And there's that tired "spectator" strawman silliness again. God has made man the object of His grace. The fact that there are those who frustrate it (lay it aside) doesn't mean He didn't make (poieo) Jesus singular anarthrous hamartia. That covers everyone for everything, inward and outward. What more could God have possibly done?
You seem to have forgotten what you said but a few minutes ago:
You insist man's volition can choose God, but man's mind in unrenewed to do so. This would require understanding the depth of what metanoia (repentance) means (as a noun, and then as a verb).
So we have (your view):
God covers everyone for everything but man cannot choose God.
And yet you still dare to assert that man frustrates it!
You miss the simple meaning of the word hamartia. It's the missing share or part, and is the condition of man from spiritual death. There's a void in man that can't do what you insist man can and must do to assist in saving himself.
If he's truly unable then you won't blame him for frustrating it.
That's because cognitive "action" is the innate functionality of the noun, not a verb. The cognitive action you refer to requires repentance (metanoia, the noun). Yes, repentance is a noun, from which the action comes forth. Repentance is granted by God. Man doesn't "do" it without the noun being granted for the verb to be the action.
God doesn't require what we cannot do. Man can't believe or repent. Only a renewed mind can do so. Only a renewed mind can cognize.
Strange how the apostles preached that we do those very things
Do you know what a copula or gerund are?
I'd have to look them up. Please tell me.
For simple reasons you refuse to understand because you insist on processing everything through a superimposed grid of Deism and Determinism, etc.
That explains nothing. I'll ask again:
Why would Paul agonise over his kinsmen if he understood faith as you do?
It's not. Jesus didn't die for certain OR all individuals. He died for sin.
Election is a ship with passengers, not reserved seats for individuals. "The Elect" is a category.
You're just avoiding the binaries you claim are false.