According to Neil Carter at, "there have been 55 of these tetrads since the 1st century AD, 7 of which have already coincided with both the Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles (which is why Hagee and others keep making such a big deal of this). There is truly no logical reason why this particular lunar tetrad would stand out among all the others which have happened in precisely the same way other than the fact that this time it’s happening during Hagee’s pastorate."
what do you make of it?
Two Christian preachers with huge followings in the US claim the date of the last of four 'blood moons' over the past 18 months, due to occur on September 28, and following a papal visit to the US, will signal the second coming of Jesus Christ. At the same time, the world as we know it will be destroyed by major earthquakes amid heightened tensions in the Middle East and the possibility of a third world war.
The two evangelists have been accused of peddling the false warnings in order to cash in on books they have penned about their predictions - one of which was turned into a movie. The pair claim Armageddon will occur at the conclusion of the ongoing 'tetrad' of blood moons, which began on April 15 last year, followed by another red-coloured lunar eclipse on October 8 last year, and a third on April 4 this year. The fourth in the series of blood moons, which have six full moons in between, is set to happen on September 28.
I think it's designed to sell books and rake in donations so that Hagee's already-fat pocketbook (and abdomen) can get fatter (2 Pet 2:3).
Ok, that makes sense.
He is prosperity preacher too.
But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
He's got a whole other set of problems.
Actually, Hagee doesn't really fall into that category, as Benny Hinn and others do. He's got a whole other set of problems.
He is another one of those.
I joined his church and I know what his teachings are all about.
He is Word of faith believer. He also speaks in tongues just like those sham tele-evangelists. He is not any better.
they are the worst kind in Christian community. They are disgraceful.
According to Neil Carter at, "there have been 55 of these tetrads since the 1st century AD, 7 of which have already coincided with both the Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles (which is why Hagee and others keep making such a big deal of this). There is truly no logical reason why this particular lunar tetrad would stand out among all the others which have happened in precisely the same way other than the fact that this time it’s happening during Hagee’s pastorate."
Because you're all Dispensationalists (Darby followers)
The point is the tetrads that coincide with Israeli holidays do stand out.
The 7 out of the 55 that landed on a the holy days marked an event. The event did not happen on the eclipse but in a year around the tetrad.
1492 Spanish inquisition
1948 Israel becomes a nation
1967 6 day war. Jerusalem is captured by Israel.
They were only markers. Not an actual event.
You've seemingly joined every church (other than the jw church which you deny you have belonged to to a fault) to hear you tell it, weird.
For someone that should be such an authority on what churches believe, you miss the mark a whole lot.
The point is the tetrads that coincide with Israeli holidays do stand out.
* With All the Blood Moon Prophecy Hype: Bob recommended two previous programs, and
The point is the tetrads that coincide with Israeli holidays do stand out.
The 7 out of the 55 that landed on a the holy days marked an event. The event did not happen on the eclipse but in a year around the tetrad.
1492 Spanish inquisition
1948 Israel becomes a nation
1967 6 day war. Jerusalem is captured by Israel.
They were only markers. Not an actual event.
And so the idiot starts up with his turning every post into this Darby bashing of his - I swear that has to be some kind of a homoerotic thing on your part towards that long since dead and buried, man.
Same old, same old, boring, boring, boring...
What a total, one sided idiot you continue to be...
There was a solar eclipse on Nisan 1 in 70 AD
It happened to fall right in the middle of the blood moon tetrad.
It also happened to fall during a Sabbatical year.
(Gen 1:14) And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: