Hooray For Pedophilia!


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Popular music?
Popular culture?
Government education?
Those are all vehicles or pathways or mediators* for the phenomenon I'm thinking of. Corruption, mentioned above, is the most accurate word I've seen so far, but I thought there was actually a clinical if not a legal term for it?

* Like the "Mutoscope!"
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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Bad parenting?
That's pretty close. There's got to be a medical term or something, right? I'm not imagining things, am I? You can't just expose little kids to just anything, there's got to be a word or name or term for being irresponsible about this.


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That's pretty close. There's got to be a medical term or something, right? I'm not imagining things, am I? You can't just expose little kids to just anything, there's got to be a word or name or term for being irresponsible about this.

Child abuse.

Gary K

New member
Me too but I put it behind me long ago.

His broad definition encompasses the necessary existing corrupt social structure for grooming to exist in
It also allows him to ignore what the Bible says to adults about keeping the mind pure for pure minded adults aren't going around abusing kids. Idolater really doesn't like scriptures advice although there is no better source for advice on avoiding and putting a stop to evil.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
JR's suggestion's Wikipedia article:

" ... physical, sexual, and/or psychological maltreatment or neglect of a child or children, especially by a parent or a caregiver ... "

" ... There are multiple definitions of child psychological abuse: In 2013, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) added Child Psychological Abuse to the DSM-5, describing it as "nonaccidental verbal or symbolic acts by a child's parent or caregiver that result, or have reasonable potential to result, in significant psychological harm to the child." In 1995, APSAC defined it as: spurning, terrorizing, isolating, exploiting, corrupting ... "

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Chicago’s largest children’s hospital has partnered with local school districts to promote radical gender theory, “kink,” “BDSM” and “trans-friendly” sex toys for children.



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Chicago’s largest children’s hospital has partnered with local school districts to promote radical gender theory, “kink,” “BDSM” and “trans-friendly” sex toys for children.

So the hospital personnel and the school personnel and the parents involved are all guilty of child abuse.


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So the hospital personnel and the school personnel and the parents involved are all guilty of child abuse.

Anyone who decided to go along with this should be executed for promoting the sexualization of children.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Anyone who decided to go along with this should be executed for promoting the sexualization of children.
idk about execution but we very may well have unprecedented endemic child abuse going on rn.

"What's wrong with parents these days?" -Jim Lahey trailerpark supervisor


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idk about execution

Jesus affirmed the death penalty.
Paul affirmed the death penalty.
Revelation affirms the death penalty.

God requires the death penalty.

Leftists have gotten rid of it, and our nation has become a lawless nation as a result.

but we very may well have unprecedented endemic child abuse going on rn.

That's because we don't put pedophiles and rapists and "child sex advocates" to death.


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That's because we don't put pedophiles and rapists and "child sex advocates" to death.

If I were a judge with the authority to give people the death penalty, I would only hand down such a sentence because I was standing on a specific verse authorizing the death penalty for a specific crime.

Therefore, I would issue the death penalty for rape that you mentioned. But when it comes to pedophiles who have a sexual desire for children but who never actually act on that desire, there is no verse authorizing the death penalty for that.

That would be like sentencing someone for robbing a bank simply because he had a desire to rob a bank. We don't have the biblical authority to prosecute someone's thoughts.

There is not even a verse authorizing the death penalty for the sexual molestation of a child. I wish there was. But there just isn't.

The molester would likely get "40 stripes minus one" and if he dies then, oh well, that's just the way the cookie crumbles sometimes.


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If I were a judge with the authority to give people the death penalty, I would only hand down such a sentence because I was standing on a specific verse authorizing the death penalty for a specific crime.

There are no specific verses that authorize the death penalty for people who sexually assault children. That doesn't mean it shouldn't be a capital crime. Jesus said if a man causes a child to sin, it would be better for the man if a millstone was tied to his neck and it be thrown into the ocean with him. (Millstones, by the way, are extremely heavy, some weigh over 5000 lbs, for those who didn't know.)

Pedophilia (especially in cases of incest) causes children to sin, especially once their bodies hit puberty, because of the psychological trauma.

Therefore, I would issue the death penalty for rape that you mentioned. But when it comes to pedophiles who have a sexual desire for children but who never actually act on that desire, there is no verse authorizing the death penalty for that.

Yeah, that's what I'm saying. You're saying things I agree with. When I say "we don't put pedophiles and rapists and "child sex advocates" to death, I'm talking about those who are convicted of such things.

I'm not saying "execute them just because they are sexually attracted to children."

I'm saying "execute them if they have been convicted of committing a crime that falls under that."

Coveting isn't itself a crime, but it is part of a true criminal justice system, because it helps determine motive.

Any person who lusts after children (the motive), and because of it, does something to try to harm a child (the criminal act) should upon conviction of the crime be put to death.

That would be like sentencing someone for robbing a bank simply because he had a desire to rob a bank.

If someone desires to rob a bank, he cannot be charged. But if he starts planning out how to rob a bank with the intention of following through with it, that's a crime, and he should be punished accordingly.

Likewise, if someone desires to sexually assault a children, he cannot be charged with a crime (he'll stand before God on judgement day for it unless he repents, because it's a sin, but it's not a crime). But the moment he starts to interact with a child with that intention, he is guilty of committing a crime, and upon conviction, should be executed.

We don't have the biblical authority to prosecute someone's thoughts.

Never said we did.

There is not even a verse authorizing the death penalty for the sexual molestation of a child. I wish there was. But there just isn't.

"Do not commit adultery" isn't just a prohibition on a married man or woman having sex with someone other than their spouse. It's a prohibition on all sexual immorality, because sex is supposed to be between a husband and his wife, and no one else.

I think you'll find that there's plenty of material in the Bible that shows that pedophilia isn't just a sin, it's a crime.

And not only that, that it is deserving of the death penalty.

The molester would likely get "40 stripes minus one" and if he dies then, oh well, that's just the way the cookie crumbles sometimes.

The "40 stripes minus 1" isn't from God. That's man's legalism, a law around the law, implemented by man to avoid violating God's law.

What God actually said was that the judge should not give "more than forty lashes." (Deuteronomy 25:3), and doing more than that would be excessive and degrading.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ

Teacher tells students to call pedophiles 'minor attracted persons,' ...​

Also says not to judge anyone 'just because they want to have sex with a 5-year-old'​

Like you can't even say "they're struggling with something?"