You have to define your word "liberal" before I would give you an answer.
Well, you were so "grateful" that all your family is "conservative", so I was just wondering why. If there was something you thought horribly wrong with a family being liberal?
I am very liberal, by most peoples definition, and I don't see that as a bad thing, or as something someone would be grateful
not to be. :think:
Don't mean to be coy, but I have no clue what you mean by "conservative."
What did YOU mean by it? After all, it's you who is so grateful that all your family is conservative. I'm just asking because I think it's an odd comment, and perhaps expresses a bias that you might want to be aware of, as a Christian.
Well, politics is what we do. The word is from "policies" and policy is what we do, and what we do is our behavior.
Then politics isn't really what we do, so much as it's what we think we
ought to be doing. While, for whatever reason, we often seem
not to do what we think we ought to be doing. :chuckle:
And our behavior has a lot to do with the question, "Are we, or are we not a true Christian?"
What is a "true" Christian? Doesn't anyone who thinks they're a Christian think they're a "true" Christian? I mean, is there anyone who thinks they're a "false" Christian? The reason I'm asking is that I think this question is only being imposed on other people. I don't think it's ever really being imposed on one's self. And I'm not sure why we think we have the right or the ability to impose that question on others.
Same is true for our social behavior. A barnyard sexual moral code, for example, is not Christian.
Well, that depends on what one thinks a Christian is. We don't all agree about this, and no one person gets to be right while everyone else has to be wrong. I know everyone THINKS they're the right one, but that's just hubris, of course. And our moral codes are different, too, depending on how we understand Christ, and what we think it means to be a Christian.
I, for example, as a non-Judaic Christian, do not believe that homosexuality is a "sin". So although I am not a homosexual, I have no particular concern for their spiritual state, social status, or anything else, based on their being homosexual. Yet lots of other Christians disagree, and some insist I can't be a Christian if I don't accept a whole pile of ancient Judaic religious dogma. But I don't really care, because I know they aren't the "gatekeepers of Christianity" even though they always think they are.
So, anyway, I'm happy to discuss anything. Maybe once you get to know a very liberal non-Judaic Christian or two, they won't seem like such evil demons with their barnyard morals an all. :chuckle: (just teasing)