etc. etc.

Your posts are absent of Gospel Truth.


No, the true Gospel of Jesus Christ is a message of life versus death.

(Our Lord is not a tree)

Right... life = belief ... death = unbelief ... unless you want to call the apostles liars?

Tree? The Cross is the tree of life Nagg.. Jesus is the POWER of the cross...

How can you be so theologically stunted?

Do you not know that the earth... was the mercy seat... Israel... specifically! He is the Glory above the seat....

Look... one of the covering cherubs rejected Him and the other claimed Him.

The lambs Blood sealed the deal.

How is it that you are so dense?


No, the true Gospel of Jesus Christ is a message of life overcoming death.

(Our Lord is not a tree.)

His death/resurrection guarantees life to those He represented and died for on the cross. He satisfied all the Holy Commands (Law) in the stead of His church. He paid all the penalty for their sins, vicariously, with His blood. (Trees do not bleed and die!)

He merited the right, under the demands of the Holy Law, for imputation of His righteousness to their account with God, etc. etc.

Your posts are absent of Gospel Truth.

I'm saved by Belief in Jesus Nagg... how about you? Does that gnosis save you?


TOL Subscriber
Right... life = belief ... death = unbelief ... unless you want to call the apostles liars?

Adam made this choice as federal head of the human race. When he chose to not believe God, he suffered spiritual and physical death, and all his offspring were imputed with the same death sentence as he. And it was irreversible under the Law and Covenant of Works. IOW's no man since Adam can work his way out of this death sentence and appease the holy anger of Creator God.

Tree? The Cross is the tree of life Nagg..

This is nonsense and totally unscriptural. You cannot biblically prove this at all.

Jesus is the POWER of the cross...

Uh, what do platitudes such as this prove, or even mean?

Do you not know that the earth... was the mercy seat... Israel... specifically! He is the Glory above the seat....

This is not scripturally sound . . it is merely invented from the minds of men. More platitudes; not Truth revealed by God.

Look... one of the covering cherubs rejected Him and the other claimed Him.

The lambs Blood sealed the deal.

How is it that you are so dense?

Bah . . .

I am smart enough not to buy into your unbiblical deceptions.