Are you going to add a full wall to this post after I leave as you usually do?
Sorry, not interested in your rantings.![]()
Nope... it's clear enough... deceiver of Idle talk.
Are you going to add a full wall to this post after I leave as you usually do?
Sorry, not interested in your rantings.![]()
A person cannot die spiritually as a result of Adam's sin and then die again spiritually because of his own sin because he has to be alive spiritually before he can die spiritually.
Did Jesus atone for all human sin that all we must do is believe and as our propitiation...
God sees us as instantly right with Him as if we were His perfect Son... Who is The Very Face of YHWH.. (Col. 1:15).. and thus John 10:30 means He is our... (Is. 43:11; Lk. 2:11)?
Do you empty the power of His Cross with Idle Prattle?
Weird thinking . . .
All men are born spiritually dead, in Adam, which their universal physical death, in Adam, evidences.
False gospel.
You never get around to identifying "us," "we" or "our." Thus, your error.
That would make Adam the devil Nagg
Nope, the first Adam was the Federal Head of the human race, which typified Jesus Christ coming as spiritual Federal Head of His church. This is the teaching of Romans 5:12-21 and I Corinthians 15:41-49.
You obviously have not received a decent or biblical theological education . . .
[MENTION=7292]Nang[/MENTION] ,
Rotfl... I knew you'ld start up if I said I was logging off!
# Predictable!
Laters Worker
Oh... So Adam is the other master in... (2 Co. 4:4)... wow! Your knowledge is astounding.
Mt. 6:24
You have been claiming to check out for several hours, now. Meanwhile, I have posted, while cooking a lovely dinner and cleaning up the kitchen . . . but you still have not left the site.
Want to stay longer?
I will stay longer . . . my chores are now done and I can REALLY give you intense debate.
Your choice.
You have never been taught Federalist Headship? Too bad . . .
Ignorance is not knowing what one does not know.
Weird thinking . . .
All men are born spiritually dead, in Adam, which their universal physical death, in Adam, evidences.
Weird thinking . . .
All men are born spiritually dead, in Adam, which their universal physical death, in Adam, evidences.
Perhaps it's not how much fruit we bear, but the degree of improvement we make before/after salvation that proves our salvation?
So, how much improvement is needed?
I'm saved by Belief in Jesus Nagg... how about you? Does that gnosis save you?
Weird thinking . . .
All men are born spiritually dead, in Adam, which their universal physical death, in Adam, evidences.
To change one's mind is not the same thing as a change of will.
No, but true repentance leads to a moral/spiritual change of the will.