Hillary Clinton vs Ted Cruz vs Bernie Sanders vs Donald Trump


New member
Neither was his brother.

That is all we need.....another
Skull and Bones Wall Street shill.

Clinton or Bush same same

Trump will win BIG!

Here is why:

1. Trump will pull independents away
from the democratic party, and also
pull Democrats from the Democratic
party. Particularly union vote.

2. Trump will create competition across
state lines with health care and repeal
and replace Obummercare.

3. Trump will lower the tax rate for everyone.


New member
Is Cruz in trouble over eligibility?

Case against Ted Cruz's eligibility to be heard in Illinois on Friday

Lawrence Joyce, an Illinois voter who has objected to Cruz's placement on the Illinois primary ballot next month, will have his case heard in the Circuit Court of Cook County in Chicago. Joyce's previous objection, made to the state's Board of Elections, was dismissed on February 1.

Once again, Cruz will have to defend his eligibility to serve as president after Donald Trump revived questions about his birth in Canada. Cruz maintains he is indeed a natural-born citizen since he was born to an American mother, though it has never been tested before in court.

Trump has again threatened to sue Cruz himself.

Is Cruz eligible to be elected president? :think:

Either way, I think it's time the courts clearly define 'natural born' once and for all.


New member
jeb will beat hillary in november
he is the only one who can
he will get just enough of the mexican vote
he will get just enough of the religious vote
it is the only way a republican can win
history shows this

kasich will be the vp

In most things you seem clear headed,

I guess politics is not your thing.

No one in their right mind, much less
their wrong mind, or left mind wants
another Bush for President. As soon
as the redacted pages from the 9-11
report are made public, the Bush family
is done in politics.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
No he's not. Maybe a VP? :idunno:

Does Jeb even drink beer? Or would he want a grape juice or something? :chuckle: I'd probably have a drink with Paul. :think:

He seems such a nice guy....kinda like an elderly Milkybar Kid.

...felt sorry for ol' Jebbers....another thing, how can he be George W's bro?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
In most things you seem clear headed,

I guess politics is not your thing.

No one in their right mind, much less
their wrong mind, or left mind wants
another Bush for President. As soon
as the redacted pages from the 9-11
report are made public, the Bush family
is done in politics.

well thank you
I think
the question isn't whether or not you want another bush
whether or not you want a republican in the white house
that will not happen without a significant portion of the mexican vote
please explain how any other candidate beside jeb can get that vote


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
It's ideology and political agenda has been take serious by much of society (the decriminalization of abortion, homosexuality, pornography and in some places recreational drugs).

People who believe in God or just plain decency, need to be aware of the Libertarian (self ownership) doctrine.

First let's define how Loonatarian's define self ownership (something that you and I have gone over ad nauseum, but since you're a Libertarian...ummm, nevermind).

As Libertarians, we seek a world of liberty; a world in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives and no one is forced to sacrifice his or her values for the benefit of others...

Consequently, we defend each person's right to engage in any activity that is peaceful and honest, and welcome the diversity that freedom brings. The world we seek to build is one where individuals are free to follow their own dreams in their own ways, without interference from government or any authoritarian power.


They should have capitalized "authoritarian power" because when you're referring to God and His laws you should always do so.

I have no trouble saying I am libertarian.

When libertarians say "self ownership" they are not referring to one's rights as they pertain to God, but as they pertain to other people, especially governments.

Self ownership is axiomatic because one cannot argue against it without presupposing it. In other words, if you argue against self ownership, you are asserting your right to your own thoughts, and presumably, asserting the right of your opponent to his or her own thoughts. Asserting the right to your own thoughts is asserting self ownership.


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Hall of Fame

Donald Trump said Friday that he would not use torture if elected president—a complete reversal from statements made just the night before, during Thursday’s GOP debate, in favor of committing war crimes. In a statement to The Wall Street Journal, Trump now says he would not order the U.S. military to break international laws, despite previously proclaiming he would authorize the military to kill family members of terrorists and that he would use torture techniques a “hell of a lot worse” than waterboarding. Trump now would “use every legal power that I have to stop these terrorist enemies,” but he understands “the United States is bound by laws and treaties and I will not order our military or other officials to violate those laws and will seek their advice on such matters.”



I have no trouble saying I am libertarian.

I'll do my best to help you find your way out of this godless cult.

When libertarians say "self ownership" they are not referring to one's rights as they pertain to God, but as they pertain to other people, especially governments.

"As Libertarians, we seek a world of liberty; a world in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives and no one is forced to sacrifice his or her values for the benefit of others...

Consequently, we defend each person's right to engage in any activity that is peaceful and honest, and welcome the diversity that freedom brings. The world we seek to build is one where individuals are free to follow their own dreams in their own ways, without interference from government or any authoritarian power."

Other people and governments that acknowledge God's wisdom when it comes to governing mankind.

Self ownership is axiomatic because one cannot argue against it without presupposing it. In other words, if you argue against self ownership, you are asserting your right to your own thoughts, and presumably, asserting the right of your opponent to his or her own thoughts. Asserting the right to your own thoughts is asserting self ownership.

Don't confuse free choice (will) with the Libertarian self ownership principle. God gives us free choice (will), but never says to make the wrong choices.
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New member
I'll do my best to help you find your way out of this godless cult.

Pretty funny. What a pathetic "effort" you gave to save me from what is as serious as a "godless cult".

Your half-hearted attempt to answer shows you don't even have the fainest idea of what the categories of the debate are!

I'm not going to do your homework for you. When you actually give a coherent answer in complete sentences I will reply.