How accurate is your Bible translation version?


Well-known member
Obviously being able to read Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic would be the best way to read the Bible but if not then reading a word for word translation would be the next best thing, anyone disagree?



Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
I would disagree. There is rarely a perfect word for word translation between languages. There used to be a VW commercial that talked about Farfugnugen (I probably spelled that wrong). Can you provide the one word translation from this word into English? The answer is no you can't because the German word describes a feeling, not an object or action. That is the problem when translating, going word for word often misses the intent of what is being translated. Add to that that languages drift over time, which means that words change their meanings, and accurate translation becomes a very difficult task.


New member
You miss the point I think .... the OT was originally written in Hebrew (with a little Aramaic here and there)... the NT was originally written in Greek ... So if one goes back to the original Hebrew or Greek overall that is the best translation. It is interesting to compare "English translations" ... however going back to the ORIGINAL languages provides the best clarity. The English language is very inferior compared to the Hebrew and Greek languages.

So regardless of what "language/interpretation" is used ... it is best to look at the original Hebrew and Greek.

Here is an example: The english word "soul"

Hebrew (Strong's)

nephesh: a soul, living being, life, self, person, desire, passion, appetite, emotion
Original Word: נָ֫פֶשׁ
Part of Speech: Noun Feminine
Transliteration: nephesh
Phonetic Spelling: (neh'-fesh)
Short Definition: soul

a soul, living being, life, self, person, desire, passion, appetite, emotion

Greek (Strong's)

psuché: breath, the soul
Original Word: ψυχή, ῆς, ἡ
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: psuché
Phonetic Spelling: (psoo-khay')
Short Definition: the soul, life, self
Definition: (a) the vital breath, breath of life, (b) the human soul, (c) the soul as the seat of affections and will, (d) the self, (e) a human person, an individual.


I would disagree. There is rarely a perfect word for word translation between languages. There used to be a VW commercial that talked about Farfugnugen (I probably spelled that wrong). Can you provide the one word translation from this word into English? The answer is no you can't because the German word describes a feeling, not an object or action. That is the problem when translating, going word for word often misses the intent of what is being translated. Add to that that languages drift over time, which means that words change their meanings, and accurate translation becomes a very difficult task.
Your answer was perfect and dead on!!

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Obviously being able to read Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic would be the best way to read the Bible but if not then reading a word for word translation would be the next best thing, anyone disagree?

According to the game show Jeopardy, the New World Translation Of The Holy Scriptures, is the most accurate translation in the world.

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Your answer was perfect and dead on!!

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However, great effort can be made to make a translation as accurate as possible. Some would think the KJ or NKJ is that translation since it's been around so long. Not so according to scholars who know it to be written with the attitudes and thinking of King James, who was merely a man and not a scholar.

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It's hilarious that:
  • You use Jeopardy as an authority on accurate Biblical text translation.
  • You seem to think that the NWT is "the best" translation.
The NWT is a piece of garbage created to support FALSE doctrines of a anti-Christ organization.
There is no need to be a nasty Nancy just because your personal translation is not as accurate. The truth can be ascertained using most translations; it simply may take a little longer.

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It's hilarious that:
  • You use Jeopardy as an authority on accurate Biblical text translation.
  • You seem to think that the NWT is "the best" translation.
The NWT is a piece of garbage created to support FALSE doctrines of a anti-Christ organization.
I know it's the most accurate translation. 'Best' is an objective term in this case.

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New member
Obviously being able to read Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic would be the best way to read the Bible but if not then reading a word for word translation would be the next best thing, anyone disagree?

Bible translation is good, for the most part. But that doesn't mean we can understand it!

Here are a couple of translated scriptures that are clearly different meanings.

Gen 1:23 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.
Gen 1:24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.
Gen 1:25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

Gen 2:19 And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.

In Gen 1 God created beast of the earth, and here in Gen 2 Lord God formed every beast of the field.

Creatures of the earth are wild animals, whereas beast of the field are domesticated animals.

I also want to point out that God in Gen 1 and LORD God in Gen 2. Lord God is Jehovah God to the children of Israel and that means in Gen 1 God had not made a covenant people, but in Gen 2 he has.

To me the difference is meaningful, but to most they will say Gen 1 and Gen 2 are the same, but it is not so.


Well-known member
Greetings dcon,
I know it's the most accurate translation. 'Best' is an objective term in this case.
Just from casual contact with the NWT, I am aware of a few verses where the NWT is incorrect showing some bias towards the JW theology. The problem then is that JWs by using the NWT almost exclusively, and being convinced that the Spirit guidance of their elders endorses the NWT, become unaware of this error and reinforce their wrong beliefs.

Kind regards


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
According to the game show Jeopardy, the New World Translation Of The Holy Scriptures, is the most accurate translation in the world.

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This is a fabrication that has spread through the internet, and is never substantiated with a date of the show or the name of the contestant.
The show has contacted by several to confirm the rumor because of this statement floating around the internet and were told the question was not in ANY of their archives.


If by JW theology you mean what we teach and follow, you are 100% correct. Any bias is according to what the Bible says, so I suspect what you're referring to is the difference between religious beliefs. If that's the case, let me offer some examples. Nearly every Christian religion out there uses God or Jesus as God's name. We know that God is a title, not a name, just as President, Congressman, CEO, Mister, Pastor, Priest and Reverend are all titles, not names. It always occurred to me that to only refer to our Creator by His title was impersonal and unfeeling. Then I read in the KJ at Psalms 83:18If by JW theology you mean what we teach and follow, you are 100% correct. Any bias is according to what the Bible says, so I suspect what you're referring to is the difference between religious beliefs. If that's the case, let me offer some examples. Nearly every Christian religion out there uses God or Jesus as God's name. We know that God is a title, not a name, just as President, Congressman, CEO, Mister, Pastor, Priest and Reverend are all titles, not names. It always occurred to me that to only refer to our Creator by His title was impersonal and unfeeling. Then I read in the KJ at Psalms 83:18If by JW theology you mean what we teach and follow, you are 100% correct. Any bias is according to what the Bible says, so I suspect what you're referring to is the difference between religious beliefs. If that's the case, let me offer some examples. Nearly every Christian religion out there uses God or Jesus as God's name. We know that God is a title, not a name, just as President, Congressman, CEO, Mister, Pastor, Priest and Reverend are all titles, not names. It always occurred to me that to only refer to our Creator by His title was impersonal and unfeeling. Then I read in the KJ at Psalms 83:18If by JW theology you mean what we teach and follow, you are 100% correct. Any bias is according to what the Bible says, so I suspect what you're referring to is the difference between religious beliefs. If that's the case, let me offer some examples. Nearly every Christian religion out there uses God or Jesus as God's name. We know that God is a title, not a name, just as President, Congressman, CEO, Mister, Pastor, Priest and Reverend are all titles, not names. It always occurred to me that to only refer to our Creator by His title was impersonal and unfeeling. Then I read in the KJ at Psalms 83:18 18 That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth. Right here the Bible said God had a name. Eventually, I came in contact with Jehovah's Witnesses and asked if this was not only true, but why is His name in there only once? I learned that around the time Jesus was on earth, the Jews evidently began to use other terms instead of Jehovah because of superstitious beliefs. I always felt that to pray to God, shouldn't it be necessary to know him personally? Whenever I spoke to a friend, I used their name, why not Gods name? Then I learned that the modern English pronunciation of the original Jewish name is Jehovah. As far as our incessantly preaching from door to door and to everyone we meet; Matthew 28:19, 20 sums it up: If by JW theology you mean what we teach and follow, you are 100% correct. Any bias is according to what the Bible says, so I suspect what you're referring to is the difference between religious beliefs. If that's the case, let me offer some examples. Nearly every Christian religion out there uses God or Jesus as God's name. We know that God is a title, not a name, just as President, Congressman, CEO, Mister, Pastor, Priest and Reverend are all titles, not names. It always occurred to me that to only refer to our Creator by His title was impersonal and unfeeling. Then I read in the KJ at Psalms 83:18If by JW theology you mean what we teach and follow, you are 100% correct. Any bias is according to what the Bible says, so I suspect what you're referring to is the difference between religious beliefs. If that's the case, let me offer some examples. Nearly every Christian religion out there uses God or Jesus as God's name. We know that God is a title, not a name, just as President, Congressman, CEO, Mister, Pastor, Priest and Reverend are all titles, not names. It always occurred to me that to only refer to our Creator by His title was impersonal and unfeeling. Then I read in the KJ at Psalms 83:18If by JW theology you mean what we teach and follow, you are 100% correct. Any bias is according to what the Bible says, so I suspect what you're referring to is the difference between religious beliefs. If that's the case, let me offer some examples. Nearly every Christian religion out there uses God or Jesus as God's name. We know that God is a title, not a name, just as President, Congressman, CEO, Mister, Pastor, Priest and Reverend are all titles, not names. It always occurred to me that to only refer to our Creator by His title was impersonal and unfeeling. Then I read in the KJ at Psalms 83:18If by JW theology you mean what we teach and follow, you are 100% correct. Any bias is according to what the Bible says, so I suspect what you're referring to is the difference between religious beliefs. If that's the case, let me offer some examples. Nearly every Christian religion out there uses God or Jesus as God's name. We know that God is a title, not a name, just as President, Congressman, CEO, Mister, Pastor, Priest and Reverend are all titles, not names. It always occurred to me that to only refer to our Creator by His title was impersonal and unfeeling. Then I read in the KJ at Psalms 83:18 18 That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth. Right here the Bible said God had a name. Eventually, I came in contact with Jehovah's Witnesses and asked if this was not only true, but why is His name in there only once? I learned that around the time Jesus was on earth, the Jews evidently began to use other terms instead of Jehovah because of superstitious beliefs. I always felt that to pray to God, shouldn't it be necessary to know him personally? Whenever I spoke to a friend, I used their name, why not Gods name? Then I learned that the modern English pronunciation of the original Jewish name is Jehovah. As far as our incessantly preaching from door to door and to everyone we meet; Matthew 28:19, 20 sums it up:
Greetings dcon,Just from casual contact with the NWT, I am aware of a few verses where the NWT is incorrect showing some bias towards the JW theology. The problem then is that JWs by using the NWT almost exclusively, and being convinced that the Spirit guidance of their elders endorses the NWT, become unaware of this error and reinforce their wrong beliefs.

Kind regards
If by JW theology you mean what we teach and follow, you are 100% correct. Any bias is according to what the Bible says, so I suspect what you're referring to is the difference between religious beliefs. If that's the case, let me offer some examples.
Nearly every Christian religion out there uses God or Jesus as God's name. We know that God is a title, not a name, just as President, Congressman, CEO, Mister, Pastor, Priest and Reverend are all titles, not names. It always occurred to me that to only refer to our Creator by His title was impersonal and unfeeling.
Then I read in the KJ at Psalms 83:18 That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth. Right here the Bible said God had a name. Eventually, I came in contact with Jehovah's Witnesses and asked if this was not only true, but why is His name in there only once?
I learned that around the time Jesus was on earth, the Jews evidently began to use other terms instead of Jehovah because of superstitious beliefs. I always felt that to pray to God, shouldn't it be necessary to know him personally? Whenever I spoke to a friend, I used their name, why not Gods name?
Then I learned that the modern English pronunciation of the original Jewish name is Jehovah. As far as our incessantly preaching from door to door and to everyone we meet; Matthew 28:19, 20 sums it up: 19 Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. And look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.
We don't do this to annoy or antagonize people. We love ALL of mankind enough that we endure the ridicule, persecution, slammed doors. Ridicule is something I personally have to work on when I'm online like this. Sometimes, it's easy to react badly when you're not face to face with someone, as some of the posters here have found out.
If you have taken the time to read all of this post, please reply, not with anger or sarcasm, but hopefully, with the same concern and love that I wrote it.

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New member
We can’t judge accuracy by how literal it is, as a literal translation of idioms can be very misleading.

I prefer the NRSV, and looking at a variety of translations and informed comments on the original languages and situations is beneficial.


Greetings dcon,Just from casual contact with the NWT, I am aware of a few verses where the NWT is incorrect showing some bias towards the JW theology. The problem then is that JWs by using the NWT almost exclusively, and being convinced that the Spirit guidance of their elders endorses the NWT, become unaware of this error and reinforce their wrong beliefs.

Kind regards
TrevorL, thank you for the way you gently and tactfully replied to my post. We don't experience that very often. The reason the NWT was published is the wording in many Bible translations is often outdated (KJ and NKJ for example).
In everyday conversation, no one talks that way now days. Our commission from Jesus is to preach and teach the Bible's message to those who want to know more about it. Matthew 24:14, 28:19, 20. This message can be confusing to those who've never heard it; it's not necessary to make it any harder by quoting scriptures that people have to mentally translate, and then make sense of.
Thought for thought, illustration for illustration, meaning for meaning, the NWT contains the same message as any other Bible. It is simply easier to understand. Those who think otherwise, have not taken the time or effort to prove their point.
Before I contacted Jehovah's Witnesses, I listened to other people who told me that they were false teachers. It was certainly easier than doing the research myself. What an education I received when I compared my previously held beliefs with what the Bible really says.
This isn't to say that everyone must follow my example. However, everyone is obligated to do their own research in order to prove to themselves whether we are telling the truth or not.
It's not enough to simply take someone else's word for it because YOUR life is involved. Once you've heard the message, your life is your responsibility. No one has the right to force you to believe anything you don't want to believe, we certainly won't!

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