ECT Heaven, when do we go there?

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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So then they really aren't destroyed, right? Can you now see where I am going with this? What part of man can never be destroyed and yet is? BWT, I agree with you. Also when thinking this through, man can only die once and after that, the judgment . . ;)
No they are not destroyed (cease to exist) as in annihilationism's erroneous views.

No part of man, body and soul is destroyed in the eternal presence of their deserved just punishment.


Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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Because we all deserve more punishment. Christ didn't do enough
I hope and pray this is not meant to be some unstated, yet implied, support for denying eternal punishment in favor of annihilationism. Are you denying the place of eternal torment Our Lord spoke more about than He spoke of Heaven? :idunno:

Those in hell will never repent of their sins against our Eternal God, for they continue to gnash their teeth at God in every moment, thereby further justifying their eternal retributive punishment for sins against Eternal God. There is a sense that the gates of Hell are locked from the inside.

If a person in Hell could truly repent would then realize that they are exactly where they need to be. Justice is getting what you deserve, mercy is getting what you don't.


patrick jane

I hope and pray this is not meant to be some unstated, yet implied, support for denying eternal punishment in favor of annihilationism. Are you denying the place of eternal torment Our Lord spoke more about than He spoke of Heaven? :idunno:

Those in hell will never repent of their sins against our Eternal God, for they continue to gnash their teeth at God in every moment, thereby further justifying their eternal retributive punishment for sins against Eternal God. There is a sense that the gates of Hell are locked from the inside.

If a person in Hell could truly repent would then realize that they are exactly where they need to be. Justice is getting what you deserve, mercy is getting what you don't.

I'm glad I repented years ago


New member
If you understand what the word means then, yes, they do. If not, you don't know what the word "means".

I know people in the second resurrection have paid the penalty for their sin.

We will teach them and judge their response to God's word.

Is this what you mean?


New member
Heaven, when do we go there?

This idea that we go to heaven when we die is a misunderstanding and a misinterpretation. God is a god of the living, not the dead. The divinity of the living God dwells in each and every one of our souls as a state of timelessness, right here and now in this exact instant and nowhere else. Do not be deceived. God is eternal, infinite, unconditional. Watch how quickly the collective personality convinces us otherwise in an attempt to distract us from God. It is very very good at what it does because it has had centuries to develop and practice its tactics which we've inherited from previous civilizations.

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Right Divider

Body part
This idea that we go to heaven when we die is a misunderstanding and a misinterpretation. God is a god of the living, not the dead. The divinity of the living God dwells in each and every one of our souls as a state of timelessness, right here and now in this exact instant and nowhere else. Do not be deceived. God is eternal, infinite, unconditional. Watch how quickly the collective personality convinces us otherwise in an attempt to distract us from God. It is very very good at what it does because it has had centuries to develop and practice its tactics which we've inherited from previous civilizations.
In every single post, you give your own puffed up opinions about the nature of things. You're quite a talker.

Has God ever written anything down that might help us? Like maybe a Bible, or something?

Cross Reference

New member
I hope and pray this is not meant to be some unstated, yet implied, support for denying eternal punishment in favor of annihilationism. Are you denying the place of eternal torment Our Lord spoke more about than He spoke of Heaven? :idunno:

Those in hell will never repent of their sins against our Eternal God, for they continue to gnash their teeth at God in every moment, thereby further justifying their eternal retributive punishment for sins against Eternal God. There is a sense that the gates of Hell are locked from the inside.

If a person in Hell could truly repent would then realize that they are exactly where they need to be. Justice is getting what you deserve, mercy is getting what you don't.


Ditto! I wonder why it doesn't want to be received like that?
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New member
I hope and pray this is not meant to be some unstated, yet implied, support for denying eternal punishment in favor of annihilationism. Are you denying the place of eternal torment Our Lord spoke more about than He spoke of Heaven? :idunno:

Does eternal punishment require God's gift of eternal life?


New member
Your scriptures say nothing about eternal punishment. We know that eternal life is a gift from God so how can a person suffer eternal punishment without God's gift of life? And why would God give a person a gift of eternal torment?

It doesn't compute.

Cross Reference

New member
Your scriptures say nothing about eternal punishment. We know that eternal life is a gift from God so how can a person suffer eternal punishment without God's gift of life? And why would God give a person a gift of eternal torment?

It doesn't compute.

God made man's soul to be independent of God. He made man's soul to be eternally alive; that it cannot die in the physical sense of the word. If you don't understand that, tough luck. ____ It's your choice.

<back to ignore mode>


New member
Heaven, when do we go there?

In every single post, you give your own puffed up opinions about the nature of things. You're quite a talker.

Has God ever written anything down that might help us? Like maybe a Bible, or something?

Why are we allowing the collective personality to dictate the interpretation of the Bible instead of finding out the meaning for ourselves? I feel you are attacking me instead of contributing something useful because you really don't have anything useful to contribute.

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Grosnick Marowbe

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Why are we allowing the collective personality to dictate the interpretation of the Bible instead of finding out the meaning for ourselves? I feel you are attacking me instead of contributing something useful because you really don't have anything useful to contribute.

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Of course, your "feelings" could be off kilter, could that be possible?


New member
Heaven, when do we go there?

Of course, your "feelings" could be off kilter, could that be possible?

Is there something wrong with feelings? Maybe they are our guides. Of course the personality rejects, suppresses and smothers its feelings including its own self-worth. This is part of the meaning behind the rejection and burial of Christ. But self-worth is not important huh? In its place is the desperate need to hold on to beliefs. The long term effects include warfare, hostility and bitterness towards others as a direct reflection of the turmoil within our own selves for the inability to know and feel our own value.

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New member
We will only go to heaven when Jesus returns, otherwise Jesus need not come to resurrect and receive to Himself His scattered saints when He comes again seeing they were already in heaven. See 1Thess. 4:16,17 "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord."