For the most part I am finding the typical Christian fundamentalism I expected to be honest, so no surprises there. :first:
There is that, and other 'modifications' thereof (multiple denominations). We who are more 'eclectic' if you will, can have fun with that,....depends on how we engage the 'dialogue'.
There is really so much more beyond any one given religious tradition or school, that if we look well enough, a golden thread of truth runs thru most all sacred traditions....as there is one universal, absolute, primal reality at the Heart of all that is.
As a more liberal hindu,....we call the indefinite reality 'Brahman'. 'Brahman', the original substance out of which all is made, includes the unmanifest and manifest forms of 'God',.... all that is impersonal and personal, unknowable and knowable. All there is....is Brahman,...the one universal Spirit....out of which and in which consciousness and all its forms arise. When we reduce all that is down to its purest essence and reality, there is only 'God'. God is all there is.- all else is the creative play of consciousness, a dance of various perceptions, appearances, relationships, etc. These all take place as movements within an Infinite MIND, an Ocean of free energy.
Well,...lest I get too carried away in philosophizing,...just thought to address the Christian fundamentalism. We have all kinds here, I think enough variety to go around. Lets look for each other on the board (I don't frequent the 'politics' section that much, not my cup of tea,.....I'm pretty rooted in the 'Religion' section' most of the time).