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Trump could be replaced by Pence. Franken could be replaced by special election or let his seat be empty for a while. I don't think government function will cease without him.
That's just two, honey bunny.
We need to investigate everyone's past and get them all out.

That's what groping and sexual misconduct is to you, unwanted advances and 'little petty thing(s)'? I can imagine your reaction had Trump or Franken stuck their tongue down your throat.
Pay attention.
I said the growing list of unacceptable behavior has grown into a monster with petty stuff.
I did NOT say everything on the list was petty.

Fine, but that says nothing about what punishment the man should receive.
If you have women that stop them in their tracks as soon as they start getting creepy, then there is nothing to punish.

Do you think there should be no punishment?
What the hell are you talking about?????
When have I said there should be no retaliation for anything????

@Ask Mr. Religion - what, exactly, are you thanking in Tambora's post? :idunno:
Because it was sensible.


New member
the huge number of those who chose to hate and the willingness of those people to lie about homosexuality

It is normal, specifically it is a normal variation in humans - just like being left handed or having blue eyes.

you single it out and ignore the 90 plusother abominations leisted in the bible.

Yes, Paul condmed the greedy and uncaring.

you are at fault for your own hate.
Propensity to chop someone to pieces with an axe is also a normal variation in humans. I would not call it normal behavior in the sight of a righteous God however.


New member
the huge number of those who chose to hate and the willingness of those people to lie about homosexuality

It is normal, specifically it is a normal variation in humans - just like being left handed or having blue eyes.

you single it out and ignore the 90 plusother abominations leisted in the bible.

Yes, Paul condmed the greedy and uncaring.

you are at fault for your own hate.
The desire to demand all agree with you on what is good and bad behavior is also a normal variation within humans. It's also a major cause for the removal of many rights and liberties granted to us in the Constitution. You seem to be one of that particular variation.


New member
Utter clown it is then, check Wiz's post again doofus.
Wiz's post is the evidence? Im not sure which one you refer to but it may be the one with a list of accusers. It's doesn't seem hard these days to enlist a whole host of accusers in the span of a day or two. If that doesn't smell fishy to you then you have a distorted perception that believes what it wants to believe. If there is any solid, corroborating evidence to any of the charges these accusers made, then you might have a point. Everyone being in sync and saying the exact kinds of things is not corroborating evidence. All you have to do is get a group of women together and get them all to memorize a story line with each one being similar to the other.

You have to consider that possibility when the charges are decades old and regarding a powerful or political person and brought forward at the most opportune time to do the most damage.

Have you ever wondered why every time a flock of women show up right before election time with old accusations, they always drop the issue when the accused drops out of the race?

Have you ever wondered why all of Trump's accusers dropped their charges when he threaten to sue them????

Could it be their stories would never stand up under cross examination?