Hollywood pedophiles


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What here do you find repugnant?
Obviously you are not on the same page and have no clue.


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Only a true pervert would be willing to compare an entire group of people to the act of sexually abusing a child just to defend their own petty bigotry.
Dufus, you are still on the wrong page.
Get back with me when you figure out what is being discussed.


like marbles on glass
You think Romans is telling you to like what fags do?
I guess you like what child molesters do too.

Only a true pervert would be willing to compare an entire group of people to the act of sexually abusing a child just to defend their own petty bigotry.

That tactic is used here frequently - trying to make a comparison between the the legal and consensual rights and actions between adults to the illegal, non-consensual sexual abuse of children. It's a disgusting tactic, but they'll keep doing it yes, to justify their bigotry.


like marbles on glass
ACW wanted Clinton to be President instead of Trump.

aCW didn't want Clinton to be President instead of Trump. When can we see your retraction?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I see that all of my questions from my previous post went unanswered.

Regarding me "voting for Clinton": I made it well known that I was going to vote for and did vote for the Constitution Party candidate and strongly encouraged those wo believe in God and decency to do so as well.

Spin it anyway you want my Libertarian foe, but it literally was a vote for Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party.

If people who identify as followers of Christ (according to a 2012 Gallup poll 77% of adult Americans call themselves Christian: http://www.gallup.com/poll/159548/identify-christian.aspx) had nominated the true conservative candidate (Ted Cruz) and voted for him in the general election, then I wouldn't be currently exposing LGBTQ ally Donald Trump.

How come you voted for and continue to support Donald Trump even though he goes against God's Word on something as basic as human sexuality?


New member
Does not Rom 3:23 include them also?
Do you think it means you are to like what they do?

Rom 3:23 does of course include them and their acts are not condoned.

Which makes the whole fag marriage thing ungodly.

Did you know there were not many sins that GOD reckoned so abominable that it carried a swift death sentence, and what fags do was one of them?

Same with adultery.

Why are you trying to use GOD's word to defend what they do?

Where did I?

If you are going to defend what fags do due to Rom 3:23, then you are going to have to defend what child molesters do also.

Straw man.

Your sin makes you guilty of breaking the whole law but you think homosexuals are beneath you.
Your post remains sickening and you should apologise.

Why have you ignored this - http://theologyonline.com/showthrea...d-pedophiles&p=5133682&viewfull=1#post5133682 ?


Well-known member
Can I get a link on that one?

I didn't bookmark it but he admitted it. He also supported that Constitution candidate (Castle?) who is not in favor of recriminalizing sodomy...so in supporting THAT candidate, ACW also supports not recriminalzing sodomy (despite dozens of threads claiming he does). I'm just using his own logic re: Trump against him.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I didn't bookmark it but he admitted it. He also supported that Constitution candidate (Castle?) who is not in favor of recriminalizing sodomy...so in supporting THAT candidate, ACW also supports not recriminalzing sodomy (despite dozens of threads claiming he does). I'm just using his own logic re: Trump against him.

Yes, it was Castle and he dropped himself in it with that admission just as he's dropping himself in it with his squirming around Phil Robertson's execrable comments about 'getting girls when they're fifteen' but it's fair comment that he didn't vote for Clinton. The two of you are very much alike in some ways...



Well-known member
I did not say ACW voted for Clinton, tho I suspect the moby probably did.

I said exactly what he admitted -- that he would prefer Clinton winning over Trump. That is a fact.