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Apparently I need to make 5 posts to share links. Here is 1
Thanks for the reply. I wouldn't want to engage in something so unabashedly unoriginal and I'm not here to partake in social interactions anyway really but thank you for the suggestion.You should try including an actual introduction in your introduction.
Thanks for the reply. Moral legitimacy appears to be a definitionally accurate/ useful collocation. Concerning justifying homosexuality, there is no need to justify anything by default (morally). We have to justify condemnations of others, rather than them having to present a justification of innocence against any and all accusations, however absurd they may be. This translates to the principle of "innocent until proven guilty".There's no such thing as moral legitimacy. You sound like you may be erecting a straw man there in order to justify homosexuality.
Sure there is, there is meHomosexuality may or may not be moral and it may or may not be legitimate, depending on which country you are in. But there isn't any authority analogous to a country that dispenses moral legitimacy.
Great, then you're rationale so far is broadly in keeping with mine and a very decent one, thank you.As to legitimacy, I am in favour of laws which prohibit discrimination against homosexuals in terms of employment or the supply of services. As to morality, I have no objection to homosexuals doing their thing so long as it doesn't interfere with others.
Oh dear hehe, just when things were going so well ^^. I should first clarify that there are at least two types of marriage; 1) Religious marriage and 2) Legal/ civil marriage.However I do object to allowing homosexuals to legitimately marry one another. Marriage is a union of man and woman. This is not discrimination.
The law isn't really owned by anybody (pretty sure it is an abstract concept). The concept of marriage and mode of its expression for most seems to be as the ultimate expression of commitment, love and companionship. These attributes are just as much present in many homosexual unions as heterosexual ones and unfortunately absent from some hetero ones, such that we would likely agree that they ideally should not marry.It is basically theft - stealing the concept of marriage from those who own it.
Black people can call themselves white... but would simply be inaccurate in doing so. I can call myself purple with yellow blotches for instance ^^. If I missed the point there at all (as I'm not sure what you were getting at), please clarify.It is like laws which take discrimination too far: black people are allowed to get on the same buses as white people but black people can't call themselves white. Homosexuality is abnormal behaviour. Recognising it as normal will lead to problems.
Apparently I need to make 5 posts to share links. Here is 1
Concerning justifying homosexuality, there is no need to justify anything by default (morally). We have to justify condemnations of others, rather than them having to present a justification of innocence against any and all accusations, however absurd they may be. This translates to the principle of "innocent until proven guilty".
Most people who object to SS (legal) marriage do so (it seems) on the basis that it conflict with their idea of what religious marriage is or should be. I.E. they object to one on the basis of the other.
You therefore have no more right to dictate if and how somebody can choose to get religiously married (in accordance with their religion... not in accordance with yours) than they have to dictate if and how you can get religiously married.
Black people can call themselves white...
Sexual orientations (SOs), such as homosexuality, are characterised by persistent romantic and/or sexual attractions to members of one or more of the two biological sexes. They are not behaviours. How do I know?
I appreciate the point but I already had a long post typed out with links when I discovered the rule, which is why I was keen to achieve the 5 posts quickly. 5 spam posts in an obsolete thread also seems better than 5 (secret) spam posts cluttering up other serious debates.I understand no ill intent in spamming posts, but you should respect the spirit of the rules.
I'm here to debate. Homosexuality has no inherent, direct risks. Homosexuality offers the benefits of the potential for love, companionship and all-round happiness, just as heterosexuality does. If these are not beneficial to society then it is hard to imagine what could be and heterosexuality appears just as much without benefit as homosexuality. Oh and do respond to this particular point as expected btw. I am ready and waiting for it (insert evil grin smiley here).Homosexuality offers no benefits to society, but is full of risks. By any objective standard, is it immoral. But, I don't think you're here to reason.
That would depend entirely on what their beliefs entailed and would be based upon general principles, which are external to the specific scenario of "anti-gay beliefs". I certainly don't oppose freedom of thought or expression but do oppose intellectual dishonesty, particularly when it involves condemning others while refusing to even attempt the generation of a sound rationale for doing so. Another way to put it might be that I oppose wilful prejudice (against LGBT people or anybody else).As for "innocent until proven guilty", I'm sure you don' really live by that standard. I don't think you're willing to extend that principle to people who disapprove of homosexuality. But, rather you're completely in favor prohibiting them from following their beliefs.
Same-sex marriage doesn't promote homosexual behaviour. It abolishes the historical inequity/ arbitrary and prejudicially motivated discrimination. It is simply an issue of equality. Is it not an objective of the state to treat its citizens equally unless good reason can be presented that they shouldn't be (I.E. fairly)?The government has no interest in promoting homosexual behavior, so therefor it shouldn't recognize same-sex marriage.
Those are actually quite complex issues, depending upon a range of factors. A Muslim cannot expect to be employed as a wine taster if they refuse to drink or sip alcoholic drinks, wouldn't you agree? Conscientious objector wanting to join the army etc. Likewise for a Hindu who wanted to work in an abattoir that slaughtered cattle. The Muslim likely cannot work in a butchers if they refuse to touch pork. Is this unreasonable? Not a rhetorical question, please answer.And, yet you want a cake baker to go to jail for not producing a homosexual wedding cake. You want a wedding photographer to go to jail for not taking pictures of homosexuals kissing.
Actual reasons:The only reason you support government same-sex marriage is to force your beliefs on others.
I bet you I can find you some that do ^^. It is however irrelevant as the word "pervert" is a classical example of a virtually meaningless word with an entirely unjustified negative connotation.Homosexuals can deny that they're perverts...
Incorrect. I'm sorry to see you became so childish towards the end of your post as you were quite civilised earlier. Anyhow, paedophilia is a chronophilia I.E. part of the chronophilic spectrum. A SO is based around the inter-relationship of the biological sex of people from group A and people from group B who they are attracted to.Don't forget, pedophilia is also a sexual orientation. Have you raped any children lately?
Thanks for reading.American Psychological Association: said:"Sexual orientation refers to an enduring pattern of emotional, romantic, and/or sexual attractions to men, women, or both sexes."
I'm here to debate. Homosexuality has no inherent, direct risks. Homosexuality offers the benefits of the potential for love, companionship and all-round happiness, just as heterosexuality does.
Secondly, stamp collecting offers no benefits to society. Is this therefore immoral "by any objective standard"?
Same-sex marriage doesn't promote homosexual behaviour. It abolishes the historical inequity/ arbitrary and prejudicially motivated discrimination. It is simply an issue of equality. Is it not an objective of the state to treat its citizens equally unless good reason can be presented that they shouldn't be (I.E. fairly)?
Issues involved here include that a person should not pursue careers in which the possibility of their fulfilment of an integral component of the job is precluded by their religious beliefs.
Actual reasons:
- Promotion of equality.
- Dissolution of an arbitrarily discriminatory practise which provides illusory psychological legitimacy to heterosexists, therefore reinforcing or encouraging their prejudice.
- Some same-sex couples want it and there is no good reason to oppose it.
I bet you I can find you some that do ^^. It is however irrelevant as the word "pervert" is a classical example of a virtually meaningless word with an entirely unjustified negative connotation.
Incorrect. I'm sorry to see you became so childish towards the end of your post as you were quite civilised earlier. Anyhow, paedophilia is a chronophilia I.E. part of the chronophilic spectrum. A SO is based around the inter-relationship of the biological sex of people from group A and people from group B who they are attracted to.
Why don't you go ahead and start a debate in one of the main forums, then?number4
I will not be spamming links btw but wish to share some in a debate.
You are clearly very intelligent and articulate. I wouldn't anticipate that you'd need to post many links to make yourself understood. Keep in mind that we're more interested in your ideas and how you express them than in the ideas of those who are not here for us to interact with, that you found posted elsewhere.number4
I will not be spamming links btw but wish to share some in a debate.
If anybody has a good reason to believe that any gods exist...
So do you reject that morality is objective? What's the point of debating the legitimacy of homosexuality?- Likewise for "how is morality objective if there is no God" or anything like that. Undesirable consequences of accepting that reality is the way it is in no way alter how reality actually is. I.E. Your approval of reality has no baring upon how reality is. There are certainly aspects of it which I disapprove of, yet they remain.
Anyway, you get the gist.
In a sense, I regard all objectivity to be indemonstrable, whether or not we can have beliefs which just so happen to be objectively true.So do you reject that morality is objective? What's the point of debating the legitimacy of homosexuality?
From my experience of debating heterosexism/ homosexuality over the years, the Abrahamic religions are at the root of virtually all condemnation of homosexuality. Those few condemnations which aren't to any apparent extent religiously motivated likely also draw illusory/ legitimacy credibility from the historical backdrop of religious heterosexism (I.E. they are psychologically bolstered by it).Let's say for the sake of discussion that TOL is a theology forum. A forum for discussions of God, gods, and religious stuff. If so, then why do you feel homosexuality is related to theology?
Gallup said:"Americans who oppose the legalization of same-sex marriage, 46% of the adult population, are most likely to explain their position on the basis of religious beliefs".
The Gallup Coexist Index 2009: A Global Study of Interfaith Relations said:"The French public is more likely than any other population polled to view homosexuality (78%) as morally acceptable. As points of comparison, 68% of Germans and 58% of Britons believe homosexuality is morally acceptable. Among European Muslim populations surveyed, the acceptability of homosexuality is highest among French Muslims (35%) and lowest among British Muslims (0%)." Gallup Coexist Index 2009_1.pdf
Keep in mind that we're more interested in your ideas and how you express them than in the ideas of those who are not here for us to interact with, that you found posted elsewhere.
I already appreciate your contention that it's the moral objection to a moral choice that bears the burden of proof, not an individual moral choice, because it's the objection that interlopes. I hadn't thought of it that way, before, but there is sound reasoning behind that assertion.
In general I would agree, though I do think that there are some important exceptions. I agree that people should make their own arguments and I disapprove of people sharing vast essays/ articles which they didn't even take the time to write themselves. Linking to or quoting external sources can however be pertinent for a few things, such as;Why don't you go ahead and start a debate in one of the main forums, then?Maybe you can't actually post a link (yet) but you could still discuss the content of those links: why you think that information is important, what hitherto outstanding questions it answers, how it changed the way you think and why it should do the same for others, etc.
That always makes for far better debate than simply posting links or copying and pasting from them without any commentary of your own anyway.
Homosexuality as an independent entity is incapable of spreading STIs. A celibate homosexual cannot spread STIs for example, despite being homosexual. I think I'll let you flesh this out a little more before I give a full counter as your point isn't very specific. I urge you to avoid listing STIs or many different sexual practises all in one post as each one will potentially elicit a lengthy response from me (leading to an exponential increase in response lengths). I.E. please consider picking one at a time to go through.Homosexuality among men has been a huge factor in the spread of STDs, just as one example. The government spends billions of dollars every year in costs related to STDs, like HIV.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said:"To date, there are no confirmed cases of female-to-female sexual transmission of HIV in the United States database."
Centers for Disease Control: said:"In 2009, blacks/African Americans made up approximately 13% of the population of the 40 states (surveyed) but accounted for 52% of diagnoses of HIV infection."
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS said:"Heterosexual (male-female) intercourse accounts for more than 70% of all adult HIV infections to date and homosexual (male-male) intercourse for a further 5-10%."
For the same reason that you both cannot and cannot be reasonably expected to with members of the same-sex. They aren't naturally inclined that way, just as you aren't to members of the same sex.I don't understand why a homosexual can't find love from someone of the opposite sex?
The government is an establishment by the people, for the people, is it not? Would you be happier in a world without roads, firemen, the rile of law and organisations employed to deter the spread of diseases, such as the CDC?I also see no reason for the government to be involved, per se, in anyone's all-around happiness.
Please evidence your suggestion that same-sex marriage causes children sexual confusion and that this detracts from their happiness. All the evidence indicates that the suicidality disparity for LGBT people results from heterosexism/ minority stress, rather than homosexuality. Legally enshrined discrimination (marriage inequality) therefore exacerbates, rather than diminishes this.And, on the contrary, homosexuals seem relatively miserable (e.g. consider their suicide rate). So, the government isn't promoting all-round happiness by sexually confusing children.
Hightow-Weidman et al. 2011 said:"There was a significant association between experiencing a high level of sexuality-related bullying and depressive symptomatology (p=0.03), having attempted suicide (p=0.03), and reporting parental abuse (p=0.05)."
de Graaf et al. 2006 said:"Among homosexual men, perceived discrimination was associated with suicidality."
If you consider STI-related deaths to be the consequence of homosexual behaviour (I'll still wait for you to expand on that above before a further full response), then the same would be true of heterosexual behaviour.Have thousands of people died from the consequences of stamp collecting behavor? Is anyone forced to support stamp collecting. Really, that's the best analogy you could find?
Homosexuality isn't and doesn't have a lifestyle, just as there is no "heterosexual lifestyle". Both populations are heterogeneous. I oppose the "freedom" of others to engage in intellectual dishonesty by forming unjustified, prejudice beliefs about others, while maintaining the pretence that they are well justified. I do not oppose the freedom of others to think whatever they want but will obviously seek to correct any delusions which they may cultivate. Doing so could even be considered a charitable act ^^.For someone who claims to oppose intellectual dishonesty, you sure practice it a lot. What you call "prejudicialy motivated discrimination" is freedom. Why don't you be honest and say you oppose the freedom of others to choose not to support the lifestyle of homosexuals.
I've already demonstrated the relative meaninglessness of the term "pervert". Please address that or try to avoid dirtying your sentences with such words.First, in the current cases, these people were already in these careers before they were required to service perverts.
Not sure what you're referring to. Please quote the relevant part of my post if you're making a specific response. You haven't sunken anything anyhow as society's "standards" are only as relevant as they are justified. This is similar to how somebody's opinion on ethical issues is generally relevant only to the same extent as they are an ethical person, operating according to consistently applicable (rational), ethical principles.Second, let's just shoot all the homos. They shouldn't have chosen a lifestyle that is precluded by an integral component of society's standards (if we lived in a society that stoned sexual perverts) -- sorry to sink to your pathetic level of defense of oppression.
Nope, that is no more equal than it would be for you if only same-sex couples could marry. Here is a great 1.5 min video which demonstrates the principle:Homos are perverts, but historically they were equal under the law. No law ever prohibited a homosexual man from marring a woman. having the same rights as others.
Nope, that would be what proponents of civil unions want. Equality would involve everybody being free to marry the mutually consenting person that they love.You want "separate but equal" laws.
Homos are part of society. The government has a role in opposing any prejudicially motivated discrimination.Anyway, what makes "equality" for homos important for society? And, why is it the government's job to force people to treat perverts, criminals, or whatever and equals?
Gay = somebody who is exclusively attracted to members of the same biological sex as themselves. Please explain how the term "pervert" is relevant.Homosexuals are perverts. But, you complain that the term pervert is irrelevant while you use the absolutely meaningless term "gay"?
They're as abnormal as the abnormally intelligent or kind or considerate. How is abnormality relevant?Homosexuals are perverts. They're not normal. They don't deserve to be treated as normal. And, no amount of government can make them normal.
You are factually incorrect to term paedophilia a sexual orientation, though it isn't really relevant. Did you miss the bit where I pointed out that heterosexuality is a sexual orientation too?Pedophilia, chronophilia, is every bit a "sexual orientation" as homosexuality is.... Pedophiles claim the same innate sexual feelings as homosexuals do.