I'm not calling my belief science. That's the difference.
Hovind is though.
Yet God must have come from somewhere. Are you saying he could not have come from nothing? There is a God of God? And a God of that God, etc.....?
i viewed 2 of his lectures years ago, but i don't know any details of his charges or incarceration. purely speculation on my part, but i think he made some influential and powerful enemies in academia and elsewhere, and it wouldn't surprise me if charges were creatively imposed - he lost 10 years of his life and family, that has no price -atrol:
I learned of Hovind just after he was arrested. A friend told me about him. My friend showed me a clip of an interview with a woman at a Florida "Christian" College. She stated Hovind gave lecture there and in his lecture she claimed, Hovind made a remark about taxes and and that Christians should think hard about paying them as they fund many evil programs as abortion ET. She admitted she turned Hovind into the authorities because of this.
So much for Christian unity eh?
I remember what Jesus said:
Jesus answered, "You would have no authority over Me, unless it had been given you from above; for this reason he who delivered Me to you has the greater sin."
The guys that crashed the economy on purpose didnt do a day in jail. If fact, they got government welfare checks. They came after Hovind because he testified of their deeds, that they are evil.
Some guys purposely crashed the economy and the government came after Hovind because he testified of their deeds?
What world to you live in?
Not in your third grade america where the country is run by benevolent patriots and where the trees are made of cotton candy and gum drops.
I don't live in your Infowars world and I don't fawn over Alex Jones, like you do.
You never answered my question--how old are you?
92. Who cares? I'm 26, for rice cakes.
Ah yes, I remember being 26 years old. I knew everything back then.
Actually, there were students working for Kent Hovind who told the Pensacola VP that he was not withholding taxes, that he had an anti-tax position, that taxes are not to be paid because the workers are working for God, etc. She decided to tell the IRS.
Hovind once told the New York Times that he hadn't filed taxes in 30 years.
That scripture has nothing to do with paying taxes. However, Jesus willingly paid taxes in Matt. 13:24-27. In fact, He paid Peter's tax as well.
What's the story? I thought it was that he claimed his income was tax free money?? (I really don't know, but always thought the charges were legit).The Free Kent Hovind Facebook page just posted message from his son, Eric, stating that he just received word from the government that they are dismissing all charges. It says they will post more info asap. Not positive what it all means, but hopefully it means he will be released from prison. The Baptist pastor has been imprisoned for the past decade on trumped up charges and persecuted by the government. Please pray for Dr. Hovind that he will be released from prison immediately. And praise God for the good news being released about his case.
purely speculation on my part, but i think he made some influential and powerful enemies in academia and elsewhere, and it wouldn't surprise me if charges were creatively imposed
That evil judge said in summing up and as justification for slapping such a heavy sentence in high security prison..."I consider what you have don to be worse than rape"
She later scratched the comment but several people witnessed that she had said it.