
Slippery Mongoose

New member
Well that must have been cool to get your own smilie and not even be expecting it. Knight your boys were supposed to come over! Yell at them for me...


New member
No, Elaine isn't in the Secret Santa Program. She had asked Turbo a question about it on the Secret Santa thread, though. Say, I heard that the TOL store has a sale running through the 7th and many are trying to buy their gifts while the're still on sale, so maybe you'll get something soon.;)

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Slippery Mongoose
Well that must have been cool to get your own smilie and not even be expecting it. Knight your boys were supposed to come over! Yell at them for me...
I think they want you all to come over to watch the Av's game and make Busy Day Cookies.