Hooray For Pedophilia!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

The rise of the liberal groomer​

Not every desire deserves to be empowered​

Does progress have to mean the sexual liberation of children? Michel Foucault thought so, as did many of the now high-ranking Labour Party members who once supported the Paedophile Information Exchange. Sexual interest in children is hardly unique to the modern world, of course, or indeed the West. Child sex slaves were socially acceptable in ancient Rome, and the longstanding practice of bacha bazi in Afghanistan still sees young boys feminised and abused by adult men.
Nor is paedophilia unique to the progressive Left. Just this week, Tory MP Imran Ahmad Khan was convicted of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old boy, prompting fellow Tory MP and LGBTQ advocate Crispin Blunt to declare angrily that Khan’s conviction was a “dreadful miscarriage of justice” and “nothing short of an international scandal”.
But it’s also true that since the sexual revolution, there has been a knocking on the door of progressive respectability by individuals with an intense interest in assisting the sexual development of children, and sometimes — as in the case of Foucault — questionable motives for doing so. Such activists invariably come armed with the logic of liberalism: using phrases such as “agency”, “consent” and “education”. The resulting queasy blend of pleasure, freedom, education and adolescence burst into flames this week, with news of a theatre production, The Family Sex Show, coming to Bristol that offers “relationships and sex education” supposedly suitable for ages five and up.



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
... since the sexual revolution, there has been a knocking on the door of progressive respectability by individuals with an intense interest in assisting the sexual development of children, and sometimes — as in the case of Foucault — questionable motives for doing so. Such activists invariably come armed with the logic of liberalism: using phrases such as “agency”, “consent” and “education”.
Those are all useful terms but it is a consequence of attempting to summarize liberalism (the philosophy of liberty, based solely on the posited existence of certain inalienable rights) where their corresponding errors germinate, sprout and grow. Even the notion of a right has been hijacked from historical liberalism to include such things as the "rights" to food, shelter, subsistence, healthcare, and promiscuity without consequences (viz. abortion).

The solution here is to enumerate more actual rights, and this isn't tough to do, since all of our rights are self-evident. One way to find these things is to look for self-evident wrongs, because there's always a corresponding self-evident right which acts as a "trump" against such things ever being done to one of us.

(This is beyond just the many rights enumerated in our Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights. Those documents are a fine starting point.)
The resulting queasy blend of pleasure, freedom, education and adolescence burst into flames this week, with news of a theatre production, The Family Sex Show, coming to Bristol that offers “relationships and sex education” supposedly suitable for ages five and up.
And that's just blatantly anti-Catholic (and anti-Christian, when thought of historically and traditionally) ethics that they're wanting to impose upon families who have the right to educate their kids ethically as they see fit, that's part of the right to the pursuit of happiness that we all possess. The right to ethical independence.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
What is it with leftists and their fixation on the genitals of little children?

New Jersey’s Graphic Sex Education For Children Prompts ‘My Child, My Choice’ Bill​

There are growing rumblings against New Jersey’s new sex education curriculum that proposes lessons about gender identity for first graders.
One parents’ group slammed it as being tantamount to grooming children.
Another parent said the lesson plan was too graphic and inappropriate.
And New Jersey Republican Congressman Jefferson van Drew, who called the lesson plans “outrageous” and “just wrong,” has introduced federal legislation called “My Child, My Choice Act.”


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Bill Clinton a pedophile?

Hardly believable!

According to the Daily Mail, in addition to running an air conditioning business that was one of the largest HVAC providers in Arkansas for many years, Middleton was the man who admitted Jeffrey Epstein to the White House complex on seven of the 17 occasions that he visited. He also flew on Epstein’s plane and “appears to have acted as a conduit between the two men.”

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
'Stuff's beyond the pale. I don't understand how else to fix these problems beyond just voting Republican, honestly. I don't have access to any more precision than that. My most precise tool that I can use against such unethical ideology is my vote. Vote Republican.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The level of crazy - this guy sets a high bar to meet

Arby's manager admits to urinating into milkshake mix 'at least twice'​

An Arby's night manager in Washington State charged with possession of child pornography admitted to police that he had urinated in the fast food chain's milkshake mix "at least twice," police say.

The investigation began when police caught wind of a computer downloading child pornography near the Arby's in Vancouver, Washington. Police connected the computer with Stephen Sharp, 29, a manager at the Arby's. Sharp then confessed to downloading and distributing the pornography, according to Fox 35.

Police then obtained a warrant to search Sharp's devices, where they found a video of him urinating into a container of Arby's milkshake mix. Sharp reportedly confessed to doing that at least twice.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

School board official to hold ‘queer open mic night’ for minors at sex shop​

A school board official in Bellingham, Washington , is hosting a " queer youth open mic" night for children aged from birth to 18 at a local sex shop.
Jenn Mason, the board director of the Bellingham School District , is hosting the event for all ages on June 1 at the Wink Wink Boutique, a sex shop in the coastal town that she owns.
The shop, which bills itself as "inclusive," accessible to "all ages," and "not creepy," advertises different sexual paraphernalia on its social media pages.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Oh good more perversion


I didn’t think the public school system could possibly get any worse. And perhaps this doesn’t make it worse—I don’t believe there’s anything worse than pedophilia—but this does add to the long list of reasons why the system is irrevocably broken—somewhere between drag shows and buying sex toys during class.

First, a shout-out to Christopher Rufo is absolutely necessary. The man is a force, and we at Louder with Crowder Dot Com are glad he’s out there exposing the schools for what they are. And what he’s found is that they are disgusting.

Writing over at City Journal, Rufo explains that the School District of Philadelphia invited teachers and staff, in the name of equity and inclusion, to attend a conference put together by The Mazzoni Center. The district marketed the conference “as a way to ‘learn more about the issues facing the trans community.’”

What it was, however, was a series of perverted workshops and propaganda.

In one workshop, an activist presents numerous prosthetics and dildos for sex. And he isn’t shy about it. At one point, he pulls out a very large dildo and ...



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School board official to hold ‘queer open mic night’ for minors at sex shop​

A school board official in Bellingham, Washington , is hosting a " queer youth open mic" night for children aged from birth to 18 at a local sex shop.
Jenn Mason, the board director of the Bellingham School District , is hosting the event for all ages on June 1 at the Wink Wink Boutique, a sex shop in the coastal town that she owns.
The shop, which bills itself as "inclusive," accessible to "all ages," and "not creepy," advertises different sexual paraphernalia on its social media pages.

He needs to be arrested, along with all the other perverts.

Gary K

New member
That's amazing. What could a 40-year-old man possibly say to a 15-year-old girl to get her to voluntarily leave her dad right in the middle of the game to go with him?
A knife or gun placed in the small of her back can be very persuasive argument.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison