Is that it? Is that all the response you have when asked what "ALL" was finished on the cross by Jesus Christ, and how and why?
You prove to be an empty suit, sir . . .
I assumed you already knew...
(1 Co. 1:17)
We were free... in Jesus, upon creation.
Satan deceived us to try to "Be Like God"
We became a slave to the condemnation of the standards of God's perfection, by the Devils lie.
We then were cast out of "Eden" and denied access to God.
Note... Men of faith like Noah and Abraham had access by Faith in God, in place of faith in self.
We didn't receive access until the Law. The Law showed our imperfection... but sacrifice remained our overarching redemption...
But... the blood of bulls and goats was only a symbol of God's over arching Love.
The curse of Unbelief afforded the devil to destroy us and subvert our freewill.
Upon death burial and resurrection.... we were able to place our trust/belief in Jesus' Love for us again!
We are utterly restored to perfection, in His eyes, the moment we partake of that GOOD WINE (Amazing Grace)
We are restored to freedom in Christ and our freewill is fully returned!
No more devil subversion, unless idiots believe misguided witnesses like you, Shasta and God's Truth.
# Bowing and blowing kisses with both hands...
You're welcome Nagg