Homosexuality will destroy this and any country and needs to be recriminalized


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Really - copying entire pages on another website is a copyright offence so I HAVE to LINK.

I have been responsible.

You just do not want to work your brain. Your reactions are the result of this difficulty of yours.

It is a discussion board and people regularly link to other sources like youtube. Just because you can see youtube in your browser does not increase its worth. Just shows how little knowledge you have of the technical environment that IS this discussion board.

You dont need a whole page to refute a point, you are too lazy to quote your rebuttal. Do you know the purpose of a discussion board?

yes, people link, after their quote of the direct information/rebuttal, you posted ONLY a link, which in fact here, is a board violation, called link dropping. Its not up to anyone to search out your rebuttal.

8. Thou SHALL NOT attempt to redirect members to another forum, website, or blog.

See Tols commandments.

Which is what you are doing, when you post no relevant information, but only the link.


Well-known member
You dont need a whole page to refute a point, you are too lazy to quote your rebuttal. Do you know the purpose of a discussion board?

yes, people link, after their quote of the direct information/rebuttal, you posted ONLY a link, which in fact here, is a board violation, called link dropping. Its not up to anyone to search out your rebuttal.

See Tols commandments.

Which is what you are doing, when you post no relevant information, but only the link.
The first was from "UNfundamental Christianity." Pretty much makes it spam and link dropping, and as you say, against the rules.
It is the same liberal line of all liberal lines: "God changed. He is loving NOW! (the way "I" think He should be loving...)." :dizzy: (by an 'I.T. speciallist' no less (no theology background) :Z )

The second from Bible.org actually doesn't agree with him. It says that their sin was Sodomizing and same sex obsession.


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Is my marriage to my wife moral? She cannot have children.... ?

yes, the purpose of marriage and the reproductive system doesnt change if one doesnt operate as intended. (does the purpose of having legs change, if one is paralyzed?- no, so the purpose of sperm and eggs and the womb doesnt change if any of them dont work right)

Then there is the spiritual aspect, spiritual children are produced by godly conduct - that point to Gods ways and intents - leading by example.

The marriage is an example of the relationship between man and God in scripture, used often.
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I ask this question often, I never get any coherent answer other than "That's Different"

Liar, ive answered you directly on it, and said it many times to others here before. Refresh what i told you, above in what i told him, the answer is the same.
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Rule 6

You misread the relevant rule 8 as I was not redirecting only linking.


Thats ok, since you think im wrong on it, keep doing it and ill report, and we can see what happens.

Im not reading your link and searching for your answer because you are lazy and know your links dont even say what you want to refute, lon already showed that.
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Is my marriage to my wife moral? She cannot have children.... ?
Spirit of the law vs a rejection of it. One is at least trying. I do not only understand marriage as procreation however, I'm just saying according to Catholics and a few others, their theology is consistent. Rather, God said He created him (Adam) in His image and them (Eve as well) in His image. Because His creation was made after His own image, a perversion of that image is sin. A nonChristian would not care about that. Only a Christian would value and understand that we should follow the purpose and way we are made. We are not judges of the world. In our respective countries, we may be politically responsible for our voting. For that, I believe I need to vote on what is 'best' for those I am voting for. It may not and often is not what is being asked for. Medical marijuana is legal in my state. I voted against recreational use. It is not best for society to put their or their children's lungs at risk. It is not best for them to get DUI's. Etc. Etc.

Humans are so diverse that 'normal' is very hard to define. :)
You know of an exception to someone loving the idea of the family? Even blended groups want to exemplify an organic family as it naturally occurs. Most people want that kind of family, even if they do not accomplish it. So I think we can define 'normal' really well, we just aren't succeeding necessarily the first time.

You could well be one of the most moderate members on this forum, I reckon.
Excellent! Good For You! :D
You seem open to all data. Perhaps a moderate? The best any of us can do, is the 'most loving thing' we can do. We disagree on the difference between indulgence or discipline between groups. To me, it seems politically the left is about indulgence and the right is theologically about following directives and restriction. Both must remain at odds over it.


Well-known member
Spirit of the law vs a rejection of it. One is at least trying. I do not only understand marriage as procreation however, I'm just saying according to Catholics and a few others, their theology is consistent. Rather, God said He created him (Adam) in His image and them (Eve as well) in His image. Because His creation was made after His own image, a perversion of that image is sin. A nonChristian would not care about that. Only a Christian would value and understand that we should follow the purpose and way we are made. We are not judges of the world. In our respective countries, we may be politically responsible for our voting. For that, I believe I need to vote on what is 'best' for those I am voting for. It may not and often is not what is being asked for. Medical marijuana is legal in my state. I voted against recreational use. It is not best for society to put their or their children's lungs at risk. It is not best for them to get DUI's. Etc. Etc.
Hi... again...
I won't bust up your paragraph, just answer it 'in one', ok?
No, Lon, were have never been trying, we have been loving. We knew at the beginning that Mrs Eider cannot have children. We love each other....... what more to say?
You mention Catholic theology. Many religions earnestly desire their numbers to rise. Not just Christians. For one example, Baha'ullah the Baha'i prophet exclaimed 'Bring forth ones who will make mention of me!'... On the side, can you tell me what your Creed or Church is?. Churches differ widely in beliefs and Creeds.
No, lots of other religions and philosophies follow the purposes for which they were made, they just believe in a variety of 'purposes', each calling all the others wrong.
Marijuana..... Excellent that your State allows it for genuine medication. In the UK we cannot do that. I often wonder about UK policy about 'drugs'. We spend billions of Police involvement, billions on jailed 'drug' criminals, billions on investigation of drug gangs and drug murders, we don't allow marijuana use at all for any medical reason...... blah blah... and some people here say that to repeal the drug laws or some of them would produce an immense return from taxation, crush the gangs, free up police to go 'policing' ... blah blah.... bit I don't see our legislation changing.

You know of an exception to someone loving the idea of the family? Even blended groups want to exemplify an organic family as it naturally occurs. Most people want that kind of family, even if they do not accomplish it. So I think we can define 'normal' really well, we just aren't succeeding necessarily the first time.
I know that thousands and thousands of couples over here do not want family..... they want their lives together and to be able to afford a house, social status, holidays etc. I've taken a keen interest in feminism over here (UK) and most women don't seem to be foot-stamping feminists because they have the benefit of huge legislation which is slowly turning in their favour. Women here feel much more confident now and because of this they can be quietly confidently calmly insistent about what they want out of their lives. I have to tell you that our young people's God tends to be Mammon regardless of what religion they wear on their sleeve.
The main area where they feel let down is that the top executive positions and incomes are still tending to go to males because the 'old-school-tie', the 'handshake' and 'secret-society' is still strong here and young male mid-class applicants get pushed forward.
The fact that there are less Fat-Cat Female execs than Fat-Cat Male execs doesn#t bother me one jot because they are all earning more than they deserve or are worth imo. :D

You seem open to all data. Perhaps a moderate?
Me? I grab for all and any info available and then give it all a good objective chewing. I believe in personal investigation for truth and seek it where I can. I haven't got time to bother with indoctrination or evidence which buttresses agendas and all sides of any debate can be tempted to do that.

The best any of us can do, is the 'most loving thing' we can do. We disagree on the difference between indulgence or discipline between groups. To me, it seems politically the left is about indulgence and the right is theologically about following directives and restriction. Both must remain at odds over it.
I went looking around for info about this.
Both left and right, Conservative and Liberal politicians in the US can side for and against various issues at the same time in varying %s ........ In the UK when a politician feels that they must vote with the opposition they are described as 'walking across the floor'..... sometimes our whole Parliament votes together on an issue regardless of political party. It did exactly this last week.

You mentioned the Catholic Church earlier. Have you ever watched the series 'The Borgias'? I know that it's adapted for entertainment viewing but the basis of corruption was so severely crippling that it could be easy to describe it in very hard terms. Ergo, there is as much corruption amongst humans within religions as without, methinks, we just have to set our standards and then stick to them.... ourselves. :)


Well-known member
Hi... again...
I won't bust up your paragraph, just answer it 'in one', ok?
No, Lon, were have never been trying, we have been loving. We knew at the beginning that Mrs Eider cannot have children. We love each other....... what more to say?
You mention Catholic theology. Many religions earnestly desire their numbers to rise. Not just Christians. For one example, Baha'ullah the Baha'i prophet exclaimed 'Bring forth ones who will make mention of me!'... :)

Thanks, I'll likewise do similar here in Response.

1) I am Reformed by belief, but belief it was for freedom the Lord Jesus Christ set us free. Galatians 5:1 As I said, the main reason I am against homosexuality is more in line with the social and physical harm. Spiritually, I believe we all need healing and reconnection with the Father as the Bible sets it out. I am Evangelical, Fundamental, and Conservative, and while self-legalistic, try to avoid putting anyone under a yoke or burden that God has not given them. He said His yoke was easy and His burden light. "Jesus Saves" needs to be good news and the more I can get someone talking to God, the more I can get out of the way of that conversation. A good introduction and a Bible with a few reading instructions is a good place of introduction.'
2) Spiritually, I am concerned about Homosexuality because scripture says our bodies are meant for the Lord, as we are meant for the Lord.
Only a Christian would be interested in that, so I think it has to be a message after sharing the Lord Jesus Christ with someone. If they want to follow Him, they will be concerned and take His words as their own. Part of those instructions include how we interact together as a church as well. Sex overall is a concern for couples. I really didn't need to think much about it until I was married. It brings its own frame of mind. Most people do not wait until they are married, which lends to your idea about those in the church not being very different when it comes to such things. I think we are a bit different, but of course some of those observations are true. Ephesians 5 says that marriage is a picture of Christ to His bride, the church, therefore, men ought to love their wives and sacrifice for them and wives ought to be helpers for their husbands. I am not too caught up in roles, but rather the biblical expression of love in them and as they are intended by God, to portray some certain part of His character.
3) Because of that, I'm pretty sure there is not much difference between the church at large and the rest of society as far as problematic behavior. Our divorce rates, for instance, aren't far from the rest of the world. We do outgive others as a people group. I think forgiveness is a huge thing, however. It allows people the ability to walk in grace, and they tend to grace others because of it. Unconditional love tends to also help others espouse those ideals in their lives and expressions to others as well. I have shared close community with people who have been changed and who love. The world may not see us as different, but I'm not sure they are looking hard enough. I was shocked recently that Richard Dawkins thought only Christianity could defeat ISIS for example.
4) I have had a few friends who were Ba'hai. It is so open as a theology/religion, though, that most who I talk to become Christians when they start looking. In a way, it is almost like a world religions class for them.