Hi, I'm Mark, a YEC looking for a fellowship forum

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Don't get me wrong, I like a good debate but I'm looking for opportunities to build up creationists rather then confronting evolutionists. I spent about 6 years, mostly on Christian Forums discussing and debating the Creation/evolution controversy.

I'm an evangelical with no special academic or scientific credentials, just an abiding interest in Apologetics and Creationism. As for myself I'm 47 and currently serving in the Army. Father of three daughters, two currently in college.

I have debated theology as well, had a pretty interesting debate on Justification by Faith with a Catholic university student:

Is justification by faith alone?

Here's another one with a Theistic Evolutionist if your interested:

Accepting human evolution is not a rejection of orthodoxy

Happy to be here, hoping the make some friends and have some lively discussions.

Grace and peace,


New member
Hall of Fame
Don't get me wrong, I like a good debate but I'm looking for opportunities to build up creationists rather then confronting evolutionists. I spent about 6 years, mostly of Christian Forums discussing and debating the Creation/evolution controversy.

I'm an evangelical with no special academic or scientific credentials, just an abiding interest in Apologetics and Creationism. As for myself I'm 47 and currently serving in the Army. Father of three daughters, two currently in college.

I have debated theology as well, had a pretty interesting debate on Justification by Faith with a Catholic university student.

Happy to be here, hoping the make some friends and have some lively discussions.

Grace and peace,
You are in the right, and the wrong, place.

There are a wonderful amount of YEC here. I'm one of them!

However, at every turn, there might be an evolutionist lurking, seeking to debunk everything you write. Stand strong in the Lord! We look forward to reading what you have to write.


TOL Subscriber
Don't get me wrong, I like a good debate but I'm looking for opportunities to build up creationists rather then confronting evolutionists. I spent about 6 years, mostly on Christian Forums discussing and debating the Creation/evolution controversy.

I'm an evangelical with no special academic or scientific credentials, just an abiding interest in Apologetics and Creationism. As for myself I'm 47 and currently serving in the Army. Father of three daughters, two currently in college.

I have debated theology as well, had a pretty interesting debate on Justification by Faith with a Catholic university student:

Is justification by faith alone?

Here's another one with a Theistic Evolutionist if your interested:

Accepting human evolution is not a rejection of orthodoxy

Happy to be here, hoping the make some friends and have some lively discussions.

Grace and peace,

Hi Mark,

Welcome to TOL. I am YEC and hold to Justification by Faith alone also, so will look forward to fellowship with you. I am also a Calvinist, and an older lady, but still able and willing, thank the good Lord, to stand up for my beliefs.

It seems it is becoming more and more important for Christians to do so, for there are a lot of strange views floating around out there!



New member
You are in the right, and the wrong, place.

There are a wonderful amount of YEC here. I'm one of them!

However, at every turn, there might be an evolutionist lurking, seeking to debunk everything you write. Stand strong in the Lord! We look forward to reading what you have to write.

It's the same all over, I'm not worried about evolutionists, I've been dealing with these guys too long. Most of what is passing for 'debunking' is Talk Origins propaganda and personal attacks. I really hope they don't muddy the waters too much because I'd like to get a chance to get acquainted with a few YECs.

Learned a couple of things over the years I'd like to share. Appreciate the warm welcome, look forward to seeing more of you.

Grace and peace,


New member


New member
Hi Mark,

Welcome to TOL. I am YEC and hold to Justification by Faith alone also, so will look forward to fellowship with you. I am also a Calvinist, and an older lady, but still able and willing, thank the good Lord, to stand up for my beliefs.

It seems it is becoming more and more important for Christians to do so, for there are a lot of strange views floating around out there!


Hi Nang,

I'm something of a TULIP 3 1/2 pointer myself, I would seem to have wandered down a Baptist Arminian road myself. At any rate, taking a stand on Justification by Faith takes less courage then neglecting it. That doctrine is the great equalizer that shook the power of Rome a hundred years before the Scientific Revolution was even conceived of. The essence of the struggle was and is, Justification by Faith alone.

That alone part is kind of tricky since justification is never alone, it's always followed by sanctification. What it really means is apart from works, merit or personal means.

At any rate, it's very nice of you to greet me like this and if your ever interested in comparing notes with a Baptist Arminian, just give me a hollar.

Grace and peace,


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
[u rl]www.icr.org[/url]Opinions?I am also YEC.Any thoughts on Open Theism?[u rl]www.opentheism.info[/url]Pentecostalism?
Who are you? :idunno:

Happy to be here, hoping the make some friends and have some lively discussions.
Hi, Mark. I'll be your friend. :wave:

That'll make two. :noid:
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New member

The Creationist websites are invaluable starting points but whether you are secular are devoutly evangelical they have to be a spring board to the scientific literature.

I am also YEC.

Any thoughts on Open Theism?


I don't think I understand it, at the bottom of the article was a reference to Nicholas Wolterstorff's discussion in God and Time. Looked it up and tentatively I'd say there is nothing overtly bothersome about it. Wolterstorff is a professor at Yale which makes me wonder about his views on God and whether he believes in the God of the Bible. I'm not saying he doesn't but I have learned to never take for granted what someone else means by 'God'.


Their theology is a lot like mine, in fact, Pentecostals can often be tongues speaking Baptists. I don't happen to belief that their utterances are New Testament tongues even though I'm convinced that Pentecostalism is a profoundly Christian movement.

They have one of the largest bodies of lay ministers I have seen. They have a burden for the lost and a hunger for the Word and righteousness of God. While I embrace them as fellow believers the point of doctrine regarding tongues as evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit remains a difference for me.

Grace and peace,

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Don't get me wrong, I like a good debate but I'm looking for opportunities to build up creationists rather then confronting evolutionists. I spent about 6 years, mostly on Christian Forums discussing and debating the Creation/evolution controversy.

I'm an evangelical with no special academic or scientific credentials, just an abiding interest in Apologetics and Creationism. As for myself I'm 47 and currently serving in the Army. Father of three daughters, two currently in college.

I have debated theology as well, had a pretty interesting debate on Justification by Faith with a Catholic university student:

Is justification by faith alone?

Here's another one with a Theistic Evolutionist if your interested:

Accepting human evolution is not a rejection of orthodoxy

Happy to be here, hoping the make some friends and have some lively discussions.

Grace and peace,

How did you find TOL?

You will find various "cliques" here. Like one that I like of intolerant, YEC, Bible thumping, atheist mocking, happy to share the gospel with anybody that will listen group.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I didn't realize that

is it necessary to believe in the six day creation?

It isn't. But I can tell by the words out of somebody's mouth whether or not they are saved.

It isn't what goes into you that defiles you, it is what comes out of you. He who has Christ testifies of him.
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