TOL Subscriber
Here's a link to an expose on the Lutheran position, that represents Unlimited Atonement with Limited Election (in contrast to both Calvinism and Arminianism).
This is why I am not a Lutheran.
Within the Reformed circles, the same opinion exists, and we call it "Amyraldianism."
Those of us who staunchly hold to all five points of the Doctrines of Grace, believe this kind of denial of Limited Atonement, affects all the other four teachings, which develops into quite a lengthy discussion of "double predestination" and "absolute Sovereignty."
Please note that the thread speaks to God's saving grace as not being (quantitatively) universal; even though Reformers believe Christ's work of Atonement was (qualitatively) sufficient; being nothing less than the divine offering for sin provided by Jesus Christ.
This atonement totally satisfied the legal purpose and holy justice of God, including the destruction of those souls for whom it was not intended. Romans 9:22-23
Unfortunately, the Lutheran and Amyraldian views tend to neglect factoring in the necessary forensics of the cross, in their attempt to make the scriptural Gospel more palatable, and salve the humanistic lack of truly understanding the purity of God's Law.