The Berean
Well-known member
You scared me. I thought you were the six-fingered man. :shocked:
Hello, My name is Inigo Montonya. You killed my Father. Prepare to DIE.
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You scared me. I thought you were the six-fingered man. :shocked:
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The doctrine of hell is biblical (Acts 2:31). The good news of the gospel is that you do not need to go there (Luke 2:10,11,31,32)."...You still do believe that those who could not be saved will be tortured for eternity and you still on that point believe it to be completely justified and entirely righteous. And that sir, is how a militant has nothing on your dreams."
So? Jn 3:8....[Y]our thread just spirals away from topic and further and further from reality. A serpentdove free-for-all, as usual.
The doctrine of hell is biblical (Acts 2:31). The good news of the gospel is that you do not need to go there (Luke 2:10,11,31,32).
Hello, My name is Inigo Montonya...
:thumb:My point exactly.
:mario:Which I think you have missed, again.
This thread is dirty, I miss the old racists who just said it.
Yes, like Jeremiah Wright, Bammys pastor for 20 years, he always just came right out and said us white folk are the devil.
This thread is dirty, I miss the old racists who just said it.
Aren't you the one that believes man came from[Racist thread] "And they're crawling out of the woodwork, aren't they?"
Aren't you the one that believes man came from a monkey?
1 Ti 6:20-21, Col 2:8...[M]ost people who think they hate science don't have any idea of what it's really about...
[Barbarian] "...f you hang out at those racist websites you tout, you'll never get better."