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cMusterion said:Take a poll of how many people on TOL believe they can be forgiven and justified by grace alone through faith alone in Christ, without work or works of ANY kind whatsoever.
Because Musterion is talking about Salvation as an isolated understanding of what saves us, I wholly agree with him.
By contrast, AMR gave me a neat little quip from Martin Luther: "We are saved by faith alone, but a faith that saves is not alone."
Martin Luther believed in Grace alone salvation. If I am true to Reformed doctrine, monergism demands, I believe, a salvation by grace and nothing else, lest I become a synergist in 'keeping' that which is His alone. 2 Timothy 1:12
You've brought up MacArthur and John Piper regarding Lordship salvation. As far as I understand Piper, and I don't fully agree with him, he believes rather one cannot be 'saved' without Our Lord Jesus Christ as Lord. Piper argues that Jesus is Lord, regardless. On that premise, I agree, as do we all. If I am the Lord's I will be disciplined toward His purpose Hebrews 12:5-12 Ephesians 2:10
Rather, MAD so distances from 'works' discussion, that I think a thread where MAD works are on the table, is a topic that may not have taken place on TOL.