Grace working?


Well-known member
You turn to Jesus Christ humbly as Lord and Savior. Surrendering control of your life to Him not metaphorically, but practically through fellowship, relationship and intimacy with Him through the Holy Spirit and His Word.

I agree, and particularly when you say, "His Word", for to me that means fully believing and carrying out his holy Testimony in my daily walk, that is, his full Testimony found in the Gospel accounts. :)

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
I agree, and particularly when you say, "His Word", for to me that means fully believing and carrying out his holy Testimony in my daily walk, that is, his full Testimony found in the Gospel accounts. :)

Praying that His supernatural presence fills you, His peace beyond understanding, His joy that nothing compares to, and His love that is so unfathomably good as you seek more and more of Him. His grace be with you!