Holy Spirit - Asigned Angel


Stop boasting and try and remember what you said about humility.

I said
Where do you come up with all this deception? Facts are not boasting. Facts are truth. You should try the truth some time, you might even get to like it. You don't seem to understand humility, or truth.


New member
I said
Where do you come up with all this deception? Facts are not boasting. Facts are truth. You should try the truth some time, you might even get to like it. You don't seem to understand humility, or truth.

You were boasting about what you think you can do and saying I couldn't do so....that is boasting.


You were boasting about what you think you can do and saying I couldn't do so....that is boasting.

I said
That is a fact. If it isn't then prove it show me the revelations you have received from Jesus.

Was Peter boasting here? Or was he stating the facts?
[Act 15:7
7 And when there had been much dispute, Peter rose up [and] said to them: "Men [and] brethren, you know that a good while ago God chose among us, that by my mouth the Gentiles should hear the word of the gospel and believe.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
You are an heretic and extreme perverter of the truth. ........... you lie because you belong to the father of lies.

Your wages will be swift and sudden.

No. No good here, condemning another member in this manner. You seem to do this without knowing the other member well. Not good. :nono:


New member
No. No good here, condemning another member in this manner. You seem to do this without knowing the other member well. Not good. :nono:

"The TOL statement of faith says, "Christ commands His followers to rebuke and to judge with righteous judgment and to forgive those who repent."

Don't you see that you condemning me is in itself hypocrisy?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
"The TOL statement of faith says, "Christ commands His followers to rebuke and to judge with righteous judgment and to forgive those who repent."

Don't you see that you condemning me is in itself hypocrisy?

In some cases, yes, but in your case, you seem more out to fight with other members and be disruptive.


New member
In some cases, yes, but in your case, you seem more out to fight with other members and be disruptive.

He denies the Deity of The Messiah. He condemns himself. I just confirm it in the hope he'll see the error of his ways.

I display love when I rebuke and warn. It might not be nice but things are urgent.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
He denies the Deity of The Messiah. He condemns himself. I just confirm it in the hope he'll see the error of his ways.

I display love when I rebuke and warn. It might not be nice but things are urgent.
You prove my case. The person is female, not a 'he'.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Male or female makes no difference. The fact of the matter remains she is a blasphemer of The Messiah and that means an heretic.

It makes a difference when you do not even know to whom you are speaking about. Don't be a pest.


New member
It makes a difference when you do not even know to whom you are speaking about. Don't be a pest.

Don't you get it? You are sticking up for a heretic. On another site I'm dealing with peadophiles and some people are sticking up for them. I thought I was on safe ground with peadophiles and heretics, but I live and learn.


"The TOL statement of faith says, "Christ commands His followers to rebuke and to judge with righteous judgment and to forgive those who repent."

Don't you see that you condemning me is in itself hypocrisy?

I said
Don't you know that the only way you can have righteous judgment is if you have the Word abiding in you. The Holy Spirit is the only One who can judge righteously with the verses. You are judging with no more than your own opinion. And that is worthless.

Rom 12:16
16 Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion.


He denies the Deity of The Messiah. He condemns himself. I just confirm it in the hope he'll see the error of his ways.

I display love when I rebuke and warn. It might not be nice but things are urgent.

I said
lol Your an idiot, you cant rebuke someone with no more than your own opinion. You must have scripture from the Holy Spirit.


Don't you get it? You are sticking up for a heretic. On another site I'm dealing with peadophiles and some people are sticking up for them. I thought I was on safe ground with peadophiles and heretics, but I live and learn.

I said
lol You cant define humble, you cant define righteous, with the scriptures. Define heretick with the scriptures. You cant even spell it right.

Titus 3:10
10 A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject;


Don't you get it? You are sticking up for a heretic. On another site I'm dealing with peadophiles and some people are sticking up for them. I thought I was on safe ground with peadophiles and heretics, but I live and learn.

I said
lol I get tickled when I see some of you try to flex your intellectual muscles. When you do it without the support of the Holy Spirit and the verses. Your bearing false witness. I get tickled because I know what your going to get.

Rom 12:19
19 Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay," says the Lord.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I'm dealing with pedophiles and some people are sticking up for them. I thought I was on safe ground with peadophiles and heretics, but I live and learn.
the person who reported you may not have a perfect theology, but she is not a pedophile.