That's a stupid picture! America is the NRA! We live here! Stop treating your neighbors like we're evil people censored!
Your problem is the SCOTUS, which is why President Trump won in November, because he said he'd nominate a non-leftist judge.
And he did. So he's the odds-on favorite to win in 2020 unless he doesn't run, the way I'm seeing things.
The only thing that would do anything, would be to repeal the Second Amendment and declare all civilian owned guns forbidden and illegal, and take them away.
There's nothing you can do with your made up common sense controls on guns, that would have stopped this rich and evil man from perpetrating this mass murder. He could have got his guns and done this deed just the same, no matter what made up and illegal common sense controls on guns Congress might put into unconstitutional law.
The only other thing that would do anything, would be for Americans to start carrying rifles instead of pistols. There are right now something like a million American civilians who carry a handgun regularly. You'd never know it to read the headlines, because what else could possibly come from a million non-LEO civilians carrying around deadly weapons everyday but carnage and blood running in the streets, so obviously that's not happening, I'd put the odds of something untoward happening with these million Americans in the 10,000-to-1 range.
If we start carrying rifles instead of pistols everywhere, then that could help things. That could have stopped this demon possessed censored out in LVNV, or it would have at least dropped the death toll from 60-to-6. One person with a rifle on the ground could have stopped that sooner, and that could have saved lives. Those people in that venue were denied their right to life, because they didn't have any rifles, but the censored on the 32nd floor did.