My guess is that if I could understand any of that, I'd probably find it pretty interesting.
How do you think these different religions inter-relate? What do you think are the common ideas among the various religions: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism?
The common idea is Monotheism.
Very sorry for delay with reply. It is because of my age and some illnesses. I have prepared the text some like brief theology text book. But because I do not have the right to attach any files I will try simply copy paste. Capacity of forum engine buffer is unknown for me and if one copy paste is not enough I will continue.
1. Monotheism.
Monotheism is the conception of almightiness.
Monotheism is not the conception of one single God.
The almighty may exist in any number of faces including none.
The almighty exists and does not exist,
everywhere and nowhere,
ever and never.
We can chose any name of God : God, Allah, Buddha, Krishna etc.
Polytheism is not the conception of almightiness.
Polytheism-Pagan may contain any numbers of gods all of them do not have almightiness.
Polytheism is very primitive in comparison with Monotheism.
Pagan myths, legends are enough simple for art but no more.
Any part of faces of God and all faces of God may have not almightiness.
But the conception of almightiness must present in any version of Monotheism.
The almighty may be non almighty.
For example.
No prophet in his own country.
Jesus Christ could not make any miracle in his own homeland.
Therefore he has once more showed his almightiness.
He might all including he might not all, he might nothing.
Faces of God that do not have almightiness are something like angels, demons etc.
For example.
Time is Best Healer is the same as Angel of Time.
Best healer heals anyone from all illnesses including aging.
Are you tired of aging ?
Do not try to fool best healer simply wait for best healer.
Angel of Death is occasional death.
Do not try to fool angel of death simply be calm and careful.
Part of faces of God and Devil that do not have almightiness is pagan subset of Monotheism.
Monotheism definition.
God is almighty and all-knowing.
God may be in any number of faces including none.
God is Anywhere and Nowhere.
God is Ever and Never.
Please note : the only almightiness is enough.
Definition is definition.
Definition is nor true neither false.
2. Serving for God.
To serve for only God is impossible.
To serve for only Devil is possible.
There is not symmetry.
Faith without deal is dead.
Any stick has two ends.
God and Devil are two sides of One.
We consider simpliest case of monotheism where God and Devil have one face each.
More complicated cases where God and/or Devil have more than one face,
countable sets or uncountable sets of faces require usage of mathematics.
Because theology and mathematics are the same.
For example.
You can recall original names of mathematical faculties of old islamic and christian universities.
3. Confession of God.
Confession of God is
Confession of God and Devil
and to serve for God as much as possible.
Any otherwise is Confession of only Devil.
Faith without deal is dead.
Theism and Atheism table.
| Serving for both God and Devil | Serving for one or none
| |
Confession of God and Devil | Theism | idealistic atheism
Negation of God and Devil | materialistic atheism | materialistic atheism
Confession of only God | idealistic atheism | idealistic atheism
Confession of only Devil | idealistic atheism | idealistic atheism
Negation of only God | idealistic atheism | idealistic atheism
Negation of only Devil | idealistic atheism | idealistic atheism
Atheism and Satanism are the same.
This Confession definition is used in literature.
For example.
The Master and Margarita book.
In the beginning of this novel one red comrade asks other red comrade something like.
Question : Is there God ? Do you confess of God ? Answer : No.
Question : Is there Devil ? Do you confess of Devil ? Answer : No.
Reduced form of Confession definition.
The confession of God is
The confession of God and Devil.
Any otherwise is the confession of only Devil.
Both answers point to Any otherwise is the confession of Devil.
Therefore here we have double confession of only Devil.
Another example of usage of theology.
In Don Quijote book the knight asks some people that they must admit that his Dulcinea is the most beautiful.
People ask him to show some her picture.
But the knight asks to admit it without any picture.
And of course people laugh.
In this fragment of Don Quijote novel the following from theology is used.
True who have believed in me seeing me.
Doubly true who have believed in me without seeing me.
4. Two ways to know God.
Theology-Mathematics is for studying and interpretation Word of God and Devil.
For example.
From studying :
how close we can reach knowledge of God ?
how many demons can be placed on edge of needle ?
we have theory of limits and differential and integral calculus.
But Faith is more important than knowledge of Faith (Theology).
Natural sciences.
We must observe and study surrounding world.
Natural sciences investigate world by their methods.
All that we know is nothing in comparison with God.
Matter will disappear.
Space will disappear.
Time will disappear.
But Word of God will not disappear but will come true.
And might be at the end of some eternity we will know what God created.
Now we only know that God created something and nothing.
Mathematics and natural sciences are only for amplification of our faith but no more.
According Monotheism definition we can only believe.
There are not any proofs pro and contra.
True who have believed in me seeing me.
Doubly true who have believed in me without seeing me.
5. Testaments.
Testaments from God are placed in time.
Time does not matter for theology.
We know time exists therefore God did not create this paltry thing.
There is not time in memory and in theology.
Theology can take in account time because we live in time.
For example.
Please see Matthew periods.
There are enough number of Testamnts.
For example.
For Zoroastrianism-Judaism-Christianity-Islam line there are respective Testaments.
Please note.
Curan is The Last Testament from this line.
Curan is The last Testament from all Testaments.
6. Soul.
In the beginning was Word-God-truth.
In the end will be Word-Devil-lie.
God and Devil are two sides of One.
Further The Souls from God and Devil is simply Soul.
At birth anyone receives The Soul.
At this moment anyone is the same as all others.
Because anyone receives the copy of The Soul.
This is conception of Sanctus Spiritus.
Therefore if anyone can enough contact own soul this person knows all.
After receiving The Soul is diversification of personal fates due to
which eternity
which time
which body
free will
sporadic events
The structure of birthdays in Christianity.
The first birthday is birthday
The second birthday is Epiphany
The third birthday is Death
There is the difference between Western and Eastern is the moment of appearance of soul.
Western : a soul appears at moment of conceiving
Eastern : a soul appears at moment of the first birthday
Western : artificial abortion influences on existence of soul.
Eastern : artificial abortion does not influence on existence of soul
but influences on pre existence of soul.
Soul after Death.
The souls have been recording to Book of Death.
Book of Death has two states.
Book of Death - write only
Book of Life - read only
The persons who does not have a soul disappear.
At the end of the time Book of Death becomes Book of Life and has been read.
And there are two ways.
to Hell : a soul joins to Devil
to Eden : a soul joins to God
This is standard Christian theological circle.
For other versions of Monotheism is all very similar.
Easy to see that this circle covers a notion of reincarnation.
Because a soul contains personal fates of anyone, who is already dead,
who is alive, who will be alive therefore all who will be dead.
A soul contains all about all.
Because this is the copy of The Soul.
All those personal fates are according to Free Will.
7. Free will.
One of formulations of free will is.
...It is the human number. His number is 666.
The human number is only important.
The human number means that human has been given free will.
But the 666 does not mean anything, it is simply only number.
The mention of some number 666 is minimal check of given free will.
Since the beginning of human history God could send through prophets messages for folk
and panish folk.
After Jesus Christ as pre-last prophet is may be only messages for folk.
After Muhammad as last prophet is not any messages from both God and Devil.
Influence of God starts after only True Birthday (death).
God knows all what anyone will be done.
God knows it before the beginning of all.
Additional to texts of testaments I can recommend Lorenzo Valla (c. 1407-1457)
Dialogs about free will.
8. Illusion of understanding.
Any testament has been given for folk through prophets.
This is translation from language of God on language of folk
because we can not know any language of God.
But there is not any loss of sense because all information from God
is placed in logical structure of testaments.
Theology-Mathematics studies The Word from God.
8.2 The same result as the recieving info from God is possible for anyone who have a soul.
Anyone can achieve the same result according Sanctus Spiritus conception.
This is not the way of prophet when God or Devil say to prophets.
This is according to Free Will of anyone and according to Sanctus Spiritus conception.
Now, after The Last Prophet Muhammad only way of Snactus Spiritus is possible.
This way is possible for anyone who have a soul.
Anyone is not navel of Earth.
8.3 If we achieve some understanding of Word of God do not forget this is not full undestanding.
This is only partial undestanding but we need some illusion of understanding.
If you have achieved full understanding you become God.
9. Logical equality of all versions of Monotheism.
One set of axioms-dogmas is one set of conclusions.
At all there is only axiom-dogma.
This is the almightiness.
It is enough.
God is almighty and all-knowing.
God may be in any faces including none.
God is Anywhere and Nowhere.
God is Ever and Never.
All testaments can be considered as the set of conclusions, axioms have already been given us.
But we must take in account that only well known things at time of giving of Testaments are used.
It is for to make enough easy our illusion of understanding.
It is not needed to pay too much attention on such things like times, spaces, matters etc.
For example.
In the beginning was Word-God-truth.
In the end will be Word-Devil-lie.
Earth will disappear.
Heaven will disappear.
Time will disappear.
But Word of God will not disappear but will come true.
Matter will disappear.
Space will disappear.
Time will disappear.
But Word of God will not disappear but will come true.
Above, known things at time of giving of Testaments are used.
All it was compiled for us in order that we can have some illusion of understanding.
All that we know is nothing in comparison with God.
We must look at logical structure of Testaments.
Some examples from various versions of Monotheism.
Who seeks might find.
To him who knocks something might be opened.
Hard to find dark cat in dark room.
And much harder if there is not dark cat in dark room.
If a war is going enough long.
Tengu war demon might appear and destroy all.
Best victory is victory in which there is not defeated.
Best defeat is defeat in which there is not winner.
In all examples from 9.3 there is the same logical scheme.
If some activity is going enough long withowt expected result
may happened something unexpected.
For example.
Door(s) to Hell(s) may be opened or something other may be happened.
10. Periodicity in Monotheism.
May be changes are going and because that changes are not being recognized.
Easier to serve for Devil than for God.
Easier not to confess both God and Devil (it is double confession of only Devil).
All Testaments have been given us are placed in time.
Our illusion of understanding of sWord of God needs periodical refreshing.
All above and may be other periods are described in for example
in case of Christianity-Islam line in Matthew 1:17.
In our changeable world something must be stable.
But how often we may change it is described in Matthew 1:17.
From Matthew 1:17.
So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations;
and from David until the carrying away into Babylon are fourteen generations;
and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations.
In brief : 14 + 14 + 14 = 42 generations.
For example :
14 / 2 = 7 generations period
was used for deprivation of rights for who was condemned for heresy.
Of course if there are punishment and repentance otherwise a death or at the end of the time.
( 14 + 14 + 14 ) / 2 = 21 generations.
If average longitude of generation is 25 years we have 25 x 21 = 525 years interval.
This is interval of essential changes.
For example last Reformation and Counter-Reformation is approximately 1500 AD.
1500 + 525 = 2025 AD.
Therefore according to this period we live in new Reformation and Counter-Reformation time.
May be you could recall some other periods based on Matthew 1:17.
11. Needed Words.
In the beginning was Word-God-truth.
In the end will be Word-Devil-lie.
Needed Words are needed for in order to create and destroy all.
Creation and destroying of all is standard theological circle.
It as and other from theology is being used in art.
For example. The clip Ravenheart of Xandria.
In this clip Lisa receives Needed Words from messenger Ravenheart or Black Raven.
Because this clip is based on theological standards all outside this story is clear.
Lisa uses Needed Words at the end of eternity in to order destroy all and then create something and nothing.
My love, God.
I remember the matter and the space.
I call them and is only the void.
I remember the best healer and Angel of death.
I call them and is only the darkness.
The matter and the space, so you disappeared.
The best healer and Angel of death, so you disappeared.
Only you, my love and Devil remained.
My love, you had promised me :
The matter will disappear.
The space will disappear.
The time will disappear.
But your Word will not disappear but will come true.
And my love says me :
Do you remember my words :
In the beginning was Word-God-truth.
In the end will Word-Devil-lie.
Do not kill by word and or deal".
I remember, my love.
I remember that is possible to destroy all matter, space and time by your needed words.
I said these needed words.
I see only the void and the darkness around me.
Only the void and the darkness.
I even do not see Devil.
I even do not see you, my love.
I fear the void and the darkness.
Save me my love.
Save me my love.
And my love says me :
Ravenheart brought to you all needed words eternity ago.
You remember all and there is not time in memory at all.
Recall needed words.
Say needed words.
Destroy the void and the darkness.
I am you, You are me".
Lisa, I and you is God.
12. Prophets.
Definition of Prophet.
A Prophet is a person through whom God and Devil say to people.
Of course due to conception of almightiness anything could be Prophet.
There are enough number of Prophets in all versions of monotheism
and the set of Prophets is fixed.
Muhammad is last Prophet of all versions of monotheism.
In all Testaments excepting last Testament God says the truth, Devil says the lie.
For example from New Testament in Christianity we see the row from God.
Every stick has two ends.
This row is from God and this row is the truth.
If somewhere there is a row from Devil therefore this row is lie.
The New Testament contains the rows from God and all these rows are truth.
All Prophets after True Birthday joined God, became the part of God, became God.
Any Prophet can resurrect but why.
Only exception is Jesus Christ.
But would be better that Jesus Christ did not resurrect.
True who have believed in me seeing me.
Doubly true who have believed in me without seeing me.
There can not be and there must not be any proofs, evidences
neither pro nor contra existence of God.
True faith does not need it at all.
And apostol Paul has joked saying about resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is The Pre-Last Prophet.
It is more than enough for true faith.
And of course Jesus Christ could and can resurrect in any time of any eternity.
13. Structure of Last Testament (Curan).
The structure of all Testaments excepting The Last Testament.
The row from God is truth.
The row from Devil is lie.
In all cases we enough easy see where the saying about God where the saying about Devil.
The structure of Curan (Quran, Koran, Cure) as the Last Testamentis is more complicated.
Definition :
an ayat is a row.
a surah is a group of ayats.
God (Allah) and Devil (Shaytan) had spoke to Muhammad.
Muhammed had listened to Allah and Shaytan simultaneously.
Muhammed had tried to distinguish which ayat is from Allah which ayat is from Shaytan.
Definition :
If at least one ayat is from Shaytan then all correspondent surah which contains this ayat is from Shaytan.
All surahs which by opinion of Muhammad are from Shaytan has been included in Shaytan surahs.
And these surahs must be in Shaytan surahs at least at the end of the time (at the end of this eternity).
This is the decision of Muhammad as the highest authority.
All other surahs which are not included in Shaytan surahs Muhammad has included in main part of Curan.
Therefore these shurahs may be from Allah or may be from Shaytan.
Enough Authoritative Persons try to know which ayat is from whom.
Enough Authoritative Persons make correspondent decisions as highest authorities after Muhammad.
Additionally Curan may contain hidden ayats similar as for example in Christianity :
In the end will be Word-Devil-lie.
is hidden row for :
In the beginning was Word-God-truth.
Hidden ayats may be from God or Devil.
Another example from Christianity :
The explicit question is What is truth ?
The hidden answer at place of this question is
I am truth.
But this answer is explicit in other place
In the beginning was Word-God-truth.
Additionally Curan may contain other kinds of ayats from all above (explicit and hidden).
It means the truth-lie inversion :
There may be one ayat but no more one surah is from Shaytan but is truth.
There may be one ayat but no more one surah is from Allah but is lie.
The possible ayats with the truth-lie inversion is maximal additional check of human free will.
After Muhammad people have absolute free will, no any info from Allah or Shaytan.
All Needed Words were already given us.
The influence of Allah starts only after True Birthday (death).
Curan is The Last Testament.
There may not be any additional testaments.
Muhammad is The Last Prophet.
There may not be any additional prophets.
Curan and all previous Testaments of all versions of monotheism :
New Testament of Christianity
Old Testament of Christianity
(you may add other versions)
complete Summa (Sunna) of all Testaments.
Each version of monotheism must accept the row :
Muhammad is The Last Prophet
and no any other changes.
The algorithm about hidden rows and truth-lie inversion is applicable for all Testaments.
14. The problem of The Third.
Who is not with me is against me.
Who does not act with me does act against me.
The Third is not given.
In 10.1 We see reference to confession definition.
But what is The Third which is The Third is not given us at least in this eternity ?
What is The Third and etc if any ?