Homo Pedophile Hollywood not Exaggerated


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
(Look at Al, using all of those multisyllable words).

You're gonna love (actually you'll hate it) Part 4 where I'll be indexing all of that information that can be accessed with the click of a mouse.

Tell me Al, are you going through withdraaaaawals since my thread closed?

I can wait aCW, don't you rush on my account...

Being that you've surpassed that 46.6 mark by close to 20 years Al and are living on borrowed time, I best not wait too long or my bestest homosexualist poster won't be around to talk about that notorious "just happens" gene.

It'll be sometime in August Al, so take an extra dose of HAART meds so that you can at least make it a couple of more months.


Yawwwwwn...I exposed your pro homosexual APA's and their junk research numerous times in my threads. Keep trying veggiegarden, you'll eventually have someone fall for your lies.
What About Claims That Scientific Research Proves Gay Men Are Likely To Molest Children?

Some conservative groups have argued that scientific research strongly supports their claims that homosexuality and pedophilia are linked. The Family Research Council has produced what is perhaps the most extensive attempt to document this claim. It is an article by Timothy J. Dailey titled "Homosexuality and Child Abuse."

With 76 footnotes, many of them referring to papers in scientific journals, it appears at first glance to be a thorough and scholarly discussion of the issue. On further examination, however, its central argument – that "the evidence indicates that homosexual men molest boys at rates grossly disproportionate to the rates at which heterosexual men molest girls" – doesn't hold up.

Never let it be said that "aCultureWarrior" has allowed the facts to influence his preconceived biases!

Why is he so preoccupied with maintaining a steady stream of personal attacks attempting to denigrate his opponents - its designed to divert attention away from the embarrassing fact that he really has no credible evidence to support his claims.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Yawwwwwn...I exposed your pro homosexual APA's and their junk research numerous times in my threads. Keep trying veggiegarden, you'll eventually have someone fall for your lies.

Never let it be said that "aCultureWarrior" has allowed the facts to influence his preconceived biases!

Corey Feldman: Pedophilia/pederasty is Hollywood's biggest problem

Surrounded by homosexual vultures at age 14, whadda life.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
This vicious rumor about the great J. Edgar Hoover started of course after Hoover died (because cowards always start rumors after people die). Being that Hoover was a devout anti-communist, the Reds went after him. Ann Coulter's father, who was a Special Agent in the FBI under Hoover and many other agents and high ranking officials within the Bureau have quashed the lies that I see you've fallen for.

Do a better job of verifying the information in your copy and pastes Naz.

What, like you do?


"Creativity Movement" anyone? Just how many times have you been shown up for the sources you haven't vetted at all?

Both you and Naz are a complete pair of dingbats. The pair of you would come out more intelligent after a lobotomy...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Yawwwwwn...I exposed your pro homosexual APA's and their junk research numerous times in my threads. Keep trying veggiegarden, you'll eventually have someone fall for your lies.

Corey Feldman: Pedophilia/pederasty is Hollywood's biggest problem

Surrounded by homosexual vultures at age 14, whadda life.

1: Homosexuality and Pederasty are not the same thing, they never have been.
2: Cory Feldman is no expert.
3: Your sources have been shown to be incorrect, will you retract your comments?


New member
You still don't get it.

It doesn't matter if the Rosenbergs were guilty or not of whatever.

The point is the lawyers, judges and legal system don't uphold


Thats a DEATH PENALTY offence in this case.

You mean like the lie that homosexuality and pedophilia are even related?


New member
If you had been more than just a drive-by poster in my Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! threads, you'd know that a vast majority of homosexuals were raped as children and because of that were sexually confused and later had perverted desires.

Actually the vast majority of homosexuals weren't.

Nazaroo: do you think this lie is worth the death penalty?


1: Homosexuality and Pederasty are not the same thing, they never have been.

For clarification purposes:

Pedophilia is adult sex with a prepubescent child.

Pederasty is adult male sex with a post pubescent boy.

I'll be showing in Part 4 of my soon to be released "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!" thread that the vast vast majority of homosexuals that molest children (even those in the North American Man Boy Love Association which was founded by homosexual activists) are pederasts (including the thousands upon thousands of post pubescent boys molested by adult male troop leaders in the Boy Scouts and post pubescent altar boys molested by adult homosexual Catholic priests).

2: Cory Feldman is no expert.

Yet he didn't so much as flinch when he said that pedophiles (he really meant pederasts) were everywhere in Hollywood.

3: Your sources have been shown to be incorrect, will you retract your comments?

Did I mention that openly homosexual X Men director Bryan Singer likez his sex toys young as well?

'X-Men' director Bryan Singer accused of sexually abusing 15-year-old boy at California mansion

Bryan Singer, whose first hit as a director was 1995’s 'The Usual Suspects,' allegedly met accuser Michael Egan III, then 15, in 1998 at a mansion in Encino, Calif., that was the site of regular drug-fueled underage sex attacks.


There's so much more where that came from. You boyz be sure to come visit me in WHMBR! Part 4 and you can do your queen of denial acts there.


New member

Thats a DEATH PENALTY offence in this case.

You mean like the lie that homosexuality and pedophilia are even related?

I will explain it to you so that you have no excuse for misconstruing the Law of God:

The penalty imposed is always the penalty intended for the victim
by the person committing perjury.


(1) You lie and accuse someone of stealing $100 in a Law Court.

Penalty: You pay $700 if caught lying in court.

you pay $400 if you confess first.

(2) You lie at a murder trial in a way that would have convicted the wrong person of murder.

Penalty: You are executed, for attempted murder.

Is that clear enough?



Thats a DEATH PENALTY offence in this case.


I will explain it to you so that you have no excuse for misconstruing the Law of God:

The penalty imposed is always the penalty intended for the victim
by the person committing perjury.


(1) You lie and accuse someone of stealing $100 in a Law Court.

Penalty: You pay $700 if caught lying in court.

you pay $400 if you confess first.

(2) You lie at a murder trial in a way that would have convicted the wrong person of murder.

Penalty: You are executed, for attempted murder.

Is that clear enough?

I must say Naz, your theonomy laws do have some...




New member

Thats a DEATH PENALTY offence in this case.


I will explain it to you so that you have no excuse for misconstruing the Law of God:

The penalty imposed is always the penalty intended for the victim
by the person committing perjury.


(1) You lie and accuse someone of stealing $100 in a Law Court.

Penalty: You pay $700 if caught lying in court.

you pay $400 if you confess first.

(2) You lie at a murder trial in a way that would have convicted the wrong person of murder.

Penalty: You are executed, for attempted murder.

Is that clear enough?
So what is the penalty for telling the lie that homosexuality and pedophilia are related?


New member
So what is the penalty for telling the lie that homosexuality and pedophilia are related?

If its not bearing false witness in a court of law in a Theocratic state,
there can be no penalty.

If you were to take it to civil court in Israel,
I would guess that you have to prove the statement is a lie first.

Then show it cost you money, and if you can get your claim classifed
as a theft, the penalty would be 7 fold.

If you are claiming a personal physical injury, the penalty drops to
an eye for an eye (special cases to prevent personal vengeance
and limit counter-injuries).


New member
What big movies/TV shows have been pushing the view that pedophilia is acceptable? I've been seeing a lot of movies lately, but I haven't seen this supposed pro pedophilia message in any of them. I'm against pedophilia, but I don't think Hollywood is pushing a pro child rape agenda.


New member


New member
If its not bearing false witness in a court of law in a Theocratic state,
there can be no penalty.

If you were to take it to civil court in Israel,
I would guess that you have to prove the statement is a lie first.

Then show it cost you money, and if you can get your claim classifed
as a theft, the penalty would be 7 fold.

If you are claiming a personal physical injury, the penalty drops to
an eye for an eye (special cases to prevent personal vengeance
and limit counter-injuries).

So then you're saying that false witness is just fine...as long as you aren't in court.


New member
So then you're saying that false witness is just fine...as long as you aren't in court.

thats exactly correct. Its not illegal under the Law of Moses.
However, the Courts of Israel had the power to 'interpret' the Law,
and add statutes as necessary to deal with new situations as they arose.

The Commandment is in the context of the theocratic court of Moses in Israel.

Bearing false witness is explained in more detail in other Pentateuch passages,
where the penalties for bearing false witness in various trial scenarios
and their consequences are expounded.

Elsewhere gossip is forbidden in the NT, but no penalty is articulated
aside from being kicked out of the church for the unrepentant.

However, liars are warned that they cannot enter the Kingdom of God.


What big movies/TV shows have been pushing the view that pedophilia is acceptable? I've been seeing a lot of movies lately, but I haven't seen this supposed pro pedophilia message in any of them. I'm against pedophilia, but I don't think Hollywood is pushing a pro child rape agenda.

Here's 42 of them for a start.

The Best Pedophilia Movies

"A list of the best pedophilia movies ever made, ranked by movie fans with film trailers when available. This pedophilia movie list is ordered by popularity, so only the greatest movies about pedophilia are at the top of the list... Click on these pedophilia movie titles for more information about the films.

The list you're viewing has a variety of items, like The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane and Sin City, in it."

Now these are mainstream Hollyweird pedophilia movies. If you were to open a link to any LGBTQueer film festival, you'd see many "art house" films that show and promote "man-boy love" and even lesbo "love" between an adult female and underage girl.

Here's Sodom and Gonorrhea North's annual LGBTQueer festival website, see for yourself.