Grace Is The Law Of Christ


New member
I said
lol If your going to make claims that are full of oxymorons. And its obvious you don't know scripture to back it up. Then I will have to show you your faults carnally. Your full of idle words. That have no foundation or conclusions.

Matt 12:34-37
34 "Brood of vipers! How can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
35 "A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things.
36 "But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment.
37 "For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned."

Why Yes Squeaky!!!! -- Any False ~christian can give those verses to ANY Other False ~christian!!! -- You haven't given Anything against what I said YET!!! -- Prove what you said; - That (( "GRACE IS A Law" ))!!!!! - Grace is NOT A Law, The Law of Grace Protects Grace for you're Kind!!!

Prove Me Wrong Squeaky!!!!!!

Paul, David -- 090214


Why Yes Squeaky!!!! -- Any False ~christian can give those verses to ANY Other False ~christian!!! -- You haven't given Anything against what I said YET!!! -- Prove what you said; - That (( "GRACE IS A Law" ))!!!!! - Grace is NOT A Law, The Law of Grace Protects Grace for you're Kind!!!

Prove Me Wrong Squeaky!!!!!!

Paul, David -- 090214

I said
lol What color is the sky in your world. Go back and read my last two posts. Grace is not the law of Christ. Grace brought us the law of Christ.


New member
Why Yes Squeaky!!!! -- Any False ~christian can give those verses to ANY Other False ~christian!!! -- You haven't given Anything against what I said YET!!! -- Prove what you said; - That (( "GRACE IS A Law" ))!!!!! - Grace is NOT A Law, The Law of Grace Protects Grace for you're Kind!!!

Prove Me Wrong Squeaky!!!!!!

Paul, David -- 090214


New member
I said
lol What color is the sky in your world. Go back and read my last two posts. Grace is not the law of Christ. Grace brought us the law of Christ.

The NAME Of Your ( Impossible Reading Thread's ) Title IS: (( "Grace "IS the LAW" of Christ" ))!! - Now you change the TITLE!!!!??

Paul, David -- 090214


The Law of "Grace" is to protect Christians from Liars of False Christians!! - Grace is Not a Law, but is protected BUT A "Law of Grace".

Paul, David -- 090214
The words "law of grace" are not found in the Bible (searched NASB).


New member
The words "law of grace" are not found in the Bible (searched NASB).

There doesn't Have to be, but there IS Just the same Idea of IT written!!! - Even Squeaky SEES That. - Maybe You can't see anything, that IS Still Truth!!!- Just deny everything you want to say that is not in the Word of God. - You just spoke a bunch that is Not Written, SOOOO Now What shall You DOOO, or SAY?????

Paul, David 090214


There doesn't Have to be, but there IS Just the same Idea of IT written!!! - Even Squeaky SEES That. - Maybe You can't see anything, that IS Still Truth!!!- Just deny everything you want to say that is not in the Word of God. - You just spoke a bunch that is Not Written, SOOOO Now What shall You DOOO, or SAY?????

Paul, David 090214
Only because I know what the Bible says, and because I searched the Bible to make sure, do I know that the Bible does not say "law of grace".


New member
Only because I know what the Bible says, and because I searched the Bible to make sure, do I know that the Bible does not say "law of grace".

The Wording of the Bible IS Just Parables of what God IS Saying In TRUTH!! -- The Wording IS NOT Truth, but only Parables of the TRUTH!!! - God Just says that!!!

The ( TRUTH ), is unseen by the Lost; You Only see the Wording; - and the Letter of the Bible kills you!! -- READ IT!! -- ((( 2 Corinthians 3:6 KJV ))) -- 6- "(( Who also "Hath" made US, // (( Not the Fools )) -- able ministers )) (( of the "New Testament" // (( The Wording )); --- ((((( Not of the letter ))))), (( but of the Spirit )): ((((( for the Letter killeth, but the "Spirit" giveth Life )))))!!!

What does God SAY??? - THAT The Letter is the Truth that Saves?? -- ((( NO!! ))), It's the Spirit of the Letter, // The Spirit of the Word, // The Spirit of ( CHRIST ), HE Saves / Gives LIFE, NOT what YOU READ!!!!!! - How foolish can one get?????

Paul, David 090214


The Wording of the Bible IS Just Parables of what God IS Saying In TRUTH!! -- The Wording IS NOT Truth, but only Parables of the TRUTH!!! - God Just says that!!!

The ( TRUTH ), is unseen by the Lost; You Only see the Wording; - and the Letter of the Bible kills you!! -- READ IT!! -- ((( 2 Corinthians 3:6 KJV ))) -- 6- "(( Who also "Hath" made US, // (( Not the Fools )) -- able ministers )) (( of the "New Testament" // (( The Wording )); --- ((((( Not of the letter ))))), (( but of the Spirit )): ((((( for the Letter killeth, but the "Spirit" giveth Life )))))!!!

What does God SAY??? - THAT The Letter is the Truth that Saves?? -- ((( NO!! ))), It's the Spirit of the Letter, // The Spirit of the Word, // The Spirit of ( CHRIST ), HE Saves / Gives LIFE, NOT what YOU READ!!!!!! - How foolish can one get?????

Paul, David 090214
You asked if "law of grace" is not in the Bible, what does the Bible say? That is, what IS in the Bible? I know the Law is in the Bible and I know the law of Christ is in the Bible. I also know the Bible speaks of the law of sin and death.

Do you remember what the principle is?


New member
i thought it was all in the precepts :idunno:

EEEEEE God!!!!

God didn't say that, but did say this!!!!!:::: ((( Matthew 13:34 KJV ))) -- 34- "((( All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in Parables ))); (( AND )) ((( Without a Parable spake He not unto them )))". --//-----

IN the whole Word of God, what did Jesus Not speak??? - Point that out to US!!!

But continue to spit, and play your silly GAMES - like the rest of the Fools!!!!

Paul, David -- 090214


Why Yes Squeaky!!!! -- Any False ~christian can give those verses to ANY Other False ~christian!!! -- You haven't given Anything against what I said YET!!! -- Prove what you said; - That (( "GRACE IS A Law" ))!!!!! - Grace is NOT A Law, The Law of Grace Protects Grace for you're Kind!!!

Prove Me Wrong Squeaky!!!!!!

Paul, David -- 090214

I said
ROFLOL you talk in riddles and oxymorons. You proved yourself wrong in what you said. You usually do. Everyone just assmes you will finally see it yourself.


New member
You asked if "law of grace" is not in the Bible, what does the Bible say? That is, what IS in the Bible? I know the Law is in the Bible and I know the law of Christ is in the Bible. I also know the Bible speaks of the law of sin and death.

Do you remember what the principle is?

(((( TRUTH ))))!!!!! (( CHRIST )), The Word of God in SPIRIT, not in the Letter. - Christ is no longer the Letter, or the Word of God, BUT The Spirit of the Word of GOD. -- If You Can't (( SEE )) That, I cannot Help You; You are Blind to the Word / Christ! / Truth / The LOVE OF GOD!!! -- You ALL don't even Know what the Love of God IS, or what the GLORY of God IS!! -- How can God Help an Unbeliever past any obstacle of the World or Satan?? - None of you care anything about what GOD SAYS!!!! -- It's all about (( YOU )), and what you SAY the Word of God IS; -- Not the Truth / Christ!!!

Paul, David 090214


(((( TRUTH ))))!!!!! (( CHRIST )), The Word of God in SPIRIT, not in the Letter. - Christ is no longer the Letter, or the Word of God, BUT The Spirit of the Word of GOD. -- If You Can't (( SEE )) That, I cannot Help You; You are Blind to the Word / Christ! / Truth / The LOVE OF GOD!!! -- You ALL don't even Know what the Love of God IS, or what the GLORY of God IS!! -- How can God Help an Unbeliever past any obstacle of the World or Satan?? - None of you care anything about what GOD SAYS!!!! -- It's all about (( YOU )), and what you SAY the Word of God IS; -- Not the Truth / Christ!!!

Paul, David 090214
It is plain enough if you do a search for those words in the Bible. You can do it yourself. I have already done it for you.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
(((( TRUTH ))))!!!!! (( CHRIST )), The Word of God in SPIRIT, not in the Letter. - Christ is no longer the Letter, or the Word of God, BUT The Spirit of the Word of GOD. -- If You Can't (( SEE )) That, I cannot Help You; You are Blind to the Word / Christ! / Truth / The LOVE OF GOD!!! -- You ALL don't even Know what the Love of God IS, or what the GLORY of God IS!! -- How can God Help an Unbeliever past any obstacle of the World or Satan?? - None of you care anything about what GOD SAYS!!!! -- It's all about (( YOU )), and what you SAY the Word of God IS; -- Not the Truth / Christ!!!

Paul, David 090214

So, are you insinuating that, only YOU have the truth?


New member
So, are you insinuating that, only YOU have the truth?

I Said what I Said, Now Make anything out of it You Can For your own destructive purpose!! ------ Wow, - Maybe I can't say something like to YOU!!!!! -- I had Best be -- R-E-A-L -- ~quiet!!!!

BY!!!! -- You can have this AGAIN!!!!!!! -- You get nothing for ALL Your Breaking of the Rules,, ----- I DO!!!! --- ((( BY )))!!!!!

Paul, David -- 090214