Johnson? Who is voting for Johnson?
No one.
Johnson? Who is voting for Johnson?
No one.
jeb will beat hillary in november
he is the only one who can
he will get just enough of the mexican vote
he will get just enough of the religious vote
it is the only way a republican can win
history shows this
kasich will be the vp
All cults have their following. The Libertarian Party cult usually gets around 1% of the popular vote.
I used to be a card-carrying member of that cult. But the LP is a joke. Mostly just a bunch of folks playing out a fantasy game of pseudo-politics.
When Donald J Trump becomes the next leader of the free world please tell me then why Brits should not get concerned with American Politics, or perhaps embarrassed to be even remotely associated with people who would even consider the likes of him to represent them on the world stage.lain:
He doesn't have people whispering in his ear telling him what to say and how to act, he funds his own campaign.
You don't realize the real reason you don't like Trump, but I do, and that's in part why he has my vote![]()
he is running to elect hillary
he wants a president in his back pocket
he doesn't want to be president
he just want influence
he wants more money
All nonsense.
That was easy![]()
So Trump is just a not so poor misunderstood warm hearted philanthropist?Oh, whatever.
Donald Trump is an awesome person. There was an event in which his limo had a flat tire, and these couple came to help. Afterward, he paid off the mortgage to their house.
If Trump is such a bad person, then how it tie into that? Or the claims that he's 'sexist' even though he worships his wife and most women love him?
There's all kinds of nonsense that those like yourself slander him out to be. You don't like him because he's not under the spell of political correctness, and don't like the silent majority that are finally standing up against you.
He doesn't have people whispering in his ear telling him what to say and how to act, he funds his own campaign.
You don't realize the real reason you don't like Trump, but I do, and that's in part why he has my vote![]()
Donald Trump is an awesome person. There was an event in which his limo had a flat tire, and these couple came to help. Afterward, he paid off the mortgage to their house.
Or the claims that he's 'sexist' even though he worships his wife
... and most women love him?
You don't like him because he's not under the spell of political correctness, and don't like the silent majority that are finally standing up against you.
He doesn't have people whispering in his ear telling him what to say and how to act, he funds his own campaign.
You don't realize the real reason you don't like Trump, but I do, and that's in part why he has my vote![]()
It's ideology and political agenda has been take serious by much of society (the decriminalization of abortion, homosexuality, pornography and in some places recreational drugs).
People who believe in God or just plain decency, need to be aware of the Libertarian (self ownership) doctrine.
easy for you
you don't understand the electorate
women vote democratic
mexicans vote democratic
republicans can't win without the religious vote
trump insulted all three
Sexism isn't just hating women. It's demeaning them, and yes, sometimes that means putting them on pedestals.
How do you know that? Because he said so?
jeb will beat hillary in november
he is the only one who can
he will get just enough of the mexican vote
he will get just enough of the religious vote
it is the only way a republican can win
history shows this
kasich will be the vp
People who believe in God believe that laws never served the purpose of making people better.
That's the job of the Holy Spirit, united with people willing to improve through self-governance.
That's why one of our Founding Fathers said democracy will only work for self-governed people.
He had faith in the efficacy of the New Covenant for making society and the people in it better people. Laws are for protecting people from other people who are not self-governed. Your criminalization of homosexuality, pornography and pot is contrary to New Covenant Christianity. It's a throwback to ancient morality, as is most of Muslim Law.
Do you *honestly* believe that Jeb has any real chance of being the Republican candidate?
No chip, I do however take issue with your constant disrespect for our nation, laws, constitution, & culture. We Americans could not care less how you run your island, I don't care about your politics, who runs your nation, your laws...pretty much nothing about the UK concerns me at all, they are your problems & issues not mine so, I do find it interesting that you are such a busybody. You are allowed your opinions but, keep your assessment of our nation to yourself.lain:
August 27th, 2013, 08:35 PM
As sad as it is to say, I'll go on record to predict Hillary winning the next presidential election. She's an insider's insider and can raise nearly unlimited campaign funds.
If she doesn't get the DNC nod, she'll be the next VP but I doubt any other democrat can beat her.