Gospel of the Kingdom vs. Gospel of the Grace of God

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Gospel of the Kingdom vs. Gospel of the Grace of God​


Justin Johnson

“Go, and preach the gospel!”

Most every Christian would agree this is what the church is supposed to do. Most every Christian has been told that the word ‘gospel’ means good news or glad tidings.

The natural question that nobody asks should be, “what is the good news?”, or “which gospel?” Hardly anyone asks this. Everyone tries to “preach the gospel” without any agreement of what it is.

There are many gospel messages in the Bible. When Christians fail to see the difference in the gospel message revealed to the apostle Paul from other gospels in the Bible, then what the church preaches becomes an uncertain sound and causes confusion.

Below is a comparison between the gospel of the grace of God, and another popular gospel, the gospel of the kingdom.

Gospel of the Kingdom
(Mark 1:14)
Gospel of Grace
(Acts 20:24)
Preaches the soon coming of the king and his kingdom (Matt 3:2)Preaches the grace of God for salvation (Rom 3:22-26)
The king and kingdom was promised to the nation of Israel (Luke 1:69)The grace of God is offered freely to all (Rom 3:22)
The kingdom was spoken about since the world began (Acts 3:21-25)The dispensation of God’s grace was kept secret since the world began (Rom 16:25)
Killing the king is a sad and wicked thing (Luke 24:17; Acts 2:23)The crucifixion of Christ is our glory (Gal 6:14)
The cross of Christ was not part of the message (Luke 9:2 vs. Luke 18:34)Requires preaching the cross (1 Corinthians 15:1-4)
Resurrection was not part of the message (John 20:9)Preaching is vain without the resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:14)
The kingdom requires performance (1 John 2:3; Matt 25:32-46)God’s grace motivates a purpose in your heart (2 Cor 9:7; 2 Cor 5:14-15)
The kingdom will benefit everyone on earth (Rev 20:3-4; Isa 2:3-4)God’s grace unto salvation benefits only those that believe (Rom 3:22)
Salvation comes in the future when the kingdom comes (Acts 3:19; Heb 9:28; 1 Pet 1:5)Salvation comes at the moment of belief (Eph 1:13; Rom 5:1)
To be saved requires enduring to the end (Matt 24:13)To be saved requires believing your work has come to an end (Rom 4:5)
There is a difference between Jew and Gentile in the kingdom (Matt 15:26; Zech 8:23)There are no Jews or Gentiles in the church in this dispensation of grace (Gal 3:28)
Was given to the Twelve apostles of Israel to preach (Acts 1:3)Was given to the apostle of the Gentiles to preach (Rom 11:13; 1 Cor 9:17; Eph 3:1-2)
Waiting for a kingdom of heaven to come to earth (Matt 6:10)Preaching for those on earth to trust Christ and go to heaven (Eph 2:6-7)
The kingdom will be a visible presence on earth (Matt 24:27; Rev 19:11)God’s grace is by faith and not by sight (2 Cor 5:7)
Healing of the sick was a sign of the kingdom (Matt 4:23; Mark 16:18)The lack of healing is a sign of God’s sufficient grace (2 Cor 12:8-10)
Water baptism prepares Israel to enter the kingdom (Matt 3:3; Acts 2:38)Baptism by the Spirit places us in the Body of Christ (1 Cor 12:13)
Continued obedience to the commandments required (Matt 23:13)Justified without the law of Moses; not under the law (Acts 13:39; Rom 6:14)
Faith without works is dead (James 2:24)Faith in the finished work of Christ gives peace and life (Rom 4:5; Rom 5:1)
These are just a few of the differences between preaching the gospel of the kingdom and the gospel of the grace of God. These are only two of the many gospels in the Bible.

If the church agrees we are to preach the gospel, it is important that we get the message right and clear. Knowing the difference between the many gospels in the Bible is the difference between a confused church and a saved church.

Today, God is dispensing his grace to a world of sinners, not his kingdom to a world in righteous judgment. It is the church’s responsibility to make all men see this mystery operation of God (Eph 3:9).

Knowing what makes the gospel of the grace of God different is necessary to make our message clear enough so that God’s will be done (1 Tim 2:4).

“Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.” – 1 Timothy 2:4
Published: September 24, 2016
Last Modified: March 27, 2019


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Why did Paul's companion write the Gospel of Luke (which is supposedly a different gospel than Paul's)?

Acts a transition book.

Without it, without the transition from "Gospel" to "Pauline Epistle," from New Covenant to Dispensation of Grace, Paul's writings would seem to not have any place in the Bible.

In other words, the only reason Paul's writings fit in the Bible is because of the book of Acts, which explains why they are necessary, and necessarily part of Scripture.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Why did Paul's companion write the Gospel of Luke (which is supposedly a different gospel than Paul's)?

I think I read in Eusebius where some people thought Luke WAS Paul's Gospel. The theory comports with Paul saying that Christ rose from the dead "according to" his Gospel—that is recorded in Luke, after all.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Maybe, but that's not the reason I'm looking for.

I think I remember seeing that Luke and Acts are the two longest books in the New Testament, in terms of word count? I might be wrong, but they are both rather long.

But yeah, doesn't it seem like, if taken as a two-volume set, that you have the Gospel which ends with the crucifixion and Resurrection, and then Acts which begins with the Apostles preaching about what happened in the Gospel? and then Paul shows up? And there doesn't seem to be any place where there's a real split between the Gospel which was preached in early Acts, and the Gospel Paul's preaching at the end of Acts—seems like in both cases it's the Gospel ... according to Luke, right? Like that's the two-volume set.


Well-known member
Acts a transition book.

Without it, without the transition from "Gospel" to "Pauline Epistle," from New Covenant to Dispensation of Grace, Paul's writings would seem to not have any place in the Bible.

In other words, the only reason Paul's writings fit in the Bible is because of the book of Acts, which explains why they are necessary, and necessarily part of Scripture.
Certainly that's true. But is it less true without the book of Luke? If not, then why does Luke need to write a "Kingdom Gospel", which he certainly did AFTER the transition had started, when the other gospel accounts (Matthew and Mark) would have sufficed. And why doesn't he explain that the Jews in the Jerusalem church were all saved by works, instead of being saved by grace? If he's showing a transition, it ought to really show the transition FROM something different than what it ended up as. Just adding Gentiles is not a big enough transition.


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Certainly that's true. But is it less true without the book of Luke? If not, then why does Luke need to write a "Kingdom Gospel", which he certainly did AFTER the transition had started, when the other gospel accounts (Matthew and Mark) would have sufficed.

Because Luke had a very analytical mind. He was a physician. He wanted to present the events of the first century in an orderly manner. Luke was his first book. Acts was his second book. Acts picks up where the other three gospels than his leave off.

Again, without Acts, Paul's epistles would have no context, and one could argue that they don't fit, and should be removed.

Luke itself contains information diffferent from (as in, presented in a different manner, not that it teaches something contradictory to) the other gospels. Instead of referring to Golgotha, he calls it Calvary. He presents Jesus' lineage in accordance with Him being the son of a common man, Joseph, as opposed to Matthew's presentation of Him being of royal blood.

And why doesn't he explain that the Jews in the Jerusalem church were all saved by works, instead of being saved by grace?

Not "saved by works." Justified.

And he did. He wrote Luke.

If he's showing a transition, it ought to really show the transition FROM something different than what it ended up as. Just adding Gentiles is not a big enough transition.

Acts is the transition book. Not Luke.

Luke starts Acts off as a continuation of his first book, Luke.

You ask "Why is Luke required," and that's why, because it provides the context for Acts.

Luke was written to provide the context. Acts was written to show the transition from what was, to what is.


Active member
Because Luke had a very analytical mind. He was a physician. He wanted to present the events of the first century in an orderly manner. Luke was his first book. Acts was his second book. Acts picks up where the other three gospels than his leave off.

Again, without Acts, Paul's epistles would have no context, and one could argue that they don't fit, and should be removed.

Luke itself contains information diffferent from (as in, presented in a different manner, not that it teaches something contradictory to) the other gospels. Instead of referring to Golgotha, he calls it Calvary. He presents Jesus' lineage in accordance with Him being the son of a common man, Joseph, as opposed to Matthew's presentation of Him being of royal blood.

Not "saved by works." Justified.

And he did. He wrote Luke.

Acts is the transition book. Not Luke.

Luke starts Acts off as a continuation of his first book, Luke.

You ask "Why is Luke required," and that's why, because it provides the context for Acts.

Luke was written to provide the context. Acts was written to show the transition from what was, to what is.
JudgeRightly: If you will look at the four Gospels through the eyes of the writer you will see:
Matthew a Jew, presents Jesus as the Messiah, The Lion of the Tribe of Judah
Mark, present Jesus Christ as the obedient servant of God
Luke, a doctor presents Jesus Christ as the perfect man, the son of man.
John, the Beloved present Jesus Christ as the Son of GOD.

Throughout each book, the writer and the Author (God) presents itself as the above suggest.

Have a good day,