Puppets know nothing of heaven and never will.
The God of heaven rules all things just as He like it without your evil comments.
Puppets know nothing of heaven and never will.
Does "Holy Laughter" edify the Church, or detrack from it? How is howling, barking like dogs, crawling on all fours, and acting like your "demon possessed" edify the Church?
You made a simple statement that holy laughter was not in the Bible. This was your entire argument as to why you should reject the phenomenon of laughing. Since you no longer have that argument, then your rejection is wrong. It is not a question of making a doctrine out of laughter. That is just a straw man.
That statement was clearly wrong, demonstrating that you don't know the Bible.
Like I said, I am not supporting the phenomenon but you are going out of your way to negate something that is in the Bible. It is obvious that you don't like what is there. And anyway, they weren't laughing at her, they were laughing with her.
i am sure that some of it is in the flesh, i am also sure that some of it is distracting spirits
but the church and scriptures has no such list of how to act in the presence of the lord, like some have presented here.
That is why there is an expectation of/or a gift of (spiritual) discernment a group of elders should be able to glance at one another and key in on a distractive or occultic spirit and deal with or remove such a one.
many people would also find it uncomfortable and believe it was of satan if
isaiah 20:2 Go and loosen the sackcloth from your hips and take your shoes off your feet." And he did so, going naked and barefoot. 3And the LORD said, "Even as My servant Isaiah has gone naked and barefoot
GT would you find this uncomfortable or the other list i showed you of mens actions or lack of in the presence of God??
Answer the questions asked first.Is the Church to understood to be 1 or many persons? IOW, do you consider yourself to be the Church.
Nothing you said is true, nothing.
Answer the questions asked first.
Is this your normal procedure, when all the evidence is against you, just revert to deny, deny, deny? I think you lost that argument. Give it a rest.
So you refuse to answer the questions asked by me first. This is why I normally have you on Ignore and will put you back there now. You're afraid of the tough questions and look for a way to weasel out of them.No. And if you can't answer my more easily answerable one, I will consider you not to be of the church of 1 or many. I hope you have sufficient understanding of the scriptures to know why and if you can't, why are you on a Christian forum?
So you refuse to answer the questions asked by me first. This is why I normally have you on Ignore and will put you back there now. You're afraid of the tough questions and look for a way to weasel out of them.
You sure seem like a grouchy mean person who likes being rude and telling people they are not saved.
I am easy to know. You say you know God. Something is wrong with that picture, doncha think?
I have no idea what you are saying. I only know that there is an insult in it.
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.Does "Holy Laughter" edify the Church, or detrack from it?
Do you believe Holy Laughter in its various forms edifies the Church? I'm not looking to start an argument with you. You can answer in one word or many words. Watch a few minutes of the videos, you don't even have to watch it all. Do you believe that's of God?A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.
I believe that God moved in such a way, and maybe He still does. I have not seen Him do such in a very long time: perhaps ten years or more. The things He does are always imitated by flesh and by evil spirits. That doesn't negate what His Spirit does. I believe there's coming many things to the Body of Christ that we have yet to see and many will balk at what God does, as always and many will come to believe because of what God does. I believe some things that are coming will cause many who profess Christianity to be exposed as frauds and those who are God's will grow in grace and knowledge. The Kingdom doesn't come with observation. It comes with understanding. God gives understanding to the humble, the simple folk. He is no respecter of persons.Do you believe Holy Laughter in its various forms edifies the Church? I'm not looking to start an argument with you. You can answer in one word or many words. Watch a few minutes of the videos, you don't even have to watch it all. Do you believe that's of God?
No, it would not make me uncomfortable. I trust what God says, and you are showing me SCRIPTURES. What don't you get about what charismatic’s doing things not from God, not in the Bible? Do you think that the scripture you posted justifies a church of people all going naked and running around? Don't you see that "holy laughter" and being "drunk in the Spirit" is not in the Bible and is not from God? Don't you trust the Holy Bible? Don't you believe it has everything we need to know to guide us into eternal life? Don't you believe God knew what was going to be in the Bible and knew how to preserve His Word for us?
Thank you for a complete, well written answer. Since I was in the Charismatic Movement for awhile, things happened I could not explain. But I also saw fraud and deception, fake healings, two diametrically opposed interpretations of someone's speaking in tongues message, etc. I am open to the possibility that Holy Spirit may still work like that. But I've heard so many false prophecies that I think people are getting ahead of the gift, if truly given. Do miracles still happen? I wouldn't be here if they didn't.I believe that God moved in such a way, and maybe He still does. I have not seen Him do such in a very long time: perhaps ten years or more. The things He does are always imitated by flesh and by evil spirits. That doesn't negate what His Spirit does. I believe there's coming many things to the Body of Christ that we have yet to see and many will balk at what God does, as always and many will come to believe because of what God does. I believe some things that are coming will cause many who profess Christianity to be exposed as frauds and those who are God's will grow in grace and knowledge. The Kingdom doesn't come with observation. It comes with understanding. God gives understanding to the humble, the simple folk. He is no respecter of persons.