Hi to All !!
I am Alexei Agafonov (nickname is alex aga).
I am 59 years old.
I am red.
I am from red Russia, red Siberia, red Novosibirsk.
All my knowledge of theology is from studying of scientific communism.
The militant atheism (criticism, analysis and destroying of theology)
is the part of scientific communism.
During my education time it was obligatory.
I am pioneer, comsomolets and oktoberenok is triply red element.
Or you may use the terminology is involved by Winston Churchill
at least assigned to him no later 1918 year.
In that terminology I am triply red monkey.
My level of "de white ation" is bachelor of communistic science.
Therefore I am going to describe theology from both points of view :
from point of view of scientific communism and theology itself.
The labels :
<from point of view of scientific communism>
<from point of view of theology>
point correspondent descriptions.
And what I and we all in red USSR have been learned.
We are reds, true leninists therefore scientific militant atheists
therefore sinless, soulless, nothing sacred etc.
Religion is opium for folk as said Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.
Religion is false, sciences (the main science is scientific communism) are truth.
Inside this militant atheism we all reds do not have any limitations.
And at current time we use Orthodox Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism.
This is so called NEP (New Economic Politics) and NIP (New Ideological Politics).
We all reds must preserve the only condition is the dominated role of our red Party.
Current name of Party is does not matter.
Current ideological base is does not matter.
About targets of scientific communism please see :
The correspondent link on Main WW2 Talk Forum -> General -> page 10
will be posted after achieving 5 posts.
Confession of God :
To serve for only God is impossible.
To serve for only Devil is possible.
The confession of God is
The confession of God and Devil and to serve for God as much as possible.
Any otherwise is the confession of Devil.
What otherwise is from Devil.
For example :
the non confession of God and the non confession of Devil is double confession of Devil.
This is materialistic version of atheism.
Both God and Devil are denied.
Definition of monotheism :
God is :
Almighty and All-knowing.
One in many faces including none.
Anywhere and Nowhere.
Anytime (Always) and Notime (Never).
There is God and there is not God.
Therefore :
God might exist in any number faces including none.
Any part or even all faces may has Monotheism definition.
Other part or even all faces may has Polytheism definition (like Pagan).
But the ability of almighty must exist somewhere.
Standard example about Almighty is :
No prophet in his own country.
Jesus Christ, for example, could not make any miracle in his own country.
And therefore he has once more proved his almighty that he might all
including he might not all.
God and Devil are two sides of one.
Standard example about this duality is :
Any stick has two ends.
Please note : all it and much more about theology is already posted on FB pages of :
Heike Langhans (Official) - Draconian gothic rock band
Lisa Johansson - ex Draconian gothic rock band
Lisa Middelhauve - ex Xandria gothic rock band
in comments.
I recommend these pages.
The exact links will be posted after again 5 posts.
I am going to continue to repost from these pages.
Best wishes from red Russia, red Siberia, red Novosibirsk
I am Alexei Agafonov (nickname is alex aga).
I am 59 years old.
I am red.
I am from red Russia, red Siberia, red Novosibirsk.
All my knowledge of theology is from studying of scientific communism.
The militant atheism (criticism, analysis and destroying of theology)
is the part of scientific communism.
During my education time it was obligatory.
I am pioneer, comsomolets and oktoberenok is triply red element.
Or you may use the terminology is involved by Winston Churchill
at least assigned to him no later 1918 year.
In that terminology I am triply red monkey.
My level of "de white ation" is bachelor of communistic science.
Therefore I am going to describe theology from both points of view :
from point of view of scientific communism and theology itself.
The labels :
<from point of view of scientific communism>
<from point of view of theology>
point correspondent descriptions.
And what I and we all in red USSR have been learned.
We are reds, true leninists therefore scientific militant atheists
therefore sinless, soulless, nothing sacred etc.
Religion is opium for folk as said Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.
Religion is false, sciences (the main science is scientific communism) are truth.
Inside this militant atheism we all reds do not have any limitations.
And at current time we use Orthodox Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism.
This is so called NEP (New Economic Politics) and NIP (New Ideological Politics).
We all reds must preserve the only condition is the dominated role of our red Party.
Current name of Party is does not matter.
Current ideological base is does not matter.
About targets of scientific communism please see :
The correspondent link on Main WW2 Talk Forum -> General -> page 10
will be posted after achieving 5 posts.
Confession of God :
To serve for only God is impossible.
To serve for only Devil is possible.
The confession of God is
The confession of God and Devil and to serve for God as much as possible.
Any otherwise is the confession of Devil.
What otherwise is from Devil.
For example :
the non confession of God and the non confession of Devil is double confession of Devil.
This is materialistic version of atheism.
Both God and Devil are denied.
Definition of monotheism :
God is :
Almighty and All-knowing.
One in many faces including none.
Anywhere and Nowhere.
Anytime (Always) and Notime (Never).
There is God and there is not God.
Therefore :
God might exist in any number faces including none.
Any part or even all faces may has Monotheism definition.
Other part or even all faces may has Polytheism definition (like Pagan).
But the ability of almighty must exist somewhere.
Standard example about Almighty is :
No prophet in his own country.
Jesus Christ, for example, could not make any miracle in his own country.
And therefore he has once more proved his almighty that he might all
including he might not all.
God and Devil are two sides of one.
Standard example about this duality is :
Any stick has two ends.
Please note : all it and much more about theology is already posted on FB pages of :
Heike Langhans (Official) - Draconian gothic rock band
Lisa Johansson - ex Draconian gothic rock band
Lisa Middelhauve - ex Xandria gothic rock band
in comments.
I recommend these pages.
The exact links will be posted after again 5 posts.
I am going to continue to repost from these pages.
Best wishes from red Russia, red Siberia, red Novosibirsk