Homosexuality will destroy this and any country and needs to be recriminalized


Find another word- you're the bigot. You espoused the freedom of gay sex and took it all the way to the Supreme Court pretending it was out of equal rights and not your fundamental bigotry against conservatives.

Hypocrisy is an inherent thing with liberals, I long came to realize- they want illegal immigration to run rampant because they harbor bigotry toward conservatives. They want as many Muslims as they can here because they harbor bigotry toward conservatives.
In reality, liberals are nothing more than adulterous wives;
whores- and the 'moderates' the cuckolded conservatives of this country.

None of these things in any way benefit the 'liberal', it is an exercise in infidelity and being a burden to the nation.


Well-known member
Find another word- you're the bigot. You espoused the freedom of gay sex and took it all the way to the Supreme Court pretending it was out of equal rights and not your fundamental bigotry against conservatives.

Hypocrisy is an inherent thing with liberals, I long came to realize- they want illegal immigration to run rampant because they harbor bigotry toward conservatives. They want as many Muslims as they can here because they harbor bigotry toward conservatives.
In reality, liberals are nothing more than adulterous wives;
whores- and the 'moderates' the cuckolded conservatives of this country.

None of these things in any way benefit the 'liberal', it is an exercise in infidelity and being a burden to the nation.
What a crock. It is not bigotry to seek equal rights with others.

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It is not bigotry to seek equal rights with others.

It is bigotry when the intent is to be bigoted- you all used this tiny fraction of society just to harass other people.

Homosexuality constitutes only 5.5 million people in the US, and of them, only 251,000 have married.

The fact is, nobody really cared about gay marriage, it was a creation to bash conservative Christians with and that is that- you're all a bunch of deceivers who think they have everyone fooled because so many people will play this stupid game with yall-
I don't. You are all manipulators who will find anything to deliver whatever blow you can to conservative values.


Well-known member
It is bigotry when the intent is to be bigoted- you all used this tiny fraction of society just to harass other people.

Homosexuality constitutes only 5.5 million people in the US, and of them, only 251,000 have married.

The fact is, nobody really cared about gay marriage, it was a creation to bash conservative Christians with and that is that- you're all a bunch of deceivers who think they have everyone fooled because so many people will play this stupid game with yall-
I don't. You are all manipulators who will do anything to deliver whatever blow they can to conservative Christians.
Heiferdust . Equality is not measured in numbers, it is not a case of minorities oppressing anyone because minorities can't. Further there is no minimum number that you must have In order to be considered for equality.

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Heiferdust . Equality is not measured in numbers, it is not a case of minorities oppressing anyone because minorities can't. Further there is no minimum number that you must have In order to be considered for equality.

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Cool story.

Your intent has nothing to do with equality, you all have used gays as a bashing tool against Christians.

But ignore the other 90% of what I've told you, and continue with your same old narrative. It's what you all do- because you're manipulators.


New member
It is bigotry when the intent is to be bigoted- you all used this tiny fraction of society just to harass other people.

Homosexuality constitutes only 5.5 million people in the US, and of them, only 251,000 have married.
Just how old are your numbers?


Just how old are your numbers?

I don't keep up with the number, because I don't find supporting gay sex to be an honorable thing- it's a very disturbing thing which people like yourself have been brainwashed to think otherwise of- why not go defend bestiality while you're at it :wave2:


Well-known member
Cool story.

Your intent has nothing to do with equality, you all have used gays as a bashing tool against Christians.

But ignore the other 90% of what I've told you, and continue with your same old narrative. It's what you all do- because you're manipulators.
You apparently miss the fact that many Christians support equal rights for gays but I'm sure that won't fit within your narrative. Oh and beastiality and homosexuality are nothing alike but the comparison does show where your head is at.

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...[M]any Christians support equal rights for gays...

If one claims to be a Christian, we can reasonably expect him to follow Christ. :plain: 1 Co 5:11

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14]
heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).


Well-known member
If one claims to be a Christian, we can reasonably expect him to follow Christ. :plain: 1 Co 5:11

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14]
heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).
Jesus never once spoke of homosexuals. He did however speak about inhospitality and hatred of others.

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Well-known member
You are confusing the Eternal Word with the Bible. They are not the same and never have been.

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You apparently miss the fact that many Christians support equal rights for gays but I'm sure that won't fit within your narrative.

'Liberal Christians' are liberals before they are Christians. You have to ignore some of it's most basic principles to be one.

Oh and beastiality and homosexuality are nothing alike but the comparison does show where your head is at.

Yes they are.
You all simply get away with that notion because describing the inherently nasty business of gay sex isn't right for conversation.


Well-known member
'Liberal Christians' are liberals before they are Christians. You have to ignore some of it's most basic principles to be one.

Yes they are.
You all simply get away with that notion because describing the inherently nasty business of gay sex isn't right for conversation.
Ah... frankly your opinions show the depth of your own fear and ignorance. The most basic principles of Christianity are love and acceptance, compassion towards the jailed, the poor and the oppressed and love towards your neighbour .

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Ah... frankly your opinions show the depth of your own fear and ignorance. The most basic principles of Christianity are love and acceptance, compassion towards the jailed, the poor and the oppressed and love towards your neighbour

Cherry-picked principles :rolleyes:

-Not calling evil good and good evil
-Abstaining from detestable actions and condoning thereof
-Not keeping the company of proud sinners
-Not being a stepping stone for such people

All these things are taught in the Bible- people who have never thoroughly examined the Bible simply don't know that it is all in there- that God does in fact command Christians not to be the subjects of other people's advantage.

It doesn't occur to you that a Christian does in fact have an obligation not to bake a cake for a gay wedding, or to vote in favor of gay marriage, or any other things you liberals demand everyone do.

And that is why a 'liberal Christian' is a liberal before they are Christian :wave2:
It's not a hard concept- they serve two masters.


Well-known member
Cherry-picked principles :rolleyes:

-Not calling evil good and good evil
-Abstaining from detestable actions and condoning thereof
-Not keeping the company of proud sinners
-Not being a stepping stone for such people

All these things are taught in the Bible- people who have never thoroughly examined the Bible simply don't know that it is all in there- that God does in fact command Christians not to be the subjects of other people's advantage.

It doesn't occur to you that a Christian does in fact have an obligation not to bake a cake for a gay wedding, or to vote in favor of gay marriage, or any other things you liberals demand everyone do.

And that is why a 'liberal Christian' is a liberal before they are Christian :wave2:
It's not a hard concept- they serve two masters.
And that would be bulldust. Those principles are certainly there but the words Jesus spoke take precedence. Feel free to disparage as you will.

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