New member
An old and close friend of mine recently looked me up online. Apparently he works to hunt down people's identity for one of those alphabet departments in Washington DC.
He told me that it took him the lesser part of 30 seconds to find me online. <smile>
I tried finding him a few years back, and couldn't find a trace. It turns out his boss doesn't allow him to have an identity online.
BTW - His last name... really is, "Smith!" :jawdrop:
When i was at college one of my assignments was to do with information on the internet.
I had to find out details about a guy i didn't know, all i had was a name and what he did for a living,
in 10mins just using the internet i found out where he lived where he worked, his career history, what car he drove where he parked and more.
(this was done with his prior consent)