1. Is not moral - as in it does not continue the species.
Is my marriage to my wife moral? She cannot have children.... ?
2. It is the living state for that individual - not normal.
Humans are so diverse that 'normal' is very hard to define.
3. It does not reduce the love bonding possible - All people can love fully.
I do not understand this. I don't know many couples that love (what I would call) 'fully', but we are very happy. Most of my mates moan about their wives, and 'look around'. Sad, really.
4. It does involve 'unnatural sex acts' - So can heterosexaul sex.
I won't... can't discuss sex acts on this forum, but 'love is as love does'.
5. There are EXTRA risks to physical health - the same care as should be taken by heterosexuals limits this.
Yes, I think that there might be, but then, extreme mountain biking, rock climbing and hang gilding are pretty risky., but I wouldn't hold that against such sporting folks.
My personal opinion
Homosexuals should be allowed to be as they are with in society at large.
They should seek personal contact in exclusive 'meeting' places.
I don't like exclusive clubs, groups or anything else, really. For instance, hetero friends of gays shouldn't be banned from gay-nightclubs, etc.
They should not HAVE to feel that they HAVE to have a strong MOVEMENT to obtain 'civil marriage' rights. Their rights should already be defined and should be as little different as possible to heterosexuals.
True. That's how most gays would like it, I reckon.
Forcing the 'Gay' community into the activist role has significantly altered the 'normal' attitude of the persons involved. The successes have made the 'gay' movement too powerful considering the numbers involved and this ground must not be lost by its supporters.
That can be a problem for any minority groups.... they shout so loud to be noticed, and then, next thing you know, they've become big mouths!
I would not like to see 'Gay' people married in church as this should be the 'moral' marriage confirmation.
Depends which Church, I guess.
We got married in a registry office because my wife is agnostic.
I presume that there are Gay Churches? I don't know much about Gays and religion. In the UK Gays can marry ion registry offices but so far the CofE Synod has not voted for Gay Marriages in CofE Churches.
I believe that you marry your partner BEFORE you arrive at church or the registry office. This 'coupling' of two 'soul' is the love we should be looking for NOT the physical display from 'Hollywood' movies.
Cool. I fell in love with my wife in the first five minutes, I reckon.
(She didn't like me though. If I was around her tummy felt funny, she remembers....!)
The only solution to immoral sexual relationships is to abstain. This is your 'soul' taking charge and dominating the physical desire. This does NOT reduce the love shared and is moral.
I can imagine that depth of spiritual existence, but have never attained to it.
You could well be one of the most moderate members on this forum, I reckon.
Excellent! Good For You!