Hillary Clinton Is Bad for Stocks and the Economy


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Ted Cruz predicted a Clinton landslide if Trump were her opponent in the GOP, and as shown, so have many on Wall Street.

You [patrick jane] on the other hand will go back to voting Libertarian should a true conservative get the Republican Party nomination come 2020.

"Should"??? that is a really big word given the RINO establishment destroyed the only conservative in the race this go around and you somehow believe that this paradigm will change? You actually believe that after the felon Hillary gets done deep sixing this nation that a conservative will get elected? :rotfl: It's your fantasy, have it anyway you want. :rotfl:

Ted Cruz had two enemies in this last election: the RINOs of the Republican Party and the Libertarians and democrats who crossed Party lines to get Donald Trump nominated (if you need me to repost the article showing that is what happened, I'll gladly do so).

If Cruz and other republicans are successful in making sure that only registered republicans will be able to vote in the 2020 Republican Presidential primaries, he'll only have the GOP establishment to fight (plus of course the leftwing mainstream media).


Did you really want a Mexican-Canadian illegal immigrant to become president????

What I really want at this stage is to have a half way intelligent debate with someone. For obvious reasons I'll never find a Trump supporter that fits that bill.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
What I really want at this stage is to have a half way intelligent debate with someone. For obvious reasons I'll never find a Trump supporter that fits that bill.

I'm not a Trump supporter. But Crux is a Mexican-Canadian illegal immigrant. Or so I have read.


I'm not a Trump supporter. But Crux is a Mexican-Canadian illegal immigrant. Or so I have read.

As I recall you were at one time a Trump supporter. Perhaps you've returned to the Libertarian Party where you belong?

How about I make you a deal before we continue this joke of a debate?

#1. Study up on Ted Cruz's heritage. Cuba is not Mexico.
#2. Study up on Ted Cruz's background. He argued before the Supreme Court 9 times as well as clerking for Chief Justice William Rehnquist. Ted Cruz knows the Constitution.


Was he born in this country? No. Checkmate!

You haven't done your homework like your teacher told you to. Not being born in the US doesn't automatically disqualify a person from running for and becoming President of the United States.

Why don't you just be honest for once in your life and admit that like all liberals, you have an intense HATRED of conservative Ted Cruz?

Mexico, Cuba...what's the difference? They all speek Spanish don't they?

You're sounding more and more like that ignoramus Donald Trump.


I am a conservative!

What Presidential candidate are you "conservatives" voting for come Nov?

That's why I don't want a Hispanic-Canadian illegal immigrent for president.

If US Senator Ted Cruz is an "illegal immigrant", then I suggest that you call your local Immigration Office and report him.

Here's locations where Ted Cruz can be found so that he can be arrested and deported:

Office Contact Information

Central Texas
(512) 916-5834
300 E 8th
Suite 961
Austin, TX 78701

North Texas
(214) 599-8749
Lee Park Tower II
3626 N. Hall St.
Suite 410
Dallas, TX 75219

Southeast Texas
(713) 718-3057
808 Travis Street
Suite 1420
Houston, TX 77002

South/Central Texas
(210) 340-2885
9901 IH-10W
Suite 950
San Antonio, TX 78230

East Texas
(903) 593-5130
305 S. Broadway
Suite 501
Tyler, TX 75702

Washington, D.C.
(202) 224-5922
Russell Senate Office Bldg
Washington, DC 20510

South Texas
(956) 686-7339
200 S. 10th St
Suite 1603
McAllen, TX 78501

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Hillary >> Bad for Economy

.....and for everything else!
