Hillary Clinton Is Bad for Stocks and the Economy

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Hillary Clinton Is Bad for Stocks and the Economy


In a supremely weird election season the latest weird twist is the consensus emerging on Wall Street that Hillary Clinton would be better for financial markets than Donald Trump.

The usually sensible Barrons magazine concluded in its cover story last week that Hillary-onomics are better for investors than Trump. Warren Buffett and other stock gurus have made the same case.

The argument for Clinton is that she's predictable and that Wall Street knows what she will do. Trump, by contrast, is the high beta candidate, and let's face it: No one knows exactly what you get with a President Trump. Clinton's the safer bet. Investors are also drooling for a return to the 1990s and the bull-market returns we saw under Bill Clinton -- when stocks tripled in value. I know I am.

Hillary Clinton is seen as less likely than Trump to spark a trade war that could send stocks tumbling.

But there's a problem with each of these arguments. It's true that Clinton brings far more certainty, but what this means is that we are absolutely certain to get bad ideas. I have never bought the argument that Wall Street wants the devil they know.

If you're walking down a dark street at night and there's a 100 percent chance that you will get mugged on the left side of the street and a 50 percent chance if you cross over to the right side of the street, what's the logical move?

Clinton is 100 percent predictable. She is going to raise tax rates; she is going to spend trillions more over the next decade; she is going to stop drilling for oil and gas and shut down our coal industry; she is going to double down on Obamacare; and she is going to wage war against the rich on Wall Street. Is that the certainty Wall Street is craving?

Let's take taxes. Trump wants a 20 percent capital gains tax. Clinton wants a 46 percent capital gains tax. These are direct taxes on investors. What is the difference between these two policy courses? A share of stock is worth the discounted present value of the returns after tax. So let us assume a stock earns $10 a share. Under Clinton the stock's after-tax return is $5.54 a share. Under Trump the after-tax return is $8.00. This is an over-simplification, because Hillary would tax longer held stocks at a rate of 23.8 percent. But the stocks have a much higher return under Trump.

But the corporate tax also has an effect on stock values. Clinton wants to keep the 35 percent rate. Trump wants a 15 percent rate. So under Clinton the government takes one-third of corporate profits, and under Trump the government takes one-sixth of the profits. It's true the effective tax rate is lower for many multinationals, but the broader point is obvious: Trump's tax plan is much, much better for stocks than Clinton's. By the way, Trump wants a lower estate tax -- another tax on stocks -- and Clinton wants a more confiscatory system.

But stocks did phenomenally well under Hillary's husband, you say. True, but this isn't Bill Clinton's party anymore. Hillary is running as Bernie-lite, not Bill-lite. The days of the centrist Democrats are long past. Bill balanced budgets, cut spending, cut the capital gains tax and signed welfare reform. Hillary stands on the other side on all these issues.

On trade -- Trump's black mark -- Hillary might be better, but not by much. She's against the Asia trade deal. She was against lifting the export ban on American oil and gas.

Will there be a Hillary Clinton bull market? I'd short that bet. And in some ways, Trump could be the most pro-investor president in decades. Most voters don't know this, because Republican super PACs keep pounding Trump. Yes, it is still the stupid party

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
The decision on Clinton/Trump, political elections, have little impact on the economy/stock market, as it is a side issue, given world economy.....other micro/macro developments(as compared to the past).


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
The decision on Clinton/Trump, political elections, have little impact on the economy/stock market, as it is a side issue, given world economy.....other micro/macro developments(as compared to the past).


Not true at all. We still have the largest economy in the world, and the ups and downs of it cause ripple effects in all the other economies, and taxes and regulatory laws contribute to the ups and downs of the economy.

Bad tax and regulatory laws here create a bad economy here which hurts economies everywhere.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Not true at all. We still have the largest economy in the world, and the ups and downs of it cause ripple effects in all the other economies, and taxes and regulatory laws contribute to the ups and downs of the economy.

Bad tax and regulatory laws here create a bad economy here which hurts economies everywhere.

You missed it. You are not qualified to weigh in. I've been in the financial services business, for over 32 years, and know what I speak, You copy'npaste articles-that's it. The elections-no impact on market/economy. Accept it.


You missed it. You are not qualified to weigh in. I've been in the financial services business, for over 32 years, and know what I speak, You copy'npaste articles-that's it. The elections-no impact on market/economy. Accept it.

They don't have any impact on abortion either, but you all can't seem to put a cork in it :rolleyes:
The truth is, Presidents take credit for good economies, shift the blame for bad economies, and the economic times happen in cycles, regardless whether they'd even been born. Besides, if you lined-up all the economists in a line, they would never reach a conclusion.

If the professionals can't figure anything out and avoid disasters that are perennial of all human history, what do you think some idiot President can do, or any politician, who couldn't even hold a real job for long?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
They don't have any impact on abortion either, but you all can't seem to put a cork in it :rolleyes:

1. Not equivalent-false dichotomy. And I am a vehement "anti abortion" proponent.

2. An emotional "response," not based upon facts. The US election will have virtually no impact on the economy/stock market-less relevant, as a world economy is the foundation, and the US's relative impact decreases.

Accept it.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Not true at all. We still have the largest economy in the world, and the ups and downs of it cause ripple effects in all the other economies, and taxes and regulatory laws contribute to the ups and downs of the economy.
Bad tax and regulatory laws here create a bad economy here which hurts economies everywhere.
You missed it. You are not qualified to weigh in......
Says who, pinhead.

.....I've been in the financial services business, for over 32 years, and know what I speak........
If that were true you'd be wealthy and would not spend your time in this dumb forum you imbecile. Wealthy financiers spend their time on jets and islands, not posting here using an avatar of a moron.

What I said was exactly right. That fact that you take issue with it proves you're an idiot.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Says who, pinhead.
Me, Catholic fraud.
Says who, pinhead.
If that were true you'd be wealthy and would not spend your time in this dumb forum you imbecile. Wealthy financiers spend their time on jets and islands, not posting here using an avatar of a moron.

Catch that deception, folks? This drone associates wealth, with the qualifications to participate on TOL.

Avatar of a moron? Them is ruff words, toots! Lack confidence, do you, Catholic shill, with no brain, who just spams other Catholic drone's "articles." Weighty.

Post your pic, as your avatar.

I thought so. Embarrassed.

Says who, pinhead.What I said was exactly right. That fact that you take issue with it proves you're an idiot.

No-you are wrong. Election is irrelevant.

So there, lost one.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
For all of the TOL audience to observe:

If that were true you'd be wealthy and would not spend your time in this dumb forum you imbecile. Wealthy financiers spend their time on jets and islands, not posting here using an avatar of a moron.

What I said was exactly right. That fact that you take issue with it roves you're an idiot.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
^ If you're as ignorant about the effects of tax and regulatory laws on the economy as you are ignorant about Christianity, then you're probably a financier on food stamps. LOL

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
^ If you're as ignorant about the effects of tax and regulatory laws on the economy as you are ignorant about Christianity, then you're probably a financier on food stamps. LOL

You would not know the difference between the Federal Reserve, which you probably think is part of the government, and the Federalist papers, you fraud-all you do is read articles about it, at lunch, from your civil service job, droid.

Food stamps, you muse, you little, slimy Catholic commie? I pay more in taxes, as a stock broker, than you've "made"(loosely employed here), in the last 5 years.

I told you to sit-you are not qualified, as I am.

The Catholic droid classic:

If that were true you'd be wealthy and would not spend your time in this dumb forum you imbecile. Wealthy financiers spend their time on jets and islands, not posting here using an avatar of a moron.

What I said was exactly right. That fact that you take issue with it roves you're an idiot.

Loser. put up your pic, toots, as your avatar.

I thought so, ugly troll.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
You would not know the difference between the Federal Reserve, which you probably think is part of the government, and the Federalist papers.......

LOL! You're too stupid to even make a good joke. I knew the difference when the best part of you was a wet spot on the floor.

Go argue with the guy who wrote the article if you think you know so much:

Hillary Clinton Is Bad for Stocks and the Economy

In a supremely weird election season the latest weird twist is the consensus emerging on Wall Street that Hillary Clinton would be better for financial markets than Donald Trump.

The usually sensible Barrons magazine concluded in its cover story last week that Hillary-onomics are better for investors than Trump. Warren Buffett and other stock gurus have made the same case.

The argument for Clinton is that she's predictable and that Wall Street knows what she will do. Trump, by contrast, is the high beta candidate, and let's face it: No one knows exactly what you get with a President Trump. Clinton's the safer bet. Investors are also drooling for a return to the 1990s and the bull-market returns we saw under Bill Clinton -- when stocks tripled in value. I know I am.

Hillary Clinton is seen as less likely than Trump to spark a trade war that could send stocks tumbling.

But there's a problem with each of these arguments. It's true that Clinton brings far more certainty, but what this means is that we are absolutely certain to get bad ideas. I have never bought the argument that Wall Street wants the devil they know.

If you're walking down a dark street at night and there's a 100 percent chance that you will get mugged on the left side of the street and a 50 percent chance if you cross over to the right side of the street, what's the logical move?

Clinton is 100 percent predictable. She is going to raise tax rates; she is going to spend trillions more over the next decade; she is going to stop drilling for oil and gas and shut down our coal industry; she is going to double down on Obamacare; and she is going to wage war against the rich on Wall Street. Is that the certainty Wall Street is craving?

Let's take taxes. Trump wants a 20 percent capital gains tax. Clinton wants a 46 percent capital gains tax. These are direct taxes on investors. What is the difference between these two policy courses? A share of stock is worth the discounted present value of the returns after tax. So let us assume a stock earns $10 a share. Under Clinton the stock's after-tax return is $5.54 a share. Under Trump the after-tax return is $8.00. This is an over-simplification, because Hillary would tax longer held stocks at a rate of 23.8 percent. But the stocks have a much higher return under Trump.

But the corporate tax also has an effect on stock values. Clinton wants to keep the 35 percent rate. Trump wants a 15 percent rate. So under Clinton the government takes one-third of corporate profits, and under Trump the government takes one-sixth of the profits. It's true the effective tax rate is lower for many multinationals, but the broader point is obvious: Trump's tax plan is much, much better for stocks than Clinton's. By the way, Trump wants a lower estate tax -- another tax on stocks -- and Clinton wants a more confiscatory system.

But stocks did phenomenally well under Hillary's husband, you say. True, but this isn't Bill Clinton's party anymore. Hillary is running as Bernie-lite, not Bill-lite. The days of the centrist Democrats are long past. Bill balanced budgets, cut spending, cut the capital gains tax and signed welfare reform. Hillary stands on the other side on all these issues.

On trade -- Trump's black mark -- Hillary might be better, but not by much. She's against the Asia trade deal. She was against lifting the export ban on American oil and gas.

Will there be a Hillary Clinton bull market? I'd short that bet. And in some ways, Trump could be the most pro-investor president in decades. Most voters don't know this, because Republican super PACs keep pounding Trump. Yes, it is still the stupid party
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Baloney! Hillary has made promises to behave. Now, Donald Duck will not behave and he got no spending money. No one likes him because he is a dork and a duck.