ECT Great Commission

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Philippians 2
10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;

11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Did the Roman Army do that?

Spiritually. :plain:


18 But those things, which God before had shewed by the mouth of all his prophets, that Christ should suffer, he hath so fulfilled.

Paul is not prophesying in Phillipians 2. He is telling Christians how they should act.

It's about having humility. Paul tells about the humility of Christ, how He took the form of a servant and was obedient to death.

Afterwards the Father exalts Him above all things.

Paul's reference to Isaiah 45:23 is the same as when Paul referenced Isaiah 45:23 in Romans 14:11

It refers to the judgment.


He does not really believe that there will ever come a time when everything in the Universe will worship God.


When the Saints are finished reigning with Christ, and the thousand years are over, there is the resurrection of the unjust. They will stand before God the Father and be cast into the lake of fire with satan, death, fallen angels, etc.

Afterwards, at that point in time, every creature in the universe will worship God.

Why did you capitalize "universe"?

Cross Reference

New member
Paul is not prophesying in Phillipians 2. He is telling Christians how they should act.

It's about having humility. Paul tells about the humility of Christ, how He took the form of a servant and was obedient to death.

Afterwards the Father exalts Him above all things.

Paul's reference to Isaiah 45:23 is the same as when Paul referenced Isaiah 45:23 in Romans 14:11

It refers to the judgment.

One can readily assume correctly that what you believe did not originate with you or anything correctly understood from scripture. So, I ask, what books have you read that have guided you in your thinking? Maybe better asked: Who is your mentor?


One can readily assume correctly that what you believe did not originate with you or anything correctly understood from scripture. So, I ask, what books have you read that have guided you in your thinking? Maybe better asked: Who is your mentor?

The Law and Prophets were not fulfilled at the cross.

Even Dispensationalists acknowledge this. The difference between a Dispy and a Preterist is that the Preterists believe the Law and Prophets were filled by 70AD, whereas the Dispies claim they are yet to be fulfilled, and will be fulfilled after the BOC is secretly raptured away.

Cross Reference

New member
The Law and Prophets were not fulfilled at the cross.

Even Dispensationalists acknowledge this. The difference between a Dispy and a Preterist is that the Preterists believe the Law and Prophets were filled by 70AD, whereas the Dispies claim they are yet to be fulfilled, and will be fulfilled after the BOC is secretly raptured away.

Won't answer that post correctly either. What is your point if you can't be honest?


Then quit writing back out of willful stupidity!

The Law and Prophets did not end at the cross, nor did the old covenant end at the cross.

The writer of Hebrews said the following about the OC many years after the cross:

(Heb 8:13) By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.

As we see above, the OC was obsolete, but hadn't completely disappeared yet as of the time Hebrews was written.

Hebrews was written shortly before 70AD. Just like the writer of Hebrews said, the OC soon disappeared for good in 70AD.

We now live fully in the NC.

Cross Reference

New member
The Law and Prophets did not end at the cross, nor did the old covenant end at the cross.

The writer of Hebrews said the following about the OC many years after the cross:

(Heb 8:13) By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.

As we see above, the OC was obsolete, but hadn't completely disappeared yet as of the time Hebrews was written.

Hebrews was written shortly before 70AD. Just like the writer of Hebrews said, the OC soon disappeared for good in 70AD.

We now live fully in the NC.

Strike #3. A new covenant came into being when Jesus Died on the cross.


Right Divider

Body part
Poor confused Tet. What man taught you the nonsense that you express here on TOL?

When Jesus departed earth PHYSICALLY, the angels said that He would return IN LIKE MANNER.

You're so confused.


A new covenant came into being when Jesus Died on the cross.

That's correct.

The NC was put in place when Christ Jesus shed His blood on the cross. The NC began in 30AD.

However, there was an overlap of 40 years from when the NC was put in place, until the OC disappeared for good.

Which is why the writer of Hebrews said the following after the NC was in place, but before the OC disappeared:

(Heb 8:13) By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.

"has made" is past tense, and refers to the NC

"will soon" is future tense, and refers to the OC