New member
Hello and Welcome. Can you explain your name to me, I don't get it?
Ha ha you will be sorry! Yes its a combination of three things to wit;
Its amazing how powerful an avatar or a sc name can be eh? I am a fan of the crusades (which I feel are not fairly represented in the leftist controlled media) and all forms of Christendom the history of Christianity. That includes the often criticized, in an disparaging manner, the knights Templar. So that is why I chose the Templar part of the sc name. I came to Christianity after dabbling for ten years in other regions, and came in a strange way. (but I beleive God had a hand in it!) By strange I mean that while I began suspecting Christianity was more correct than not I was after trying on many religions an agnostic. However after reading a few very influential books and learning about cosmological/ontological arguments in college (specifically the KCA) I became more and more convinced that God did indeed exist. Add that to my studies in how physics and the cosmology (astronomy) and science theories of origins of the universe and other science like quantum field theory seemed to point to a creator instead of the universe springing into existence from nothing. still I wasn't 100% sold on Christianity being the religion that best explained what God was. And that is where the Nu part of the sc name came from. Sorry for the length of this!
However I was fairly sure that Christianity had more right than wrong. Then it happened, I wrecked my Harley Davidson after a night and a day and a night and...ha ha badly that I my heart stopped three times, I was gone.
I know this is hard to beleive but, (I will shorten this) I spoke with God. I knew it was the christian God because of how I 'felt', and the question I 'heard'; The question asked is "do you want to die without knowing me?" (I get emotional every time I relate this, and am happy I am typing instead of speaking!)...Well, I didn't have to think about it, I said "NO I want to live and learn everything about you !.(I said more but that's the gist of it)..I woke up after what seemed a long time, and as I awoke I heard a sound. It sounded like a record being played backwards, like reversed cymbals from big to little.
I woke in the hospital getting ready to have my broken bones screwed and glued together. Later I found out my heart was bruised and spleen was ruptured, and I had a horrific crush injury to my pelvis legs and feet. Yes, I know its a tall tale, and will not fault anyone that does not beleive me, but I know it's true, and it saved me, It saved my eternal life and still I am getting to know God...And I became a reverend and a pastor and mercifully this is the last of this explanation that is where I get the Rev part of my sc name!
Thanks for asking~ but I bet your eyes are sorry you asked! ha ha
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