HaShem - 'The Name'


New member
It is not hard to see it unless one does not want to see it.
Here it is again for you in plain simple English:

Matthew 11:10 KJV
10 For this is he, of whom it is written, Behold, I send my messenger before
thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee.

Mark 1:2 KJV
2 As it is written in the prophets, Behold, I send my messenger before
thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee.

Luke 7:27 KJV
27 This is he, of whom it is written, Behold, I send my messenger before
thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee.

Exodus 23:20 KJV
20 Behold, I send an Angel before
thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared.

Malachi 3:1 Septuagint (Brenton English Translation)
1 Behold, I send forth my messenger, and he shall survey the way before
me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come into his temple, even the angel of the covenant, whom ye take pleasure in: behold, he is coming, saith the Lord Almighty.

:mock: hahahahahahahahahahaha :rotfl: hahahahahahahahahahaha :dizzy: hahahahahahahahahaha :kookoo:
Every reference listed is referring to John the Baptist, the "fore-runner" of Yeshua Messiah.

BTW, "before thy face" is nowhere found in the Old Testament, it's a mistranslation.
Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the LORD of hosts. - Malachi 3:1

You deserve the "Dunce of the Month" award. :dunce:


Well-known member
:mock: hahahahahahahahahahaha :rotfl: hahahahahahahahahahaha :dizzy: hahahahahahahahahaha :kookoo:
Every reference listed is referring to John the Baptist, the "fore-runner" of Yeshua Messiah.

BTW, "before thy face" is nowhere found in the Old Testament, it's a mistranslation.

You deserve the "Dunce of the Month" award. :dunce:

It was right there in front of your eyes just before the post you quoted. The post you quoted was given to you in English translations because the post before that contained the Greek quotes, showing word for word exactly where the quotes came from, which is clearly Exodus 23:20a. Are you not even capable of following a conversation which only contained two posts? Lying about it is never going to make you right no matter how many other so-called Christians thank you, bless your lies, and agree with your blatant outright fabrications and slanders just because you agree with their Trinitarian viewpoint.

Still rejecting the Testimony of Yeshua?

Take your pick from the T/R, W/H, or any other text:

Matthew 11:10 Textus Receptus
10 ουτος γαρ εστι περι ου γεγραπται ιδου εγω αποστελλω τον αγγελον μου προ προσωπου
σου ος κατασκευασει την οδον σου εμπροσθεν σου

Matthew 11:10 Westcott-Hort
10 ουτος εστιν περι ου γεγραπται ιδου εγω αποστελλω τον αγγελον μου προ προσωπου
σου ος κατασκευασει την οδον σου εμπροσθεν σου

Both the T/R and the W/H quote Exodus 23:20a WORD FOR WORD from the Septuagint:

Exodus 23:20 LXX-Septuagint
20 και ιδου εγω αποστελλω τον αγγελον μου προ προσωπου
σου ινα φυλαξη σε εν τη οδω οπως εισαγαγη σε εις την γην ην ητοιμασα σοι

Matthew 11:10b -- "ιδου εγω αποστελλω τον αγγελον μου προ προσωπου σου"
Exodus 23:20a -- "ιδου εγω αποστελλω τον αγγελον μου προ προσωπου

"ιδου εγω αποστελλω τον αγγελον μου προ προσωπου σου"
"Behold, I send My Messenger-Angel before
your face"

Yeshua therefore clearly states that Yohanan EliYahu is the Malak of Exodus 23:20-23; and the Name of the Father is indeed in the name EliYahu, (El and Yah), and there is no other place where this clear emphatic statement quoted above may be found in the scripture. Those who say that this Matthew statement and its companion passages are quoted from Malachi 3:1 are liars, who cannot tell the difference between "μου" and "σου", "me" and "you", "my" and "thy", or "me" and "thee", and unfortunately for you that cancels out most every commentary of the so-called scholars I have ever read. Just because they all agree to blindly run toward the precipice all together does not make the herd correct. :)

EDIT - Addendum:

Malachi 3:1 KJV (Hebrew Text)
1 Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before
me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the LORD of hosts.

Malachi 3:1 Brenton English Translation (Greek Text)
1 Behold, I send forth my messenger, and he shall survey the way before
me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come into his temple, even the angel of the covenant, whom ye take pleasure in: behold, he is coming, saith the Lord Almighty.

Malachi 3:1 LXX-Septuagint
1 ιδου εγω εξαποστελλω τον αγγελον μου και επιβλεψεται οδον προ προσωπου
μου και εξαιφνης ηξει εις τον ναον εαυτου κυριος ον υμεις ζητειτε και ο αγγελος της διαθηκης ον υμεις θελετε ιδου ερχεται λεγει κυριος παντοκρατωρ

Malachi 3:1a
1 ιδου εγω εξαποστελλω τον αγγελον μου και επιβλεψεται οδον προ προσωπου

Exodus 23:20a -- "ιδου εγω αποστελλω τον αγγελον μου προ προσωπου
Matthew 11:10b -- "ιδου εγω αποστελλω τον αγγελον μου προ προσωπου σου"



Well-known member
:mock: hahahahahahahahahahaha :rotfl: hahahahahahahahahahaha :dizzy: hahahahahahahahahaha :kookoo:
Every reference listed is referring to John the Baptist, the "fore-runner" of Yeshua Messiah.

BTW, "before thy face" is nowhere found in the Old Testament, it's a mistranslation.

You deserve the "Dunce of the Month" award. :dunce:

It was right there in front of your eyes just before the post you quoted. The post you quoted was given to you in English translations because the post before that contained the Greek quotes, showing word for word exactly where the quotes came from, which is clearly Exodus 23:20a. Are you not even capable of following a conversation which only contained two posts? Lying about it is never going to make you right no matter how many other so-called Christians thank you, bless your lies, and agree with your blatant outright fabrications and slanders just because you agree with their Trinitarian viewpoint.

Therefore within the context of Matthew 11:9-15 Yeshua emphatically states that Yohanan is the Malak of Exodus 23:20-23 because, according to the author of the text, Yeshua quotes Exodus 23:20a and even states, "IT IS WRITTEN", which you have plainly and openly denied by saying that it is found nowhere just because the truth does not suit your paradigm.

Matthew 11:9-15
9 But what went you out to see? A prophet? Yea, I say unto you, and exceedingly more than a prophet.
10 For this is he of whom it is written, Behold, I send My angel before your face,
[Exodus 23:20a LXX] which shall prepare your way before you.
11 Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than Yohanan the Immerser: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of the heavens
[the Son of man] is greater than he.
12 And from the days of Yohanan the Immerser until now the kingdom of the heavens suffers violence, and the violent take it by force:
13 for all the Prophets and the Torah
prophesied until Yohanan.
14 And, if you will receive it, this is EliYahu that is about to come.
15 The one having ears to hear, let hear.

All the Prophets and the Torah prophesied until Yohanan, according to the Master, and Yohanan is the Malak-Messenger of Exodus 23:20-23 according to the Testimony of Yeshua: but you once again do not believe the Testimony of Yeshua, and therefore you have not the grace of Elohim upon you because the Testimony of Yeshua is the Spirit of Grace and you refuse to apply it to yourself and in your doctrine. Therefore the wrath of Elohim abides upon you because you do not believe the one whom the Father has sent. :)


New member
Therefore within the context of Matthew 11:9-15
Yeshua emphatically states that Yohanan is the Malak of Exodus 23:20-23

Yeshua is the "malak" of Exodus 23:-20-23
For your husband is your Maker- [creator of Israel],
Whose name is YHWH of hosts (heavenly hosts);
And your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel,
Who is called the God of all the earth.
- Isaiah 54:5 NASB

Thus says YHWH, your Redeemer,
and the ONE who formed you from the womb [Egypt],
I, YHWH, AM the maker of all things,
Stretching out the heavens by Myself
And spreading out the earth all alone
- Isaiah 44:24 NASB

That you have forgotten YHWH your Maker,
Who stretched out the heavens
And laid the foundations of the earth
- Isaiah 51:13a NASB
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New member
So will I make MY HOLY NAME known in the midst of my people Israel; and I will not let them pollute MY HOLY NAME any more: and the heathen shall know that I am YHWH, the HOLY ONE in Israel. - Ezekiel 39:7


New member
So will I make MY HOLY NAME known in the midst of my people Israel; and I will not let them pollute MY HOLY NAME any more: and the heathen shall know that I am YHWH, the HOLY ONE in Israel. - Ezekiel 39:7

What do you think is the name of YHWH? Is it something other than Hayah Asher Hayah?
Matthew 1:21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.

The name "Jesus" is an Anglicized form of the Greek name "Iesous" found in New Testament original manuscripts. God saw fit I was born with a primary language of English. I believe the name Jesus, the Word of God and very God, appears something like over 900 times in the English KJV Holy Bible, "Jesus Christ" around 200 times. This has always been good enough for me, praise His Holy Name, Jesus! Neither do I own a kippah, yad or shawl, though I did think it was a real riot to watch Buffalo Bill Hawkins, when he was late nights on the cable access channel, and no compelling conflicts with the Cartoon Network, of course.

Ben Masada

New member
Matthew 1:21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.

The name "Jesus" is an Anglicized form of the Greek name "Iesous" found in New Testament original manuscripts. God saw fit I was born with a primary language of English. I believe the name Jesus, the Word of God and very God, appears something like over 900 times in the English KJV Holy Bible, "Jesus Christ" around 200 times. This has always been good enough for me, praise His Holy Name, Jesus! Neither do I own a kippah, yad or shawl, though I did think it was a real riot to watch Buffalo Bill Hawkins, when he was late nights on the cable access channel, and no compelling conflicts with the Cartoon Network, of course.

And... did he save his people from their sins? He didn't even save the Land from being destroyed, how could he have saved the people from their sins? The People were sinful before Jesus was born and became worse after he died. What happened? Why still today, the claim persists that he saved the people from their sins? As I can see, faith is the best food to feed illusion.
And... did he save his people from their sins? He didn't even save the Land from being destroyed, how could he have saved the people from their sins? The People were sinful before Jesus was born and became worse after he died. What happened? Why still today, the claim persists that he saved the people from their sins? As I can see, faith is the best food to feed illusion.

Well, I am "His people," and He has saved me from sin, which I can testify. Millions of others, the past couple millennia, can say the same thing. If the Lord Jesus hasn't done so for some, it's because antichrists like you are not His people. But you shouldn't project your evil and shameful condition, the faithless, dead men walking people like you really are, on the Lord, as it is you who rejects His salvation. That you can't repent and believe in the Lord Jesus for salvation is strictly a personal problem, but your own making. Nobody else's.

As you're going, you will make your bed in hellfire, with nobody else to blame for your squandered spiritual life and offensiveness towards God's truth. It's like some people are morons, but you can't blame smart people for this. For example, it's not Einstein's fault you can't add two plus two, not Einstein's failure, and also just a senseless waste to project your failures on Einstein, when you're too busy being stupid to seek to learn a little arithmetic. Just as senseless such a non sequitur reply to a post I made about the holy name of Jesus, which only reveals your personal demons and venom.

You're just being idiotic, an antichrist, can't even seem to find an appropriate post to reply to, to inject your venom against Christian truth, some sort of trolling tare against Christ. Boy, that's sure worth going to eternal hellfire over! You're really a bright guy, aren't you?


New member
And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on THE NAME of the LORD shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the LORD hath said, and in the Jewish remnant whom the LORD shall call. - Joel 2:32

Only Yeshua can save the "remnant".
Unfortunately, the "remainder" will perish. :(
The Jewish "remnant" (survivors) will inherit the KINGDOM.

And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon ME whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn. In that day shall there be a great mourning in Jerusalem, as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon. And the land shall mourn, every family apart; the family of the house of David apart, and their wives apart; the family of the house of Nathan apart, and their wives apart; The family of the house of Levi apart, and their wives apart; the family of Shimei apart, and their wives apart; All the families that remain, every family apart, and their wives apart. - Zechariah 12:10-14


New member
And YHWH shall be KING over all the EARTH:
in that day shall there be ONE LORD, and his NAME ONE.
- Zechariah 14:9

Ben Masada

New member
And YHWH shall be KING over all the EARTH:
in that day shall there be ONE LORD, and his NAME ONE.
- Zechariah 14:9

We officially pray that prayer three times a day and many times as we gather in a Minyan of ten adult Jews. Now, etymologically, shall be or was is not of HaShem. He is or has been since for everlasting.


New member
Rejection of the Testimony of Yeshua, (yet again). :)
Yohanan is the Malak-Messenger of Exodus 23:20-23

:kookoo: kookoo ideas need no consideration, :hammer:

Yeshua is the Malak-Messenger of Exodus 23:20-23
Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared. Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke him not; for he will not pardon your transgressions: for MY NAME is IN HIM . But if thou shalt indeed obey his voice, and do all that I SPEAK; then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies, and an adversary unto thine adversaries. For mine Angel shall go before thee

Ben Masada

New member
Jesus could have saved Himself but that is not why He came. He came to give Himself as an atoning sacrifice for the sin of the world

However, HaShem inspired His prophets to teach us that no one can die for the sins of another. Are you implying that Jesus came with the intent to contradict the prophets of Elohim the Most High?(Ezekiel 18:3,20)


Well-known member
:kookoo: kookoo ideas need no consideration, :hammer:

Yeshua is the Malak-Messenger of Exodus 23:20-23

Do you have anything original to make an original post of your own?
Or do you feel that you need to locate your nose quite close to my posterior and follow me around?


Why would you now beg me back into another one of your stinking filthy threads?
No one else is interested in anything you have to say?
Sorry for your left handed billy goat luck. :lucky:


Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
However, HaShem inspired His prophets to teach us that no one can die for the sins of another. Are you implying that Jesus came with the intent to contradict the prophets of Elohim the Most High?(Ezekiel 18:3,20)

I'm telling you that Jesus came to die for the sins of the whole world. Do you have proof of something that says different

Romans 5:8 New King James Version (NKJV)

8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 8:34 New King James Version (NKJV)

34 Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us.

2 Corinthians 5:14 New King James Version (NKJV)

14 For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died;