Firstly, is English not your first language? YOUR interpretations are CRAP.
Then new heaven and the new earth will still have a NEW JERUSALEM.... guess where it will be.
You are a babbling idiot.
Believe it or not, his point, by his "ARe we supposed to take the 'plain meaning' of crap or is it a figure of speech?" was his own stating of the principle that things that differ, are not the same.
He was not asking you to explain what you'd meant.
His was a rhetorical question (a statement made via a question).
This is why I have been going on about the importance of rules of grammar (only for some so poor at the following that they have concluded I am referring to "the Greek").
Because in the absence of going back and forth with one another in person; a wrong conclusion is often easily arrived at, if various rules of grammar for the proper arriving at intended meaning, are not considered before allowing oneself, one's conclusion.
It's something I have become even more aware of in my short time on TOL.
Where much from many sides too often points to a failure in the awareness of how governing principles like case, mood, tense, and so on, function within words towards allowing one to properly arrive at their writer's intended meaning.
This is what has allowed me to understand what IP is saying, despite my disagreement with many of his conclusions.
The thing I have been going on about - about that I have referred to as "ALMOST 28er," and or Acts 9/Acts 28 Hybrid (another brother's name for that) has been about this issue.
About what the absence of rules of grammar can result in.
I've not pointed this out in an attempt to malign, say, an STP.
Rather, I have merely sought to point this out.
Only to have it taken wrong - for the very reason I have just pointed it out once more - either out of the carelessness in some in their observance of the above principle, or simply their unawareness of said principle.
This is where even people who each assert they hold to Acts 9, end up at different understandings.
The failure of one or the other Bible "student," to have slowed down some, to seriously consider what rules of grammar for the communication of intended meaning through said word or another, a phrase, a passage, one chapter, or another, might be following.
Anyway, out of my observation that you have at times been at least a bit more level headed in some things, than others I have observed on these issues, I thought I would use your above as a means of pointing out what I have been going on about.