Hi! I'm the horn, a professional classical musician and educator,and advocate for the popularization of classical music in America,and also very interested in religion and politics.
I'm a non-observant secular Jew, but not an atheist. I have absolutely no hatred of Christians and Christianity,and revere Jesus as a great religious teacher, but do not believe in Christian doctrine at all, the literal interpretation of the Bible, and believe that there is absolutely no conflict between evolution and belief in God. I have no hatred of followers of any religion,or atheists and agnostics,either.
I am merely opposed to what conservative Christians advocate for America, you know, the whole, anti-abortion,anti-homosexual, anri-taxes,anti help for the poor and unemployed, making the Bible the basis of US law, putting the government in our bedrooms, censoring books,magazines, newspapers,films,televsion programs, the internet,etc.
Although I support homosexual rights,I am heterosexual.
On the other hand,I'm no left-wing extremist,and reject multiculturalism,political correctness, don't hate America or the military and our troops,don't blame America for all the world's ills, even though it HAS done a lot of very bad things,just like other countries.
I'm opposed to the death penalty, pro-choice(not pro abortion!), but would like to see as many unwanted pregnancies prevented,and would like to see more help for poor mothers,married or single,so that they would be less likely to seek and obtain abortions.
I'm for REASONABLE gun control, but not for confiscating people's weapons. As a classical musician,I am for government support for the arts, even though the National Endowment For RThe Arts gets onl;y a pittance from the government, which is a shame, as it supports much more than"obscene" art, and the IRS takes less than a dollar from every taxpayer each year.
Conservatives think I'm a pinko commie, and left-wingers think I'm a
conservative !
I'm a non-observant secular Jew, but not an atheist. I have absolutely no hatred of Christians and Christianity,and revere Jesus as a great religious teacher, but do not believe in Christian doctrine at all, the literal interpretation of the Bible, and believe that there is absolutely no conflict between evolution and belief in God. I have no hatred of followers of any religion,or atheists and agnostics,either.
I am merely opposed to what conservative Christians advocate for America, you know, the whole, anti-abortion,anti-homosexual, anri-taxes,anti help for the poor and unemployed, making the Bible the basis of US law, putting the government in our bedrooms, censoring books,magazines, newspapers,films,televsion programs, the internet,etc.
Although I support homosexual rights,I am heterosexual.
On the other hand,I'm no left-wing extremist,and reject multiculturalism,political correctness, don't hate America or the military and our troops,don't blame America for all the world's ills, even though it HAS done a lot of very bad things,just like other countries.
I'm opposed to the death penalty, pro-choice(not pro abortion!), but would like to see as many unwanted pregnancies prevented,and would like to see more help for poor mothers,married or single,so that they would be less likely to seek and obtain abortions.
I'm for REASONABLE gun control, but not for confiscating people's weapons. As a classical musician,I am for government support for the arts, even though the National Endowment For RThe Arts gets onl;y a pittance from the government, which is a shame, as it supports much more than"obscene" art, and the IRS takes less than a dollar from every taxpayer each year.
Conservatives think I'm a pinko commie, and left-wingers think I'm a
conservative !