That doesn't begin to explain how my position reduces God in such a way.
One of God's incommunicable attributes is His Necessity. That's His non-contingency. Synergism is mutual contingency. It violates God's very eternal uncreated nature of existence.
Doesn't expalin how man as the spectator of his own translation from unbelief to belief has any worth at all.
Man isn't a spectator. That's a strawman. Man is refunctionalized from dys-/mal-/non-functionality by the same God who Monergistically created him completely functional originally. volition as the functionality of the will, which the mind employs toward object as subject. An unrenewed mind cannot employ the will toward the object of God's righteousness as subject. Man cannot even know God's inner standard for character and outer standard for conduct. To comprehend that, one would have to know what death (thanatos) means relative to man's spirit.
to believe hardly equates to this.
Yeah, wrong statement-based question. You insist man's volition can choose God, but man's mind in unrenewed to do so. This would require understanding the depth of what metanoia (repentance) means (as a noun, and then as a verb).
How scriptures such as Romans 10:1ff has any real meaning for you considering what you think actually occurs is unclear.
Romans 10:2 speaks of them having a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge (oida). Oida is the spiritual intuitive knowledge that comes with spiritual life. In spiritual death, man doesn't have this. This is what one is resurrected TO when translated into Christ by grace (the noun) through faith (the noun) {which cometh by hearing, the noun; which is by means of the Word of God}.
God's Word is the means of salvation, not our acting/s.
What is man's worth above that of programmed creation PPS?
Man is God's entire purpose for creation. To procreate. To have children. Though they're not innately divine, but created. You're so transfixed on lobbying for the worth of man, you miss the worth of God that He bestows upon man and imputes to Him in Christ.
We are the object of His grace, and He's the one true and living God who IS love. There is no greater worth than being the His entire focus for the original creation and the new creation in Christ who is His eternal and uncreated Logos, proceeded forth into creation as the Son, and manifest in the likeness of sinful flesh for our redemption.
Our worth is that, even when in our sins, Christ died for us. God, who doesn't NEED anything, and who IS Necessity as the Creator, so loved us that He first created us and then redeemed us.
You say nothing of the worthlessness of men who would deny such a God and Savior. You say nothing of the unmatched and immeasurable riches and glory and holiness and righteousness of the Most High God. All you can go on about is man, man, man; and trying to make a case for man's worth in spiritual death and sin, and pride and lust, and concupiscence in the heart, and every vanity and stubbornness and disobedience that the world has seen for these thousands of years.
All that, and you want to lobby for man's worth? Seriously?!
If you knew the eternal glory of God given to man in Christ for all everlasting, you would be on your face in humility instead of ranting about the worth of man in the face of an almighty God and His sinless Son sent to die for the sin of the whole world.
Is God so lacking in omniscience and omnipotence that He could not create real humans able to make real decision WHILST still remaining in control?
This is the most illegitimate false platform I've encountered in some time. It's a horribly wrong question, and the presupposition is the Edenic lie itself.
God is non-contingent. That's His Necessity. So there is not only no possibility for Him to be in a contingent Synergistic mutuality with His creation, but there's in the multi-versity of all contingent potentialities there is not one that is not in His eternal uncreated mind. There is no contingent situation, occasion, circumstance, or occurance that could be considered throughout all human history (and that "science" wants to erroneously postulate as "multi-verse theory" of infinite universes) that God is not sovereign over.
Creation isn't "programmed". You're overlaying and integrating Deism and Determinism, along with a few other modern "isms" to get an odd syncretic confluence of human expectations to place upon God.
And you don't have the slightest idea about Ponerology (Evil-ology) or Hamartiology. You can't comprehend the Theodicy for God and creation.
I could sit down with you for months and expound extensive minutiae that you've never even thought to ask, and from every perspective to include or exclude.
Right now, you don't want to know. You've self-determined it all for yourself, and you're neither a linguist nor a theologian.
There's something stuck in you. I'm not sure what it is. It may be why you walked away from the Faith. I don't know. But I DO know you're positing wrong statements and questions from a faulty conceptualization as an English thinker/speaker, first and foremost. The rest is whatever hurts you or haunts you, or whatever. I pray you find enough peace to be able to hear this Word.