Hooray For Pedophilia!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Joe Biden was quoted as saying "If you accidentally get pregnant by showering naked with your father, just call this number and they'll help you take care of it. Because I'm a Catholic!"

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
File this one under "they're not even trying to hide it anymore"

Washington state school board director to teach sexual 'pleasure' class to 9-year-olds at sex shop​

The classes will be held at a local sex shop called WinkWink​


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Hooray for England!


Teachers and youth workers were discouraged from reporting child exploitation and offenders were emboldened, with exploitation continuing for years.

The Independent Inquiry into Telford Child Exploitation has been investigating widespread grooming in the town from 1989 to the present day.

It found the men would meet girls, either in the street or in their role as taxi drivers or food delivery drivers, and persuade them to be their "girlfriend".

They would give the children lifts, buy alcohol and cigarettes for them and then persuade them to engage in sexual activity. Children were led to believe this was normal behaviour.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Twitter Is A Breeding Ground For The Normalization of Pedophilia​

twitter pedophile problem

A growing community of pedophiles is sweeping social media. They’re rebranding themselves as “MAPs” or “minor-attracted people” in an attempt to sound more socially acceptable, and social media sites are doing absolutely nothing about it.​

“MAP pride” is a movement that appeared on underground social media site Tumblr, a site primarily used by teenagers, in the mid-2010s. In this movement, the mostly anonymous “MAPs” share their desire for pedophilia to be normalized and accepted as a sexual orientation akin to the LGBT community. They have even designed their own flag. Posters often complain about the “prejudice” and “oppression” they face from being so open about their attractions online. The movement has since spread onto more mainstream social media sites — predominantly Twitter.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Right Divider

Body part
I'm conflicted. Part of me wants to consider it a disgusting perverted piece of garbage who should be executed. Part of me recognizes that it is suffering from a profound mental illness and should be heavily medicated to cure it of its delusions.

View attachment 4076

Completely disgusting. But what do we expect from an adult that is still confused about their "gender".

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Nobody seems to be missing the obvious. Regardless of whether the pervert with a penis calls himself a woman or not, he's an adult perving on children. Apparently that's acceptable in the name of diversity and wokeness. At least if you claim to be a "trans" person.


Societally acceptable pedophilia! 🥳

she said that a man dressed in a woman’s swimsuit was watching little girls undress and also saw her naked in the women’s showers, according to local media reports.
