A steriotype picture that we used to hear as Muslims all the time , We explain with evidence every time but we will keep hearing those eccuses for ever for reasons that I will explain .
Islam is spread by sword :
Normally what has been spread by sword would disapear by its absence while Islam now is the major religion in territories that were never been a part of any Muslim state. A first most growing religion update even in western counries where Muslims are under scan .. still people from all over the world from all classes are converting to Islam.
Where I live . Romans were here for centuries , France was here for 130 years . wherevr they invade a village they build a church near the fort. They build schools only for those who convert to christianity .and they give a gun for whoever converts to christianity to fight his people for the the conqueror. But In my history , my incestors accepted only Islam because It freed them from everything else but God.
Historically , neither Rome , Nor the midle age crusades and knights of the temple gangs nor even modern colonial waves show where the spread by word is.
From the other hand Islam reached places that were never part of any muslim rulers or colonial.
That's historically, Religiously ; the only religion that has comandments limiting the millitary action is Islam while it is never mentioned in the religion of " love" where emperial , colonial movements , crashing world wars and couts of inspections in the midle ages.
Democracy and civil rights are a result of human experiences starting with the Greek republic . Christianity has terrific political practices with Rome then the midle ages . the actual western civilization would never progress without the rebell against the "politically exploited " chrurch .
Demagogical and mechanical kind of speech that has nothing to do with debate or discussion which is the blind repition " I am right , you're wrong , I'm good ,You're bad ; I 'm with God , You're with Satan ... My religion is true , You're religion is a legend " without any kind of dialectic material which can be simply repeated by any side .. This isn't going anywhere and we're not learning anything .. I bet your speech will be the same about Bithism if You had been just born in a Budthist village. And I have nothing to say in such situation.
thank you.